My beloved is mine, and I am his; Song of Solomon 2:16
There are times for many of us when we don’t feel particularly saved. Situations and circumstances may overwhelm us. The simple aches and pains of aging one more day can rob us of joy. Spontaneous praise from the heart may have missed a beat and the simplest song, which dripped so effortlessly from the tongue in times past, seems a struggle. Jesus, our Beloved, sometimes doesn’t feel so close. Doesn’t seem to be “mine.” Sometimes it is the unseen spiritual warfare which steals our joy of intimacy with Christ (Matt 13:4). Most typically, however, the corruptions of our flesh rob us of Christ’s truth and the divine fruit of His Spirit (Gal 5:17). The Lord Jesus is certainly and truly yours if you are saved by grace. He declares it so throughout the Scriptures. We all know the New Testament support for assurance: “Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life” (1 Jn 5:12). Note the ownership and possession of the verse, “Whoever has…” Nevertheless, our flesh is fickle, attempting to convince us that the love of Christ that cannot and will not separate from the believer (Rom 8:39), has somehow departed. The remedy for such calamity is contained in our simple word today: I am his. Whenever assurance fails and doubts assail, go to the cross. There, at Calvary, remember: you belong to Jesus. You “are not your own, for you were bought with a price” (1 Cor 6:19-20). Jesus purchased you and me with eternal currency, costing Him a price He paid from head to foot. The crown of thorns, which took our curse, the nail which pierced His feet and bruised His heel to free us from Satan’s grip, these truths will reign and ring us in with the truth that, not only are you and I Christ’s most assuredly, but also that Jesus Christ is likewise yours and mine most eternally and intimately.
When fears assail and doubts prevail, Take all thoughts to the cross; Remember there, the Master’s care, Consider what life cost.
Today's M'Cheyne Reading Schedule: 4/27 - Num 4; Psa 38; Song 2; Heb 2
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