"Sound Advice from a Father" Proverbs 3:5-6 Today we turn the tables a bit. Tomorrow we usually honor fathers but we MUST underscore their advice, their Godly responsibilities to lead their families, to be heads of their homes (as has been recognized by the church for years.) This scripture was pinned by a wise father under the inspiration of our Heavenly Father. This is the council of our Heavenly Father...that there may be peace in our lives when we follow His Word!
Warning: First there is a warning. Solomon knows that foolishness is bound up in a child. Every father knows that and not to face this very fact is foolishness. Thus Solomon warns us! Life and the future is uncertain. Though we know who holds it we live in the moment, dependant on God...and by faith! We are required to live a life according to the will of God. It is not as if we are in the dark completely about the future however. We are in the palm of God's hand and that He leads me in His council. We have the responsibility however to live with Scripture in hand.
Admonition: 1. Do not lean to your own understanding! This is the first thing we want to do. It comes natural you see. Charting a course that is a result of my feelings or the person. Pure folly! Do we stand independent or dependant for everything? What can we change? Really answer this question. "Man proposes but God disposes!" We have some understanding but not to us it or lean upon it alone! The world does this to their destruction but we have the same nature and often want to do the same exact thing! You have to put it next to the wisdom of God for scrutiny to see TRUE knowledge. 2. Acknowledge God in ALL your ways. We first have to confess that there is a God. Our God amidst this Godless world. Our teacher par excellance! Our Lord Jesus Christ taught us this very thing Himself....."Our Father which art in Heaven!" Read Lord's days 9 and 10. Do we fathom that the almighty God...Creator and Sustainer of all and all things...is OUR FATHER for Jesus' sake?! We have a Father in Heaven and we must live close to Him. Don't do anything without Him and run everything past Him! How close do we live with God? How much is He in our minds? Do we seek His advice?
To acknowledge God we do so in His wisdom and in His knowledge...as we do our earthly fathers and mothers because it is founded SQUARELY on the Word of God! It is the ONLY infallible guide of faith and living and it will guide us correctly in every way of our lives OBJECTIVELY! Do we have questions in this life? Plug them into the Word of God and then take that advice and honor it! We trust it with all our heart! We "trust and obey" with all our heart as we bow to the advice of our Heavenly Father. An d that comes through our earthly fathers as it should! The advice of our Heavenly Father is always solid and dependable! We like to say "yes....BUT...."
Result: When we follow God's advice we can live in peace and tranquility because God will NEVER steer us wrong! Would we tell God who we depend on for our next heart beat that He does not know what is best for us? God holds everything in the palm of His hand and is our Father. He was pressed in the agony of hell for you and I and He will accompany our paths. Let this Word of God come to mind when our flesh speaks and tells us what to do. It is Father's day. We do honor our fathers according to the same Word of God.
We are thankful to our fathers who faithfully lead our families in accordance with the Word of God in the service of our Heavenly Father!