November 12, 2017
Gary Spreacker will be preaching for you this morning, so give him a good hearing. I am in Sylacauga, Alabama preaching for Larry Criss and will return to preach this evening’s message.
Who Is Sufficient?
Who is sufficient for these things:
To tell the depths of man's fall?
Only the righteous King of Kings
Can show a man all his fault.
We live in this body of clay.
In us dwells not one good thing.
O, wretched man I am today!
In myself I've no standing.
Who could tell the depths of God's love
That would save a wretch like me.
He came from heav'ns glory above
To redeem and set me free.
Became a man and took my place;
Died the death that I deserved.
It was His sov'reign and free grace
That for me a place reserved.
Who could tell the truth of new birth:
How one is born from above?
The Creator of heav'n and earth,
His sheep eternally loves.
He gave His life that they have life.
For all these sinners He called.
Jesus Christ, the Lord, is our life
Sufficiency is of God.
Tune: Holy Manna, pg. 15
By: Gary Spreacker
If you buy something, you purchased it. If you earn something you worked for it. If you deserve something, then you merited it. But, when you receive something, it was a free gift. Our free gift is grace and faith in Christ, even the salvation of our souls. - David Eddmenson
Not everybody believes this. To some men He is nothing. Others view Him as important. Still others view Him as very important. But to some, He is all. He is all in all things. He is all in their salvation; He is all in their faith; He is all in their rejoicing and confidence. For whom and to whom is Christ all? He is all for all and to all who really believe Him to be all! I truly believe Him to be all in my salvation, and have hope in nothing else! - Todd Nibert
Many say they believe in God’s sovereignty, but hasten to add that it does not violate their free will.
I heartily agree!
For God, being just, violates nothing.
And man’s free will, being non-existent, is violated by nothing.
However, God, being both sovereign and gracious, has convinced many Freewillers of their error, and caused them to freely and willingly trust in Him for salvation. – Daniel Parks
An orthodox clergyman found one Sunday on his Bible a slip of paper, placed there by some members of his congregation, on which was written, “Sir, we would see Jesus.” The pastor felt distressed, but was not offended. He set to examine himself humbly and sincerely. The result was that he made the sad but happy discovery that the people were justified in making the above request. He thereupon “went into a desert place,” and within a short time he found in his pulpit another slip of paper with the following words, “Then were the disciples glad, when they saw the Lord.” – Copied
Isaiah 45:17
John Warburton
The longer I live, the more I feel that if there were one thing left undone, if the devil were not conquered, sin not expiated, justice not satisfied, the law not honored and magnified, death not overcome, and every burden not carried, I should not have a ray of hope. I used to think I saw this as clear as the noon day thirty or forty years ago; but I saw it very differently then to what I see now, for I see and feel now that if one hair-breadth is left for me to do to merit heaven, or bring as a plea before God, I am undone forever and ever. But on the Mount of Calvary, the Lord Jesus Christ undertook the cause of His people; and there is not a jot nor a tittle that he left undone, but “By one offering He perfected forever them that are sanctified” and “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.” Here is complete perfection, “Saved in the Lord with an everlasting salvation.”