Can I recommend 3 simple, but significant, steps I've gleaned from a the widow and her two mighty mites? What did she do?
(1) She did what she could...
(2) She used what she had...
(3) She did it for the glory of God...
We also find that, "Martha served... then Mary took a pound of [her] ointment of spikenard, very costly, and anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped his feet with her hair: and the house was filled with odor of the ointment." John 12:1-11
She did what she could...
She used what she had...
She did it for the glory of God...
Now I encourage you:
Do what you can, with what you got, for the glory of God...
You honestly may not have much to financially or physically offer others or the Lord... but let me share something that will bless you. Like Joseph and Mary — if you have Jesus to PRESENT before God, and men, you have the greatest offering that anyone could ever give.
I've been pondering our Nesting with Jesus reading from yesterday and can't get away from this precious thought. Joseph and Mary didn't have much...but they were required by LAW to bring an offering. And even within the law God set it up based on a man's ability (grace)... depending on their financial status they could bring one of several offerings. Those who had more were required to bring more, based on their ability, to redeem the firstborn male that opened the womb. Equal sacrifice not equal gifts.
Think about it, the offering Joseph and Mary brought tells us that they didn't have much to give, therefore they gave the minimum (keep in mind, it's all they were ABLE to give according to Leviticus 12) but at the same time she was holding in her arms the greatest gift ever... JESUS! She was holding Immanuel. So much grace... good glory to God in the highest.
You, me and so many others may have very little to offer and give this season or any other time of the year — but if you have Jesus, you have the best gift ever given --- to offer back to God and the people in your life. Do what you can, with what you have, for the glory of God.. and not only will it richly bless the Lord but it will also bless those you're serving.
Blessings friends... there’s no to stress over what you can't do but be blessed with giving YOUR best. Have a beautiful day serving the best you have. (Luke 2:21-24)
Thank you for your time...
Check out Pastor Nick’s corresponding audio message, “Two Mighty Mights” posted on January 17, 2019.
#nestingwithjesus #mark #mark12 #grace #law #Hecametosetusfree
#fromsomethingtosomething #glory
#dowhatyoucan #withwhatyougot #forthegloryofGod #present #offering #JosephandMary