We would like to extend a warm welcome to you for our services today which are led by Pastor Mark Gladwell and Wes McNab.Today's meetings:
Harvest Thanksgiving
The non-perishable gifts will be donated to Fegan's Homes and the offerings today will be for the work of Christian Compassion Ministries in the Philippines as they provide sanctuary for street children.10.15am Sunday Prayer Meeting in cottage
11.00am Morning Service
4.00pm Tea
5.00pm Family Service - Speaker: Wes McNab - All are welcome to the after church fellowship.
Weekly meetings:
7.15am Prayer for revival
8.15pm Deacons Meeting at Pastors
9.30 to 11 Mums & Tots
3.45 to 4.45 Children's Hour
6.45 to 8.00 KIC club
For Year 4,5 & 6 children.
2.00pm Ladies Rest Anniversary - Speaker: Pastor Mark - All welcome and to tea
7.45pm Bible study and prayer meeting - Speaker: Paul - John 17 "Looking up to heaven"
Annual Meetings - please see notes
11.00 & 6.30 Sunday Services - Led by Pastor
Thought for the week:
"The LORD is your keeper; the LORD is your shade at your right hand." Psalm 121:5
Prayer For the church:
Pray for the Annual Meetings on Saturday
Please pray for the Deacons' meeting on Tuesday.
Please pray for the directors of CCIW as they plan next year's camps.
Prayer For The Local Area:
Downe is the church on our Prayer Diary for week beginning the 30th September. The church correspondent writes: "We rejoice in God's provision of a pastor as Richard Peskett, together with his wife Telda, joins us in October. We further thank God for his provision of itinerant ministry over the past 18 months."
For Wider Area:
Protests and hope in Burma/Myanmar
Buddhist monks and other protesters flooded the streets of Myanmar's biggest city this week in a strong show of dissent against the ruling generals. At least 30,000 people swarmed through the streets of Burma's main city, the largest protests since a 1988 democracy uprising led by students was brutally put down by the army.
Demonstrations began August 19 as a movement against economic hardship after the government raised fuel prices, but it's about more than the high cost of living. Voice of the Martyrs' Todd Nettleton says, "These protests are really a response to the difficulty of life there and pressure on the government to grant more rights to the people of Myanmar," which are often denied for Christians.
Myanmar ranks 18th in the Open Door World Watch list, a semi-annual release ranking countries according to the level of persecution Christians face for actively pursuing their faith.
Nettleton says, "One of the great challenges in a time of turmoil like this is just to live in peace and to live in confidence, whatever happens in the country. He says the church remains active. Believers are spreading the Gospel, he explains, "and I think that's part of why the government is uncomfortable with the growth of the church, because Christians are reaching out and being effective. We can pray that that will continue. And we can pray for their protection."
The Far East Broadcasting Company is bringing truth and light to lost souls, FEBC-Myanmar reaches out to people by radio to bring them hope in their native languages.
As radio is a main form of entertainment in the nation, the discipleship and evangelistic programs broadcast by FEBC have a far-reaching ministry. Radio dramas and music are available in the native languages of Burmese, Shan, and many others. Stories pour in of the impact radio programs have had on Buddhist monks and priests, and how their lives have been impacted by the Gospel.
God is performing life-altering works and miracles through this radio ministry, but much prayer is still needed. The Director has a diabetic condition and needs your prayers. Also, please lift up the labourers bringing freedom to the nations through the FEBC programming.
Weekly Bible Readings:
Mon 1st Oct
Job 16 & Hebrews 4
Tue 2nd Oct
Job 17 & Hebrews 5
Wed 3rd Oct
Job 18 & Hebrews 6
Thur 4th Oct
Job 19 & Hebrews 7
Fri 5th Oct
Job 20 & Hebrews 8
Sat 6th Oct
Job 21 & Hebrews 9
Sun 7th Oct
Job 22 & Hebrews 10
General Announcements:
Saturday Annual Meetings of the A.G.B.C. next Saturday A program and maps are available from Paul Daniel, Sarah, Rachel, Paul, Janet and Joyce have offered help on the day. There is still help needed for the creche and stewarding and another first aider would be helpful. If you are able to be there for the first part of the day, Michael Burch has asked us to be there for a drink at 10a.m. when he will sort out duties. If those who have offered to do anything want to know what they may be doing, let me know and I will contact Michael. He is particularly short 1st Aid cover for the second half of the day.
The Annual Meeting in the morning when Peter Day will preach should be the main meeting for friends to attend, but the afternoon seminar about the Thames Gateway project and its opportunities for church planting should also be helpful. */Members' meeting /* /Any matters members want to be considered by the officers should be handed to the secretary in writing today./ *Next Sunday*.