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Nick Holden | Porterville, Mississippi
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A Beast... And The Coming Storm
Posted by: Pastor Nick Holden | more..
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BLOG ON: SERMON A Beast And The Coming Storm
Pastor Nick Holden
Nick Holden
Blessings friends...

Revelation teaches us there's a storm brewing and it's headed our direction. We find on several occasions where John noticed lightings and thundering around God's throne. This tells me a storm is building and it's not going to be long before it impacts this world. Some can only anticipate the storm while others can look for the Savior. Be prepared... and remember, He's coming quickly!

"Behold, I am coming as a thief. Blessed is he who watches, and keeps his garments (on and ready )? For fear he [walk] (not run, too late) naked and they see his shame." Revelation 16:15

Can I share a few thoughts with you in regards to the catastrophic events that have been taking place around the world. First off, these things are hard, and even harder to swallow, without finding a bitter taste in our mouths, anger and outrage in our spirits, and a sickness in our stomachs. Secondly, they are new to us in many ways, but they're not new to this planet we dwell upon. They have been around a long time.

Jesus warned us in Luke 21... and specifically in 21:34-36 that if we're not careful, we would be overwhelmed and weighed down by the trouble He mentioned in the previous verses (7-33). We can become so affected by the events and atmosphere of the times that we can get to the place that we'll be as useless as a drunkard on a terrible hangover.

He was teaching them, and therefore, us, that if we're not cautious, we'll let the challenges we're confronted with consume our focus and attention and get so weighed down and burdened by it that it trips us up from being a servant of a King that can make a real and lasting difference.

He used words like overcharged, surfeiting and drunkenness to explain the DEPTH and DEGREE that the craziness of these days, along with the typical cares of this life, would no doubt overwhelm us, if we are not careful take responsibility to keep our eyes on Him. They have the potential to make us sick and intoxicated with its poison and render us unfit to stand with Jesus, as His servant with an assignment upon this fallen earth.

The issue is not about the disciples becoming drunkards... the message is relating to the distinct EFECTS of what they see, hear and experience during these difficult days, if they're not prepared, can create within them same effects of the poison of a drunken stupor. They will become sick with a headache that impacts their entire bodies (like a hangover), which then poisons (like alcohol does the mind and body) their system and compromises how they see and hear. And when they get so caught up with all the affairs of this world and lose their focus on the Biblical reality that God really is at work in all this they get overwhelmed and become angry or bitter or apathetic or cynical. The result? They fail to love and live like Jesus. This means they will be defensive and threatened and now completely unapproachable and without any compassion for those without a shepherd. When they find themselves in this place, they become unfit to represent Jesus and serve the fallen people of this crazy world. Not because they don't have the resources but they failed to ready themselves for what Jesus graced them for. And now the circumstance of their times are governing their lives and not Jesus and His truth.

These are the days... that we've been providentially given. We can default back to our self-centeredness or diligently prepare our hearts for what’s coming and redeem the time.

"Take heed, (take personal responsibility) watch (be aware and alert) and pray (trust God hears, knows and desires to transform and use you); for you do not know when the time is. It is like a man going to a far country, who left his house and gave authority to his servants, and to each his work, and commanded the doorkeeper to watch... and what I say to you, I say to all: Watch!" (Mark 13:32-37)

Adrain Rogers insight:

Discipline says, "I need to watch!"

Duty says, "I ought to watch!"

Devotion says, "I want to watch!"

I added to it:

Dedication says, "I get to watch!"

Determination says, "I must watch... however long it takes! "

Diligence says, "I will watch... today!"

Givers are STAYERS

Takers are STRAYERS

(Pastor Mike Waddey)

We know what’s coming:

1. Predictable Times (Jesus told us in advance what is coming.)

2. Perilous Times (Jesus warned us that some things would increase like knowledge but times would progressively get worse.)

3. Purposeful Times (Jesus encouraged us to preach and look for His promised return, for there is no time spiritually to sleep. We must all be responsible and watch... for the anticipation of great things will always keep people awake.)

4. Priceless Times (Jesus reminds us that right now is the only time we have, therefore we need to redeem it by bringing blessings, praise and glory to His lovely name and cause.

This is why He warns us... therefore, may we keep our eyes on the answer and bring that to our world. The balance between being burden by what we see and carrying our cross must be a reality if we're going to make an eternal difference during the good and bad times.

We can let them manipulate, intimidate, instigate or validate us... and depending on what we choose will depend on if it hardens us or helps us embrace them and redeem the times we've been given.... (Philippians 1:27-29)

Therefore, we must:

1. Take responsibility and be accountable to remain a fit soldier in the battle of faith.

(Be not afraid, be strong and courageous. Joshua 1:8-9

2. Keep our eyes on Jesus. (Hebrews 12 : 2 Thessalonians 3:4-5 ; 1:3-12)

3. Trust Jesus, His timing, His ways and the right He has to use you as He pleases.

(Proverbs 3:5-6 ; Mark 11:20-24 when He cursed the fig tree and said have faith in God, trust His news; Remember, the birds have their nest and the fox have their holes but the Jesus doesn’t have a place to lay His head. What does that mean? This world is not His home... He nor do we, as His followers, fit in it. They will hate you for His sake and the gospel’s. Mark 10:30)

4. Lift up clean hands in submission to His plan, in prayer, without having any animosity or anxiety in our hearts toward Him or the people He's put in authority.

Our battle is not with people. (1 Timothy 2)

5. Pray for protection and power to live and proclaim the gospel and do what He called us to do.

(2 Thessalonians 3 ; Colossians 4:2-6 ; Mark 8:34-38)

6. Pray for more laborers to be thrust out into the harvest and that we bring hope to those who are hopeless and in despair. (2 Timothy 2:10 ; Luke 10:1-20)

7. Pray that He continues to teach us how to love and lead while He uses us to make a world of difference in our surroundings. (Titus 2:11-14)

Yes, He is able, and may He use each of us to impact the kingdom of God for His glory and the good of others. I pray these things are a help for you. He is able and trustworthy... be overwhelmed with Him and not the things going on in this world we live in.

"Behold, I am coming as a thief. Blessed is he who watches, and keeps his garments (on and ready )? For fear he [walk] (not run, too late) naked and they see his shame." Revelation 16:15

Yes, beauty out front of an unstable atmosphere. Revelation talks about Jesus coming with the clouds... it also talks about thunderings and lightings which all indicate a coming storm. John heard a voice like thunder... Don't miss the message, you'll miss out on Him and His beauty before the storm. Once the outpouring of the Lamb's wrath comes... it will be too late for those who missed the outpouring of the Lamb's blood. Those who worship Him in heaven are those who bowed the knee and worshiped Him on earth. Those who are heaven bound are those who are heaven born. Glory...

Don't Be CAUGHT OFF GUARD and caught in a storm you can't escape from.

Check out Pastor Nick’s corresponding audio message, “A Beast... and The Coming Storm” posted on January 17, 2019.

Thank you for your time,
Pastor Nick

#lookingtoJesus #balanced #burdened #crossbearing #differencemakers #luke21 #luke21and34thru36 #notoverwhelmedbythetimes #overwhelmedbyJesus #overwhelmedbyHisgrace #loveandlead #seekingfirsttheKingandHisrighteousness #principalofpriority

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