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Within the Catholic church, the Festival of All-Saints has long been an important event, celebrated from the evening of October 31s t(“Hallowed-e’en”) through Nov. 1st (“All-souls day”).This is a time, we are told, for Christians to remember all dead saints.For the time being we will pretend to ignore that this holy-day strangely coincides with the old pagan, Druid celebration of the dead when, supposedly, all the souls that had died the previous year would come out to roam about the countryside and haunt various folks. Further, we will pretend to ignore that the Catholic church has always had a strange habit throughout the ages of stirring in two cups of pagan practice to every teaspoon of orthodox tradition.

Rather than teach the paganism out, just sponge it up and re-label it. It takes so much less time to grow the church this way! After all, the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. And so conversely, we may say, the straightest way between two points is the shortest distance. If we go directly from pagan practice to church practice with little to no cleansing, we will very shortly be at a larger body of participants! But while the geometric maxim is undoubtedly true, in the abstract, as to distance and time and their relation to motion and relocation, any schoolboy will know that the actual distance is only oneconsideration in determining the validity of the route. And besides, what does geometry care about morality? Loads of Celts may become loads of Catholics by painting Druid traditions white, but never will a son of Belial become a son God by calling his sin a sacrifice.

Must we make the case that no true Christian ought to have anything to do with Halloween or any of its pop-culture spin-offs (think ‘trunk or treat’)? Surely this is clear if only one verse in the Bible is known! “Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them!” (Eph.5:11) Just so, the church ought never have fabricated a “Hallowed evening” and “All-saints” festival in order to answer the darkness of Druid tradition in a land it wished to “Christianize”. But it is not Halloween itself we are concerned about for now. And yet, it is a certain Catholic monk and a certain October 31st we ought to recognize. And we ought to remember because we will little understand or appreciate the glorious mercy and mysterious wisdom of God in perfecting His church throughout history unless we look to the individual lives of those that He set on fire with truth and used to lightentire generations.

October 31, 1517, at high noon,a stocky and fiery German monk named Martin Luther walked down the streets of Wittenburg to make a statement. The Lord had, for many years prior, been wringing the rudiments of Catholic doctrine out of this man and filling him back up with the blessed old doctrines of grace. These doctrines of salvation would later come to be called Reformation doctrines because of the great Reformation of the Church largely ushered in by this one courageous monk.

His problem had been that he had been searching the Scriptures! And there he found these great and singular truths: The just shall live by faith! (Gal.3:11).And,in Matt.4:17, he found that this faith wore the same shoes as repentance and that on these feet and these feet only, a person might hope for salvation at last.Not a religious life, not the promises of the Pope or a priest, not any works of the flesh or mere promises of men would suffice! Faith in Christ, and a life of real repentance for sin – these were the way of salvation. So, come Halloween 1517, the issue was the Church’s doctrine of Indulgences.

Very simply, indulgences were a sort of ration sold by the Catholic church to acquire forgiveness for one’s self or one’s dead relatives. While the pope (and he even gave his word on it!) would have people to believe that buying an indulgence would secure the release of anyone from the penalty of their sins, Luther believed all such notions put souls in danger of hell. He felt he must speak up! So he did in the form of 95 short propositions commonly called his 95 Theses. These he nailed in the full light of day to the door of the church in Wittenburg to open discussion among the concerned. Luther had no idea the fire God would start with that piece of paper! Would they have the tricks of Rome, or his treatment of Scripture? Within a month his assaults upon the doctrine of indulgences were being debated in Rome. Luther risked everything for the truth! He risked his position and therefore his livelihood, he risked his reputation and standing among his peers, and to be sure he risked his life. His notions flew boldly in the face of Catholic doctrine and practice!

“Those who believe,” said Luther, “that they can be certain of their salvation because they have indulgence letters will be eternally damned, together with their teachers!” (Thesis #32) No, indeed, “it is vain to trust in salvation by indulgence letters, even though … the pope, were to offer his soul as security!” (Thesis #33) “Nor are they[indulgences] the merits of Christ and the saints, for, even without the pope, the latter always work grace for the inner man, and the cross, death, and hell for the outer man.” (Thesis #58)

“When our Lord and Master Jesus Christ said, ‘Repent’ (Mt.4:17), He willed the entire life of believers to be one of repentance” (Thesis #1); and “every truly repentant Christian has a right to full remission of penalty and guilt!” (Thesis #36) “Yet, it does not mean solely inner repentance; such inner repentance is worthless unless it produces various outward mortification of the flesh.” (Thesis #3) Far from the folly of preaching indulgences, taught Luther, we ought to preach grace. For “the true treasure of the church is the most holy gospel of the glory and grace of God. But this treasure is naturally most odious, for it makes the first to be last (Mt.20:16). On the other hand, the treasure of indulgences is naturally most acceptable, for it makes the last to be first. Therefore the treasures of the gospel are nets with which one formerly fished for men of wealth. The treasures of indulgences are nets with which one now fishes for the wealth of men!” (Theses #62-66)

Five hundred years ago this October, one bold monk had a message for the ages! It was the Catholic church for him, but it might easily be for us your denomination of choice. How many now are “buying” into religion and taking home a false peace – trading money for lies from prophets who speak in God’s name and are not of God’s family (Jer.23:21). Where are the voices in the wilderness that will out-shout the Devil’s clergy and rather than a cry of ‘Peace, peace’ will proclaim ‘Cross, cross’! What preachers are grabbing the damned by the collars and weeping, “Not you! Not anything you have done! Not what your priest or pastor says! But this: You had better turn from your sin and believe the glorious Gospel of the glorious God! And walk ye in the light all the days of your life!”

