Scarcely had I passed them when I found him whom my soul loves. I held him, and would not let him go until I had brought him into my mother's house, and into the chamber of her who conceived me.Song of Solomon 3:4
In the evening service of October 7, 1877, Mr. Spurgeon preached, “…there will be many here to whom these chapters that we have read out of Solomon’s Song will seem very strange. Of course they will; for they are meant for the inner circle of believers in the Lord.” Though the words of these chapters speak of the mutual love between Solomon and his Shulamite bride, biblical love must always direct us to God’s love in, by and through Jesus Christ. The inner circle of whom Spurgeon addresses are those saved by grace, true believers. The ‘Lord, Lord’ crowd (Matt 7:21-23) and those possessing the faith of devils (Jas 2:19) will scarce understand. They do not seek whom the soul loves (Song 3:1) because they seek not the Lord (Rom 3:11). We, on the other hand, “Seek the LORD while he may be found [and] call upon him while he is near” (Isa 55:6). Christ is near to those whom He has saved. Therefore, we seek Him and call to Him. When we find our beloved Jesus, it is He whom our souls love, He whom our souls embrace. We see Him in the pages of Scripture and rejoice. To find otherwise is faithless and useless, “for,” saith He, “apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:5). We hold Christ Jesus, whom we love and have found, and the world becomes filled with hope. We bring him into the dwellings of our birth and introduce our King who has graciously extended His love, revealing the depth of His own soul by bearing our iniquities and suffering infinite wrath to make us His own. When consumed with Jesus, we see Him not only with potential grace upon those who don’t know Him, but also in the faces of those who do, the “daughters of Jerusalem” (Song 3:5a), who are ever submissive to the King’s will and good pleasure (Song 3:5b).
In passing by Christ’s watchmen we Will find His love’s embrace; For Christ is whom our souls must see Till we’re joined face to face.
Today's M'Cheyne Reading Schedule: 4/28 - Num 5; Psa 39; Song 3; Heb 3
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