There is no doubt a great miracle happened on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2. The Holy Spirit came in like a mighty rushing wind and cloven tongues like as fire appeared upon each of them. Men were able to speak in tongues which they never learned before because the Holy Spirit gave them utterance. People from every nation under heaven heard the gospel preached in their own languages. But men speaking in tongues was not the great miracle of the day. The great miracle of the day was that after Peter preached the gospel of Christ about three thousand souls were saved.
It may be that the Lord will be pleased to work another miracle in our day. The miracle we must have is not speaking in tongues. The miracle we need is that the Holy Spirit would give sinners faith to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ when they hear Christ preached. May the Holy Spirit enable us to both preach Christ and believe on Him! This is the miracle we MUST have done for us and in us.
God does not permit things to happen. He purposed all that comes to pass in time before time began (Romans 11:36; Isaiah 45:7). And all that he ordained from eternity and performs in time is good. Let men think and say what they will, God says concerning all that comes to pass in time, “This is the purpose that is purposed upon the whole earth” (Isaiah 14:26-27).
Pastor Don Fortner
Betrayed With a Kiss
Judas betrayed his Master with A KISS! He came to the Lord with evil in his heart, the price of a compromise in his hand, religious devils at his side, and said, “Hail Master”, as he planted A KISS on the Lord’s cheek!
This is how most apostates and compromisers operate; they betray the Son of God and the gospel of grace WITH A KISS. They talk of love, humility, morality, and sugar and spice while they sell out to the religious world and betray the sovereign Son of God. And men watch their pretended affection and hear their words, “Hail, Master”, spoken so softly, smoothly, humbly, and sweetly, and they say, “Can such devout people be ENEMIES of the Lord?”
Do not be deceived; sometimes the most devout looking, religious people can be the most hypocritical in the world. Do not be deceived by their kisses. LISTEN TO THEIR GOSPEL! Peter, bearing the sword, had more grace than Judas, who came with a kiss.
Henry Mahan
The spirit of toleration is looked upon by many as a great virtue. Indeed, there are times when it is! But this is the spirit for which He condemned the churches at Pergamos. They had in their midst those who espoused the doctrine of Balaam and the doctrine of the Nicolaitans. That which the Lord said He hated, they tolerated. Lack of love is behind this attitude. Lack of love to the Person of Christ makes one tolerant of that which is contrary to Him. Love to Him makes one intolerant of that which robs Him of His glory. Remember, he that does not hate the false, does not love the true.
Pastor Todd Nibert
The sovereignty of God is the stumbling block on which thousands fall and perish; and if we go contending with God about His sovereignty it will be our eternal ruin. It is absolutely necessary that we should submit to God as an absolute sovereign, and the sovereign of our souls; as One who may have mercy on whom He will have mercy and harden whom He will.
Jonathan Edwards