We are still in the 1st table of the Law that deals with our relationship with God. This commandment is intimately connected to the first two. We saw that there is ONE, true God who must not be worshipped through images but according to how He has revealed Himself/revelation to us. Your and my life is a constant worship and praise to the living God (not just our formal worship) and connects our confession to this Lord's day in our prophetic office. In the way we use His name we CONFESS Him!!! We need to exercise ourselves in this office and use His names to HIS praise and HIS glory!
The reason we must not take this lightly is because God's names are HOLY! (Always the revelation of God in His word done through His names.) A self-revelation and when you touch Him in His names, you touch His very being as they are who God really is! We lost our prophetic office in the fall while Adam could see the very essence of what things were called in their nature. Names are #'s to us, but with God they were revelations (I am that I am.) We know the Son of God by His names (as the Angel was sent and said His name will be Jesus.) Those names are significant and He is His names. And we can see who He is.
The names of God are often used in the world and even the church world and they have acronyms for them. (Ever heard omg?) This commandments' concern isn't for the world first of all, but finds application in the church of our Lord Jesus Christ. Perjury. The lie is everywhere from the top to the bottom and they use God's name to add weight to their words. As a child of God we may not use it cursing, in swearing, profanity, or in vain. Do we use His name without thought of significance? Or when we use them do we feel the full weight and content of them? Do you feel the weight when you say God?! Do we teach our kids the weight of how we were wretched and spit in His face and He took us in so that we can call Him our Father?! We use and talk about the worship and names of God as such and we will not take it lightly! And we will not be partakers of the misuse of His name; something we ALL struggle with. And we won't stand in silence in the misuse and connivance of His name. The name of God. Do NOT abuse it. How many times do we not take His name in vein? Use it lightly without the full weight?...when it SHOULD be our solid confession!!! How thankful we are that our sins have been covered.
Imagine meeting our maker when He asks about the using of His names! Again, thankful fo rthe covering of our sins.
Use the names of God...but let's use them in reverence. Use them with meaning. With the full weight and realization that they are really WHO GOD IS!