"Addressing God" LD 46/ Matthew 6 Previously we saw prayer was inherint in the child of God...his native breath and we pray unceasingly. We also saw that it is a Holy art wherein we can be taught as it is from the heart adn is communion and fellowship with God. We also saw that for Jesus' sake we have access to God. And we pray confidently as our prayers we utter is in accordance with HIS will. We must approach God in a certain way and the way we do so is the very ground and foundation of ALL our petitions. Though there are other ways to pray our prayers must ALWAYS be prefereced with this. A very fundamental figure!
THe figure may seem simplistic at first but it is very deep. The things happening in this world will not detract from it either. Now days 43% of children have no fathers and responsability is rarely found. And the child...what respect? as the world aborts them right and left....where is the worth of a child? The world no longer need men anymore to concieve with sperm banks....ask yourself how different is this that the animal world that uses stud services to breed their animals. The very fundamentals of society have been broken down yet we will not be hindered by these things that still hold TRUE! It is of comfort as the child of God to know we are adopted in LOVE, the same love that children are concieved in. Love. Never an "accident." In adoption does not a father or mother show love to a child who is least deserving of it? (Galations 4) We are adopted to be sons of God!! As a father there IS a responsability to the child. He takes OWNERSHIP and RESPONSABILITY and puts the needs of their children BEFORE their very own! (They are to be spent for the child NOT the child for the parent!) Parents set their love upon and will be spent greatly for the child and it is all rooted in LOVE!
All you have to do is stand before the CROSS of calvary! He cast out His ONLY begotten Son for ME! For YOU! The depth of the Love of God! OUR FATHER! We are put in the family of God! We live as siblings in the household of faith! And the closeness of God who tabernacles with us never take away fromt eh fact that He is our Father IN HEAVEN. Many things earthly parents do not understand or percieve in the needs of their children. Fathers of the flesh who have confessed to us. But now we talk of our Father in Heaven-the Almighty one who knows ALL things, never waxes short, never withholds any good gift from His children and raises them PERFECTLY without fail. The cross being the basis of it all!
Close as our Father is the Almighty God! All because God from all eternity has set His love upon us. Everything He does for us is always founded in His Love! Would He ever deal with us differently than the love He dealt with us with on the cross?!?! We can be inconsistant but God's every action is ALWAYS consistant. Think of this basis when we murmer or complain.
This relationship is always in the foreground. Stand before the cross and see that God is MY Father for Jesus' sake! A Father who is perfect in every way...for YOU AND ME!!!