We would like to extend a warm welcome to you for our services today which are led by our pastor Mark Gladwell.
Today’s meetings:
10.15am Sunday Prayer Meeting in cottage
11am Family Service - Children’s Bible Club Anniversary
6.30pm Evening Service
All are welcome to the after church fellowship at Paul & Janets.
Weekly meetings:
Wednesday 9.30 to 11 Mums & Tots 3.45 to 4.45 Children’s Hour 6.45 to 8.00 KIC club - For Year 5 & 6 children.
Thursday 2.00 Ladies Rest Hour - Speaker – Martha Morphew 7.45 Bible study and prayer meeting - Speaker – Paul
John 16 vv 23 – 27 “for the Father Himself loves you.”
Friday 7.30 to 9.00 FOY - For secondary school children
Saturday 9.30 Open Air
Sunday 11.00 & 6.30 Sunday Services - Led by John McIllmurray
Prayer For the church:
Thank God that Simon has been able to get back to work on a part time basis. Pray that he may soon know a full recovery and that the family’s material needs will be met.
Pray for Sarah and Debbie that they find a job once their studies finish in the summer.
Pray for Pastor and other ministers as they attend the Leicester conference this week.
Continue to pray for our local churches without pastors and few committed workers.
Pray for Paul as he speaks at Bexleyheath Ladies’ meeting on Wednesday.
For Local Area:
Colchester is the church on our Prayer Diary for the coming week. The church correspondent writes: "Encouraged by two recent baptisms.Please pray for: mission weekend this summer; ongoing contact; evangelistic outreach. We long to see souls won for Christ."
For Wider Area:
News from Jean-Claude SOUILLOT working in French speaking Countries 2006 marked 20 years of publishing Sovereign Grace with Europresse, and 2007 is the 15th year of publication for Les Échos de la Vérité, our quarterly newspaper. The Lord has provided for the work and it has been a joy and a cause for thankfulness to see His Word change lives and ministries.
Church camps in Bénin and Togo I preached at two Bible camps, at the invitation of the Grace churches in Bohicon, Bénin, and in Atakpamé , Togo. Just over 300 people attended the Bohicon camp. Several local preachers shared the ministry and it was very encouraging to hear of the full salvation that is in Christ for guilty sinners.
The camp in Togo lasted only half the week. About 100 people came to hear the Gospel. Atakpamé spreads along a valley in a mountainous area. There are two Grace Churches in the town and they unite in a number of initiatives such as this Bible camp and a live radio programme on Saturday mornings. They cannot finance the broadcast, but one member who is a radio technician operates the station on Friday nights (which nobody wants to do) in exchange to being on the air for one hour at peak time on Saturday.
Haiti The Lord opened up the way for me to go to Haiti. This little French-speaking country is one of the poorest and most unstable in the world. Kidnappings and murders are daily news. Many Haitians preachers have enrolled on our Preachers’ Correspondence Course. Communications have been very difficult, with many letters and parcels being lost. Until now, we have not been able to develop proper channels to make books available there.
Publication of Study Commentaries in French I believe that the availability of good Bible commentaries would be a great asset for the French-speaking Church. We have been considering this for some time, and we believe that we should move ahead with the preparation for publication of William Hendriksen’s Commentary on Mark. There is nothing similar on the market, but this presents us with many challenges, both in logistics and financially (after all, most of the French-speaking world is in Africa). We need much prayer to find what the will of the Lord is and the best way forward.
Weekly Bible Readings:
Mon 23rd Apr 2 Samuel 23 Luke 9
Tue 24th Apr 2 Samuel 24 Luke 10
Wed 25th Apr 1 Kings 1 Luke 11
Thur 26th Apr 1 Kings 2 Luke 12
Fri 27th Apr 1 Kings 3 Luke 13
Sat 28th Apr 1 Kings 4 Luke 14
Sun 29th Apr 1 Kings 5 Luke 15
Thought for the week:
“Therefore having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Romans 5:1
General Announcements:
Want to get fit? If you would like to have some fun getting fit, please see either Sarah or Debbie. This is open to everyone on a Monday evening from 7.30 pm.
South East Youth Event Friday 11th May This will be held once again at Bedonwell school. Would you please let Lee know soon as possible, if you would be able to help as.