We would like to extend a warm welcome to you for our services today which are led by Pastor Mark Gladwell.Today's meetings:
9.45am Children's Bible Club
10.15am Sunday Prayer Meeting in cottage
11.00am Morning Service
6.30pm Evening Service
All are welcome to the after church fellowship at Bruce & Margarets.
Weekly meetings:
9.30am to 11.00am Mums & Tots
3.45pm to 4.45pm Children's Hour
6.45pm to 8.00pm KIC club - For Year 4, 5 & 6 children.
2.00 Ladies Rest Hour - Mrs Dawson
7.45 Bible study and prayer meeting - Speaker: Pastor
6.00pm Barbercue
7.00pm approx "Life story part 2"
11.00am Harvest Thanksgiving - Pastor
4.00pm Tea
5.00pm Family Service - Wes McNab
Offering for the work of C.C.M. in the Philippines
And non perishable goods for Fegans Homes.
Thought for the week:
"He will not allow your foot to be moved; He who keeps you will not slumber. Behold, He who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep."
Psalm 121:3-4
Prayer For the church:
David and Elaine would like to thank friends from the congregation for their prayers, especially after a threatened miscarriage on Thursday. Please pray that God may over rule and the baby may grow healthily.
Pray for our out-reach activity on Saturday.
Continue to pray for the midweek meetings: mums and tots, children's hour KIC club, rest hour and FOY.
Pray Fiona(camp) and Nathan as they get married this Saturday.
Prayer For The Local Area:
Beech Hill. Give thanks for a great Summer. A flooded church, new carpets and opportunities to speak with neighbours! We had a wonderful open-air and two local show stalls.
Bromley. Our young people will be leading our evening service today with our pastor probably preaching on a topic particularly chosen by them.
Prayer For The Wider Area:
Charles Woodrow Family - Nampula - Mozambique
Last month we hosted the 2007 FIEL Conference, always our single most important event of the year. This was the largest conference so far, with 178 church leaders and wives attending from nine of Mozambique's ten provinces.
The majority of these people came from outside Nampula, so it is truly a conference of national scope. Karl Peterson organizes the program while I handle the local logistics. I felt this year's messages were the most pertinent we have yet had in addressing the challenges that Mozambican churches must deal with, particularly in the area of nominalism.
Jim Elliff from the States addressed those matters practically, directly, and concisely, while Paulo Brasil from Brazil gave stirring messages on the Reformed doctrines that undergird sound church polity. We were grateful for the labours of both men and hope they will be able to return for future conferences. We were particularly pleased with the contribution from Paulo Brasil, as our pool of Portuguese speaking preachers is small, though we desire to have at least one of our two speakers each year preach in the local language.
Radio programs in Portuguese:
This past week I was contacted by a Christian brother wanting assistance in preparing Christian broadcasts on a radio station owned by a local church. Christian radio programming is apparently unknown in this formerly Marxist country, so the church, which has had the license for the station for some years now, only plays music, much of it secular like all the other stations. When this Christian brother had the "novel" idea of using air time for Bible lessons and evangelistic messages he contacted me as a possible resource for preparing those broadcasts. He is a patron of our bookroom and thought the owner of a Christian bookstore might be open to other "novel" ideas for disseminating the gospel. I would like much to get involved, but the time commitment seems prohibitive.
I am mentioning it here for two reasons. Does anyone have contacts through which I can arrange good Portuguese language broadcasts for this brother? If so, please tell us! And to everyone, please pray that God would guide and bless the initiative of this brother in organizing Christian radio programming for Nampula and bless my efforts to help him find good resources.
Weekly Bible Readings:
Mon 24th Sep
Job 9 & Titus 1
Tue 25th Sep
Job 10 & Titus 2
Wed 26th Sep
Job 11 & Titus 3
Thur 27th Sep
Job 12 & Philemon
Fri 28th Sep
Job 13 & Hebrews 1
Sat 29th Sep
Job 14 & Hebrews 2
Sun 30th Sep
Job 15 & Hebrews 3
General Announcements:
Camp Reunion
If anyone has some spare time in next week or so to write and seal 50 envelopes inviting campers to camp reunion, please let Ralph know. Your help would be very much appreciated.
Want to get fit?
If you would like to have some fun getting fit, please see either Sarah or Debbie. This is open to everyone on a Monday evening from 7.30 pm.
Members' Meeting
Please let the secretary have any matters in writing for consideration by the officers next Sunday.