Wednesday 3.45pm to 4.45am Children’s Hour 6.45pm to 8.00pm KIC club - For Year 5 & 6 children
Thursday 2.00pm Ladies Rest Hour - Speaker – Sarah Wayman 7.45pm Bible study and prayer meeting - Speaker - Simon Bygrave Psalm 55
Sunday 11.00am & 6.30pm Sunday Services - Led by Pastor
This will be the last week for the clubs, (incl. the Sunday Bible club) until after the school holidays.
Prayer For the church:
Pray for Mark Roper – pray that God may be near to him as he recently lost his brother.
Pray that God may give Pastor and Marilyn a restful holiday.
Please continue to pray for camp. Please pray that more campers may book up at this late stage.
Pray for Ann as she goes to hospital on Wednesday.
Pray for those looking for employment.
Pray for those going on holiday on Saturday.
Pray especially for the links being made this week between the mid-week clubs, that we will not loose contact with children as they move up into older clubs in September.
Prayer For Local Area:
Meopham is the church on the Prayer Diary for week beginning 15th July. The correspondent writes: ‘Give thanks for new people coming in, some committed Christians and others just seeking. Pray for a course we are running on the Christian faith.’
Prayer For Wider Area:
Bible Broadcasting Network – Changing lives around the world BBN believes radio and the internet remain the most cost-effective tools for reaching people with the Gospel and teaching them 24 hours a day. We broadcast in 8 languages around the world.
BBN-Spanish Our Area Representative in Ecuador recently received a phone call from a university professor, who had many questions about life and death and reincarnation. It was truly marvellous to watch his countenance as he first learned the biblical truth of how through Christ he could be forgiven of his sins. He came to understand that God had made a way to forgive him and save him and for him to have eternal life. At 82 years of age he prayed to the Lord Jesus, placing his faith in Him." We praise the Lord for the opportunity to touch lives and sow the seed of the Word, whether through radio, the Internet, or in person.
BBN-Chinese received this email "I would like to share with you a wonderful testimony of my brother. He is assigned to teach in a rural middle school in China. His pay is low; living quality is bad in this remote area. As a result, graduate students who came over to teach usually do not stay long. Teachers teach here for two or three years will request a transfer to a better environment. So, there are no senior teachers in this rural middle school except my brother.
Actually, he was also tempted to leave for a better position when he saw his friends have better living through a transfer. Nevertheless his heart was concerned more for the poor and needy students at the rural area. Once he was asked how he could stay in such an impoverished place, and without a second thought, 'Faith in Christ' was his answer. Undoubtedly, his passion in Christ led him to serve needy people faithfully, and rooted him at this rural area.
BBN-Brazil is is also heard on the Internet we received this email from Portugal. "I have been very blessed by BBN programming. I am an evangelist in the prisons in the north part of Portugal; your programs are the source of inspirations for my preaching in the prisons. Peace of the Lord be with you!" We constantly give praise to the Lord for the way He is using this ministry!
Weekly Bible Readings:
Mon 16th July 1 Chronicles 7 Romans 14
Tue 17th July 2 Chronicles 8 Romans 15
Wed 18th July 2 Chronicles 9 Romans 16
Thur 19th July 2 Chronicles 10 1 Corinthians 1
Fri 20th July 2 Chronicles 11 1 Corinthians 2
Sat 21st July 2 Chronicles 12 1 Corinthians 3
Sun 22nd July 2 Chronicles 13 1 Corinthians 4
Thought for the week:
“Therefore, having been justified by fait, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ" Romans 5v1
General Announcements:
Warmest congratulations to Brenda and Stan as they celebrate their Golden Wedding Anniversary this week.