“Grace be with all them that love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity. Amen.” (Ephesians 6:24)
What is it to love the Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity? It is to love Him in the truth of who He is - God manifest in the flesh! It is to love Him in His sovereignty, power and control over all things, especially us. It is to love Him for having mercy on whom He will, and being gracious to whomever He is pleased to be gracious to. It is to love His will, even when it is contrary to our own. It is to love Him for saving sinners such as we are. It is to love Him for taking all of the judgment and suffering for our sin against God upon Himself in order to redeem us from the wrath to come. It is to love Him for starting the work and finishing every bit of it. It is to love Him because He first loved us! All who have received the gift of saving grace will love the Lord Jesus Christ in absolute sincerity!