"The Lord Willing" James 4:13-16 & Matthew 6 James continues to express concern for the fighting in the congregation as the Lord gives them over as they had asked of Him amiss. We too must learn how to ask of God in order to receive His grace humbly. He speaks of a business man as an example to drive home the point that this is an easy characteristic also for the child of God instead of "the Lord willing." Is that the way we live or just an empty saying or one completely missing in our lives?
Vain boasting: The business man "counts his chickens before they hatch." James speaks directly to the congregation here and puts his finger on a prevalent besetting sin. She becomes carnally minded as she is blest with the carnal blessings of this earth. We too plan our lives with certainty as if not subject to interruption.....James relates this to boasting.
The proper perspective: What do we know of or what will happen tomorrow? We are as the grass of the field...here today and gone tomorrow. ...this is who we are whether you care to admit it to yourself or not. We do not know if prosperity or famine awaits us. Can we guarantee the circumstances of our lives? Of course we cannot! We are as a vapor and surprised how fast some are forgotten. James "pops" our balloon and brings us back to reality and shows us proper perspective...THE LORD WILLING!!! Not a perspective for laziness or piety (as these things are not found in scripture and we are responsible for our living and our choices.) It is very anti scriptural and we must learn instead to say the Lord willing and use our talents to grow and to plan....BUT to learn to do that as they ALWAYS recon the will of God!!! A spiritual attachment to every endeavor that we do! And always being subject to the will of God! Do we know that NOTHING is ever done apart from the will of God? This is a sin that is cancerous and continues to eat and devour as it breeds and increases if left alone. A sin that easily besets the child of God as we are creatures made to depend on God in our life and even our breath! He guides EVERY aspect of our lives. We have to live respecting the will of God in our lives....an easy thing to say, but we have to weave His will through EVERY part and parcel of our lives! That we may be as the angels in glory that sing "holy holy holy! We must strive to be as them even here below...having my desires and plans subject to the will of God as He reveals it to us in His word.
Rich assurance: Is not His will and what we do not all funneled to the coming of His Kingdom? Think about the entire picture. Tomorrow..."the Lord willing..." unless the Lord does not will it and I must subject my life to His will! Then there will be great peace! Would you like to design your own life? Who am I and who is God? He is our Father for Jesus sake. We belong to Him and are in the very palm of His hand! I make my plans and God decides my life.
It belongs to us to seek His will and it belongs to God to will as He pleases for us as He cares for us and as He leads us onward to glory.
I ask you again....are the words "the Lord willing" part of your life, your plans, and even said?