We would like to extend a warm welcome to you for our services today which are led by Pastor Mark Gladwell
Today’s Meetings:
9.45am Children’s Bible Club 10.15am Sunday Prayer Meeting in cottage 11am Morning Service 6.30pm Evening Service
All are welcome to the after church fellowship at Bruce & Margaret’s home.
Weekly Meetings:
Wednesday 9.30am to 11am Mums & Tots 3.45pm to 4.45pm Children’s Hour 6.45pm to 8.00pm KIC club - For Year 5 & 6 children.
Thursday 2.00pm Ladies Rest Hour - Speaker – Bob Morgan 7.45pm Bible study and prayer meeting - Speaker – Pastor
Friday 7.30pm to 9.30pm FOY
Saturday Meet 9.15 Church Outing to Westbrooke Bay
Sunday 11.00am & 6.30pm Sunday Services - Led by Pastor
Prayer For The Church:
Pray for Sarah as she attends two interviews this week on Monday and Wednesday.
Please pray for our Lord’s blessing on the church outing to Westbrooke Bay this coming Saturday. Pray that we will have real opportunities to build bridges with many of the mums and dads that will be coming with their children.
Continue to pray for those seeking permanent jobs.
For Local Area:
Thamesmead is the church on our Prayer Link for the coming week. The church correspondent writes: “Sunday morning attendance is still encouraging. Our need for pastoral leadership and others to help with the work is ever more pressing.”
For The Wider Area:
The Grace World View – Mozambique
The people of Mozambique have suffered greatly for decades. Peace has finally come but most people lack adequate food. After years of suppression, religious freedom has come and with it, a great increase in the number of Christians.
Mozambique is located on the southeastern coast of Africa. It shares borders with Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe, and South Africa. Approximately 21 million people live in Mozambique.
The growth rate has dropped significantly due to widespread AIDS infection. There are many different people groups speaking nearly 40 different languages.
Mozambique has had deep economic difficulty for most of its history. Cycles of Flooding and drought plus war has left the people desperately short of food. Foreign aid is essential to avoid mass starvation. Mozambique has been one of the world's poorest countries for many years. The situation has improved recently but is still difficult.
After nearly five centuries as a Portuguese colony, Mozambique gained independence in 1975 and established a Marxist government. Rebels waged a bloody civil war for the next 20 years.
A multi-party democracy was established in 1990 and a peace treaty went into effect in 1992. The government has been relatively stable since then.
Although there is now freedom of religion, the years of Marxist rule were a very dark and difficult for Christians. Religious freedom and decades of suffering has brought about a genuine hunger for the gospel. Since 1960, the number of evangelicals has grown from little more than zero to nearly 15% of the population, and many more are coming to Christ. The Lord has brought a great ingathering of souls.
Rapid growth has created a need for Bible education for religious leaders. Few churches have adequately trained pastors. Bibles and other Christian literature are in short supply due to cost and difficulty in distribution.
There are still large parts of the country that have not been evangelized. Pray for more harvesters to go to this field and preach the gospel. Pray for those already working there.
Pray for relief efforts in this period of famine that the physical needs of the people would be met and that they would also hear of Jesus, the Bread of Life.
Weekly Bible Readings:
Mon 25th June 1 Chronicles 15 Acts 21
Tue 26th June 1 Chronicles 16 Acts 22
Wed 27th June 1 Chronicles 17 Acts 23
Thur 28th June 1 Chronicles 18 Acts 24
Fri 29th June 1 Chronicles 19 Acts 25
Sat 30th June 1 Chronicles 20 Acts 26
Sun 31st July 1 Chronicles 21 Acts 27
Thought For The Week:
“All we like sheep have gone astray; We have turned, everyone, to his own way; And the LORD has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.” Isaiah 53:6
General Announcements:
Date for Diary Open Air will be postponed to the 14th July.
Church outing 30th June. £6 adults £4 extra children. Adult concession £4. Please let Joyce know if you would like to come. Meet at 9.15 for a 9.30 departure.
Local area prayer meeting Wednesday 11th July - Erith