Well my house has 9 new, cute, little chicken peeps. My niece and I ordered 18 peeps. They were mail order so I knew the approximate time for them to be shipped - I can only imagine what they experienced in the USPS.... Well the call came from the post office to come pick up our chicks. Woo hoo!! My honey and son had made a very nice box for them, we had the food, the heat lamp, buddy we were like expectant parents. Ok 'I' was like an expectant parent the male members of my flock aren't that thrilled with chickens. The peeps are an assortment of breeds. They were and still are just adorable.I could stand there and just watch them. They take up my time. I water, feed, check room temperature, clean their pen and even moved my car out of the garage for the pen. I spend money and time on a bird that will not lay an egg for about 26 weeks, will most likely make a mess on my porch when they free range, and will keep costing me time and money, Oh and to top it off, right now they act like tiny little nut jobs when I approach them. So why do I bother? Because I see the value in them. I take joy in them in every stage of their lives even though I know it will cost me something. Matthew 23:37 "O Jeusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!" God has placed a great value on us even when we do not put value in Him. Romans 5:8 "But God commendeth his love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." Jonah was told by God to go to Nineveh and warn them of impending judgment. Jonah's attitude was one of "they deserve what's coming to them." Jonah could only see the 'mess'; he didn't see their value. Ninevites were a cruel people; yet,God still loved them.God saw what He could do with them if they just would put their faith and trust in Him. What's your attitude today? Can you see only the mess or can you see how God sees you and where you are today? It is crucial to have a daily time of Bible reading and prayer. It is also important be in a church that is faithfully preaching His Word. If you are ever in the Brogue area please stop by and worship with us!