I have a garden. Now I use the term "garden" in a broad sense of the term. In reality I should say it is a "weed patch with a few vegatables". Last year my green beans did really well so of course I planted them again this year. Now in case you haven't read previous posts, my garden had become a bunny nursery. I couldn't bring myself to remove them once I found their nests. You would think those bunnies would have mercy on my vegetables the fact that they were alive was thanks to me. You'd think but you would be WRONG. My green beans looked so nice until one morning I come to find only stems. I was still living in denial - could be some kind of worm must be a worm. But now I'm actively chasing bunnies out of their comfort zone. Green beans grow back. Peter Rabbit comes back. Now we're chasing rabbits anywhere they're spotted. All I'm asking is to leave my green beans alone. After the second time, I'm ready to just mow the stems down. Nope I gave it another try. I made sure the holes in the fence were fixed, I let the dog chase them (deep breath bunny lovers because my dog is lazy and only goes so far), I held out hope one last time. Imagine how I felt while hanging out the laundry to realize I had been defeated. Now it is only green beans, I get that, so I'll buy them. There are times when the disapointments are truly heart breaking and overwhelming. I realize there are those who are home and all they see is the television news. The news reports gloom and doom. Watch it long enough and you'll find yourself feeling like you're in a valley. God is still on the throne!! There are blessings to be had in the valley. No matter your circumstance at this moment; God has something for you today. The valley may not end immediately, but God will never leave you there. Pastor preached the sermon "Refreshing Truths of the Valley" on 6/24/2020. If your valley is dark, open God's Word, speak to Him, and reach out to your Pastor or someone you trust. Valleys always have a beginning and they always have an ending - you are not alone. God Bless....