Great Sermon! I was so impressed with how Christ was moving in this message that my entire church has now heard about it. It spoke to me as a woman, tempted to overcome the issue of pride with a false humility, rejecting all that He's blessed us with by saying that we, His creatures, are worthless - and giving in to sin at a back door. This gave me hope that I was praying for these last two years. Pastor Andrew, thank you for being faithful - you are truly a vessel used by God.
Linda - Pheonix, Arizona.
This sermon - Our bondage to sin smashed - smashed at Calvary- is the first of three sermons which I preached on Romans chapter 6 as part of a series on the book of Romans.
The key point of these three sermons is the fact that, as Christians we are no longer bound by our former salvary and bondage to sin. And the reason for that?The death of the Lord Jesus at Calvary. For many, the cross is about the payment for sin, and what a glorious truth that is! But there was a lot more to the cross than the amazing payment of sin. One of the other wonderful consequences of the Lord's death is that His people have been set free from their former bondage to sin. See free because He crucified our old selves to the cross. See free to live in wonderful slavery to God for the rest of our lives.
I trust that you will enjoy listening to and benefit much from this and the other sermons in the series:
Andrew Quigley
"This was just for me, but you could listen too..." When I was listening, it seemed like this sermon was preached just for me. I do not know how many times I have read Rom 6-8, but this brought out a distinction at the end of Romans 6 I had never seen before and that really helped me. Romans 6:21-22 jumped out at me because it was a demand for personal sanctification I had never noticed in the Bible before.
Scott - Internet
"Changing..... everything" This sermon was powerful enough the first time I heard it. I still keep hearing parts of it in my mind every day - reminding me that the relationship I once had with sin is no more. Sin is not my master. The best point in this sermon is that Christ did far, far more when He died on the cross than simply paying the penalty for my sin: He smashed the relationship I had with it. No one is free - you either do what sin wants or what God wants - and yet real freedom is not having to do what sin wants. What a powerful message to share with the world.