Plead my cause, O LORD, with them that strive with me: fight against them that fight against me. Take hold of shield and buckler, and stand up for mine help. Draw out also the spear, and stop the way against them that persecute me: say unto my soul, I am thy salvation. Psalm 35:1-3
Missionary Daniel Parks will be with us on Wednesday evening, June 26. He will also be preaching at Dingess on Monday, June 24.
Take Comfort in the Sovereignty of God
There is nothing more comforting to believers than God’s sovereignty over all things. Under the most adverse circumstances and in the most severe trials, we believe that God has ordained our afflictions, that God overrules them, and that God will sanctify them for our good and His glory.
There is nothing for which we ought to contend more earnestly than the truth of God’s rule and reign over all things, all creatures, and all their actions. The throne of God, His right to sit on that throne, and His right to do with His own what He will is what we believe and what we preach.
Let us be accused of over-emphasizing the majesty and power of the living God, but never let it be said that we underestimate His glory.
Pastor Henry T. Mahan (bulletin 1985)
Why Make an Issue of God Not Loving All Men?
To make an issue of God not loving all men may appear upon the surface to be dwelling on something negative. So why make an issue of it?
1. Because the Bible does. “Esau have I hated” (Romans 9:13).
2. If He loves all men the same and some of those men He loves are lost, it makes His love meaningless. His love did nothing for them!
3. It is degrading to the character of God’s love to say He loves all men the same. The world speaks of God’s unconditional love, but there is no such thing. There must be something there to love! Because God’s love is in Christ, all in Christ are lovely to God. Outside of Christ there is nothing but God’s indignation against sin and sinners.
4. To know God loves you is the assurance of the believer. “He loved me, and gave Himself for me” (Galatians 2:20).No one has the right to even suspect that God loves them unless they have bowed the knee to Christ. To assure lost men that God loves them is evil! This is the assurance of the believer! Pastor Todd Nibert
The same man who said: “I be nothing” (II Corinthians 12:11) said: “Christ is all” (Colossians 3:11)! Every true child of God enters in to what the apostle said, and totally agrees! I am the chief sinner; He is the Chief Shepherd and Savior of sinners! I am vile and wicked; He is Holy and Just! I am absolute weakness; He is infinite strength! I must decrease; He must increase! I am worthless vanity; He is unsearchable riches! I deserve wrath; He deserves Honor! I deserve DEATH; He deserves GLORY! I AM NOTHING; and CHRIST IS ALL!
But do you know what the glory of the gospel is? He traded places with me. Gabe Stalnaker
Did Lazarus receive life when he came forth from the grave? That is what men claim when they walk an aisle to come to Christ. They believe that walk gives them eternal life. Lazarus was four days dead and could NOT come forth until Christ gave him the command, the power and the life to come. The scripture says that our Lord, “cried with a loud voice, Lazarus, come forth. And he that was dead came forth.” (John 11:43-44) It was the effectual call of the Lord Jesus that gave Lazarus the ability to walk, the “walk” didn’t give life,” it was the result of the life given. The coming forth was the result of the call and command that Christ gave. Let us not get the cart before the horse. With the command of Christ to come, comes the power of Christ to come. But a dead man cannot take the first step.
Pastor David Eddmenson
As the people of God, we don't deny Adam's sin and guilt before God. We also confess and own that in Adam all have sinned, all have spiritually died, and we are all guilty by imputed sin and imputed guilt. (Rom 5:12). However, I have never read in the scriptures of anyone praying forgive me for Adam's sin, or Adam's guilt. Rather, the people of God are always praying, Lord forgive me for my sin, like the publican prayed, or like David prayed, "Against thee and thee only have I sinned.” We must understand, (and that only by sovereign revelation) that we are the guilty party, that we are ruined and lost and guilty before God. Until we do, we will never earnestly beg for pardon, or mercy or say with Job, "I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear; but now mine eye seeth thee. Wherefore, I abhor myself and repent in dust and ashes” (Job 42: 5-6).