Last night my youngest boy and I went out to the garden to plant a few more pepper plants. When we had collected all the supplies, he sat down on the ground while I decided on where I wanted to plant. I came back and noticed that one of my little tomato plants was suddenly all withered. I asked , "Did you step on this plant?" "No, Mom, I did not 'step' on the plant." We walked around a bit and I asked again. He assured me he hadn't but I could tell by his tone of voice he was teasing me. Fine ... "Did you 'lay' on the plant.?" "No". I wasn't annoyed or angry but I knew this fourteen year old son of mine was wanting me to keep on asking. We were laughing and talking when he said with a grin, "OK, Mom, I accidentally pulled it up while I was lying on the ground." He pointed out that he hadn't lied and indeed he hadn't 'lain' on it or 'stepped' on it. We laughed and if I for a moment thought he was intentionally decieving me and not just teasing it would have been dealt with immediately. I knew from the beginning he had done something because I could tell by his grin and tone of voice. Satan is a deceiver. He wants to deceive us in order to destroy our testimony or prevent the lost from accepting Christ. The virus has affected so many aspects of our lives but sadly it has been used greatly by Satan to cause division in the church. I have heard of people leaving Godly, solid churches because they thought the Pastor had not taken enough sanitizing measures in the church, or they left because the Pastor had taken too much sanitizing measures. I'm not doubting these individuals' salvation or love for the Lord, but they have been deceived. Leave a church because you've had to relocate; leave a church if that church no longer preaches God's Word; do NOT leave it because they did not follow your opinion. Pastor preached "The Road Map For Overcoming Bad Habits" on 5/31/2020. It is a message to help all of us to stop being deceived and start moving forward for Christ.