Will you listen to me as I tell you one more time to look to Christ? Salvation for sinners is to be had in a look of faith. When I say look to Christ, I mean look to Christ in faith, believing that Christ is all it takes to save your sinful soul. Look to the man Christ Jesus as your only obedience to the law. Look to Christ crucified as the only sacrifice it takes to put your sin away. Look to Christ’s death as your death to sin and the law. Look to the risen Christ as the evidence of your justification. Look to the returning Christ as your coming King.
By Adam’s disobedience “in Adam all die.” But by Christ’s obedience that text continues with this good news, “even so in Christ shall all be made alive.” (1 Cor 15: 22) When you read the word “all” in connection with Adam, it refers to all who Adam legally represented who shall be born of Adam’s corrupt seed which is all mankind. When you read the word “all” in connection with Christ, it refers to all who Christ legally represented who shall be born-again of Christ’s incorruptible seed which all who God chose in Christ before the foundation of the world.
Pastor Clay Curtis
While the religious world is up in arms over recent government policies and Supreme Court decisions. Let us remember two things. First, the “chief of all sinners” has no high ground from which to look down. The publican can never say, “God, I thank Thee that I am not like other men.” If we expect sinners to hear the Gospel they must hear it from a fellow sinner. Believers must never present themselves with a hint of moral superiority if we want to be heard. Second, “There is no power but of God, the powers that be are ordained of God” (Rom. 13:1). One would have to read extra-biblical history to find out about the atrocities committed by the Roman authorities during the first century. And, if you did, you would discover a culture that makes twenty first century America look morally superior. Why did Paul, or any other New Testament writers, never mention it? Because the kingdom of God is not of this world. The real problem with our society and every other society is not to be blamed on the politicians, or the educators, or any other worldly institution. Our surprise ought to be that the Lord restrains them from going farther than they do. The real problem lies squarely in the pulpits. Oh, that God would be pleased to raise up laborers to the harvest. That the Gospel of His free grace in Christ would be preached with clarity, conviction, and compassion from sinners to a dying world of sinners.
Pastor Greg Elmquist
Lord, What Will You Have Me To Do?
"Lord, what will you have me to do?" (Acts 9:6). This is Paul's question on the road where he met the sovereign Christ. It was not, what do I think is best for me? Or what will afford me the most pleasure and comfort? Or even what do other people do? But "Lord, what will YOU have me to do?" In every case enable me, by Thy grace, to do what is pleasing in Thy sight and that which will bring glory to Thy name. Where we get in trouble is putting our wills and ways before His! It is not I but Christ, His gospel, His church, His kingdom, His glory, which must be considered. When this is settled "I" will fall in the right place and though the way may not be easy; in the end it will be pleasant. "In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths” (Prov. 3:6).
Pastor Henry Mahan