We would like to extend a warm welcome to you for our services today which are led by Stephen Ridgeway from Bethersden.
Today’s meetings:
9.45am Children’s Bible Club 10.15am Sunday Prayer Meeting in cottage 11am Morning Service 6.30pm Evening Service
All are welcome to the after church fellowship at Paul & Janet’s home.
Weekly meetings:
Tuesday 8.00pm Members and Testimony meeting
Wednesday 9.30am to 11am Mums & Tots 3.45pm to 4.45pm Children’s Hour 6.45pm to 8.00pm KIC club - For Year 5 & 6 children.
Thursday 2.00pm Ladies Rest Hour - Speaker – Bob Morgan 7.45pm Bible study and prayer meeting - Speaker –. Pastor
Friday 7.30pm to 9.30pm FOY
Sunday 11.00am & 6.30pm Sunday Services - Led by Pastor
Prayer for the Church:
Pray for the churches in Albania. Pray that God may bless the work being done there and that Pastors and families may be encouraged in their local churches.
Continue to pray for both Sarah, Debbie, Pete and Mark Tracey as they look for work.
Please continue to pray for Simon that he remain in good health and that he will know the Lord’s leading concerning employment.
Continue to pray that Ralph will be given all needed strength as he carries the burden of preparations for camp.
For Local Area:
Southend is the church on our Prayer Diary for the coming week. The church correspondent writes: “Thankful that a good sense of unity prevails, prayerfully considering more outreach this summer. Elder’s son converted - Praise God!”
For Wider Area:
Barnabas Fund Report - Indonesian Sunday School Teachers Released Dr Rebekka Zakaria, Mrs Ratna Bangun and Mrs Eti Pangesti, three Indonesian women who were jailed after allowing Muslim children to attend their Christian children’s club, were released early from their 3-year prison sentence on 8th June 2007.
The women had run a children’s club called “Happy Week”, in which they sang Christian songs, played games and did Bible studies with children. Following the request of a Muslim grandmother to let her grand-daughters attend, the women began allowing Muslim children to come along. All the Muslim parents were aware that the club was run by Christians and involved Christian teaching.
However, after a day-trip was organised by the women, to which parents were also invited, complaints were made about the “Happy Week” club to the police. The women were arrested on May 13th 2005. They were accused of trying to entice the children to convert against their wills.
During the court case some of the parents were too frightened to be witnesses on behalf of the women, for fear of reprisals from the Muslim community. Angry Muslims attended the trial each day, shouting for the women to be killed. The Muslims also brought a coffin to court and threatened to kill the women if they were found innocent.
The judge, who was afraid the crowd would turn violent if he released the women, sentenced them to three years in jail.
Their early release after two years is an answer to prayer, and Rebekka, Ratna and Eti are now reunited with their families. During their time in prison, they did not waste their time but openly witnessed to the other prisoners and the prison staff. It is reported that they “transformed” the prison, cleaning and scrubbing the cells, working in the garden and painting a room for use as a church.
Rebekka, who has lost her licence to practise as a doctor due to her criminal record, has publicly forgiven those who brought the charges against her. On her release she said, “This is nothing compared with the suffering and persecution faced by others. Compared with the Lord’s love and what He has given me, it is worth it.”
Weekly Bible Readings
Mon 18th June 1 Chronicles 8 Acts 14
Tue 19th June 1 Chronicles 9 Acts 15
Wed 20th June 1 Chronicles 10 Acts 16
Thur 21st June 1 Chronicles 11 Acts 17
Fri 22nd June 1 Chronicles 12 Acts 18
Sat 23rd June 1 Chronicles 13 Acts 19
Sun 24th June 1 Chronicles 14 Acts 20
Thought for the week: “I will extol You, my God, O King; And I bless Your name forever and ever.” Psalm 145:1
General Announcements:
Date for Diary Open Air will be postponed to the 14th July.
Church outing 30th June. £6 adults £4 extra children. Adult concession £4. Please let Joyce know if you would like to come.