Even now, the Devil goes about in holiday clothes! May God send us an army of Luthers!

L. Suttles

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Blog Item4/3/2021 3:11 AM
Rohit Aggarwal | India  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Rohit Aggarwal
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good one keep it up

Blog Item1/14/2021 6:37 AM
mike rogers | New York, NY  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by mike rogers
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Your past failures won’t be able to play any
role in the loan decision, which is based only
on the personal details provided via the
application form online.

Blog Item3/31/2020 9:24 AM
ashley blossom | London  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by ashley blossom
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There are so many events are organized in
catholic churches. While most of the events are
only regards to the saints. This is important
for the saints, their religion and the people
who followed them.

Blog Item10/11/19 10:31 AM
Chapter 3 Thesis | United States  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Chapter 3 Thesis
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Wow, what a great knowledge you have shared
admin this is one of the best blogs I have ever
read. You are doing amazing work keep it up,
and thank you so much for sharing this
important and useful information with us and
all the best for your upcoming post.

Blog Item10/15/18 1:40 PM
giwuru  Go to homepageFind all comments by giwuru
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This service is beneficial in many ways – you
can pay your bills on time and you don’t need
to visit the bill payment centers and you don’t
need to stay in queues for a long time.

Blog Item1/17/18 2:22 AM
online assignment help  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by online assignment help
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I loved the way you discuss the topic great
work thanks for the share.

Blog Item1/11/18 1:02 PM
Danny | US  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Danny
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I’ve read the topic with great interest and
definitely will stick your blog routinely for
other great posts. Thank you for sharing this
valuable and great article.

Blog Item12/10/17 8:47 AM
Cora Suither | PA  Find all comments by Cora Suither
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Has anyone opposed public celebration of Easter
which is mentioned in scripture? But Christmas
is not mentioned anywhere.

Blog Item12/3/17 11:18 PM
Cora Suither | Pennsylvania  Find all comments by Cora Suither
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How is it that we recognize familiar spirits
relative to Halloween and not familiar spirits
of Christmas?

Blog Item12/2/17 2:49 AM
Assignment Globe | USA  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Assignment Globe
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This is Awesome treatment and as my knowledge
in theory, as to separation and time and their
connection to movement and migration, any
schoolboy will realize that the genuine
separation is just a single thought in deciding
the legitimacy of the course.

Blog Item11/27/17 1:00 AM
Undecided | Deep Thought  Find all comments by Undecided
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Who/What will you trust?
Multiple Choice:
1. God who said, “This is my beloved Son,
hear him.
2. Jesus who said, “Do this in remembrance
of me; speaking of his sacrifice.
3. Apostle Paul who said, “But though we, or
an angel from heaven, preach any other
gospel unto you than that which we have
preached unto you, let him be accursed Gal
4. Hebrews 1:1, 2 God, who at sundry times
and in divers manners spake in time past
unto the fathers by the prophets, Hath in
these last days spoken unto us by his Son,
5. Pope Julius, who felt that because the
angels celebrated Christ’s birth, saying
“Glory to God in the highest …” we should do
likewise and have a birthday party for
If you celebrate “Christmas” then you
believe Pope Julius of 363 BC. Julius was a
Demetrius in disguise - Acts 19:24-28
When else is Christ given first place? Why
“Christmas?” Typically Mary and departed
saints are exalted above Christ. Where’s
their parties? Did Pope Julius believe
Christ died for us? No! This would be
unmerited grace and ruin their silver
smithing trade.
Julius says do as the angels. So why not
join in with the angels who rejoice when one
sinner is saved? There would be endless
Christmas is hokus-pokus; just like

Blog Item11/26/17 10:45 PM
BWS  Find all comments by BWS
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This is an excellent treatment on the
subject of Halloween and a bit of its
origin, at least within Catholicism. Why do
Christians imitate the world's holidays
which Spring from pagan/Catholic traditions?
It is worth noting, however, the source of
the Pagan tradition as noted which may be,
according to Alfred Rehwinkle's book THE
FLOOD, a cross-civilization historical
commemoration of a Day of the Dead in many
countries marking that catastrophic Global
event which began, he calculates, at the end
of October. Thus The Hauntings from the dead
and the Catholic All Souls day continuing
the same tradition, with variations and
corrupting Christian doctrine until Luther
shined the light.

There are a total of 12 user comments found, add new comment...

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