What if there were four simple times you could add to your schedule that would protect your marriage and keep it healthy? Would you give it a try? Proverbs 18:21
Death and life are in the power of the tongue: And they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.
1 Corinthians 15:33
Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.
Communication is the lifeblood of a marriage. When you can’t communicate, your relationship will deteriorate. The couple that doesn’t talk will at best be roommates and at worst separate.
Therefore, it is imperative that you protect your marriage by maintaining your ability to talk.
Keep the lines of communication open. Together, you can work through any problem, overcome any obstacle, and defeat any foe.
Here are 4 Scheduled Times That Will Protect Your Marriage.
1. A Daily Time To TALK.
Life happens fast. Every day brings new challenges and opportunities. A couple needs a daily time to talk through the details of the day, confirm their love, address challenges, and remain on the same page.
Also, this practice protects the other times you are together. If you know that you have a time set aside to talk, you can keep the rest of the day loving and sweet. No more being bombarded with problems when you walk in the door! It’s back to greeting one another with a hug and kiss. Who wouldn’t want that!?
When is the best time to plan this talk? Every family will be a bit different, but there are 2 times that seem to work best for most.
1. At The Start of the Day.
Connect at the beginning of the day if at all possible. Eat a bite of breakfast, drink a cup of coffee, and chat about the day. Since husbands and wives typically have different schedules, this means someone will be getting up earlier than needed to make it happen. It’s worth it.
2. After Dinner
Hopefully, you eat family dinner together. If not, I recommend you begin immediately. The benefits are far too numerous to list in this short format.
Set aside 15-20 minutes after dinner to talk. No electronics or tv. Just look at each other in the eyes and talk. I know it sounds radical, but you can do it!
Talk about your day. Listen to your love with interest. Empty your hearts of cares. Lean on one another in love. Brainstorm problems and come to solutions together. Express your love to one another.
2. A Nightly Time to Pray.
Of course, you should have your own walk with God reading the Bible and praying daily. If you are filled with the Spirit, you will be a much better person and spouse.
If you are blessed with a Christian spouse, it is imperative that you pray together each day. This could be after your daily talk or at bedtime. Either way, pray together.
What a shame if you share a bed, but don’t share your heart!
There is a closeness in group prayer that can come no other way. Also, it is comforting to hear your spouse talk to God.
Don’t neglect the amazing privilege to pray together.
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