January 14, 2018
The Matchless Savior
Hebrews 1-2
The Lord our Savior is matchless.
Who could compare to Him?
The express image of our God;
He's the Heir of all things.
He's the brightness of God's glory.
He has purged all our sins.
He sits at the right hand of God.
These days He speaks to men.
He is the Living Son of God
Who made the worlds we see.
He upholds all by His sure word.
The greatest name has He.
His righteous throne is forever:
From iniquity free.
He laid the foundations of earth.
He evermore shall be.
How shall we neglect Salvation:
As great a One as He!
We hear the gospel of free grace:
The Lord Who made us free.
All men were ruined by Adam's fall,
Sinners like you and me.
He shed His blood, redeemed my soul,
That with Him I would be.
Tune: My Faith Has Found a Resting Place; #228
(1 Timothy 1:15) "This is a faithful [true] saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief."
“There is a lifetime of preaching in this verse but there are two points of great importance which are sometimes overlooked; the truth of the saying and the worth of it! To discover the truth of the gospel is to find true peace of mind and to discover the worth of the gospel is to find true peace of heart.
1. The truth of it. "And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son" (1 John 5:11). I believe the record that God hath given concerning Christ; therefore, I am not troubled and confused by other voices or other claims. Let God be true and every man a liar. The apostle summed it up this way; ‘To whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life’ (John 6:68). My mind is satisfied!
2. The worth of it. If I have Christ, I need nothing else, either in this life or in the life to come. I am complete in Him, redeemed in Him, accepted in Him, and already seated with Him in glory. I have ceased from all my labors and efforts to secure divine favor. His redemptive work is not only effectual but is sufficient for the greatest sinner, the poorest sinner, and the weakest sinner. ‘My grace is sufficient for thee’ (2 Cor. 12:9). Does this not leave your heart in a state of rest and peace? If not, then you have not yet discovered the worth of His great atonement. - Henry Mahan
“Where can I go this Lord’s Day and hear the Mercy of God, not the Mechanics of grace? Where can I go and hear the Love of Christ and not the law of God for saints? Where can I go and hear of the righteousness of God fulfilled by Christ and not the righteousness of the creature to be rewarded by God?
Let us say, by God’s grace, this will be the place and I will be the preacher. The message will not be flowery but full of grace; it will not be with enticing words of man’s wisdom but the sovereign mercy of God to helpless sinners in a language all men understand. Let the scholars, theologians and authors go elsewhere to have their intellects ‘challenged’. Lord, make me Thy voice to Thy people!” - Henry Mahan
God our Father has made all of His elect ‘ACCEPTED’ in His Beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. The Eternal Son of God came into this world to pay the ransom price in full for all the sins of a ‘PARTICULAR PEOPLE’, those who were chosen in Him before this world was created. It was the SOVEREIGN GRACE of God that chose HIS PEOPLE, the SOVEREIGN GRACE of God that purchased HIS PEOPLE, and the SOVEREIGN GRACE of God that gave HIS PEOPLE eternal life. Brethren, if we have Jesus Christ, WE HAVE IT ALL! Religion without SOVEREIGN GRACEis religion without Jesus Christ. Religion without Jesus Christ is religion without a new heart. Religion without a new heartIS JUST SELF-RIGHTEOUS, WASTED, SINFUL MOTION – Gene Harmon