"The 2nd Commandment" LD35/ Isaiah 40 This commandment is often confused with the 1st. This commandment is however very distinct. The 1st not allowing other gods (small "g") besides the one, TRUE living God (Trust.) The 2nd deals with the MANNER in which we worship the one, true God. God is a jealous God who will be glorified in ALL of His virtues and will NOT be compromised by us or anyone for that matter! He is revealed to us in His word and it always transcends our finite minds. What "we think" is not what HE demands.
A prohibition to worship God by an image. It is one thing to talk about idolatry among heather nations, but what about God's people who turn around and worship Him contrary to His word and demands? God reminded Israel how He revealed Himself...they did not see Him but they heard Him. He showed Himself through His servant Moses and in His power! Israel likened Him to an ark- a violation of this commandment!
God is a Spirit and MUST always be worshipped in Spirit and Truth. An incomprehensible God. And the basis of this commandment is found in God Himself! How can we describe or depict Him?? The moment you comprehend, you limit and have already insulted the Living, incomprehensible God who is Holy other (John chapter 1.) We behold God in His grace and in His truth. Just try to scratch those concepts! A picture can NEVER comprehend or circumscribe the Living God. What picture can capture the totality of God?? Infinite and boundless without measure and why we are steered far away from it! Infinite matters! The moment I circumscribe Him I lie.
To touch Him....."and I will visit iniquity unto the 3rd and 4th generations...." God IS a jealous God who seeks His OWN glory in all things and particularly in how He is worshiped by the people who He redeemed. Perfectly jealous as we read in Ezekiel. The father sinned and the children were set on edge. God said the one who sins is responsible, but notice there is a connection between the father, the son, the grandson...and that there IS an effect. People use to say "onecers will be noncers." As we LIMIT Him, so our children will do that and beyond and God will visit that in generations.
We worship Him according to HIS WORD and stand in awe at God, who must stand as the incomprehensible God in all of our life!
How do you worship Him? Does the manner in which you do meet HIS requirements???