Frank Tate | Cattletsburg, Kentucky
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I hope we have the same desire as the Gentiles who came to Jerusalem to worship at the Passover who found Philip and told him, "Sir, we would see Jesus." They hoped Philip would bring them into the presence of the Lord Jesus so they could enjoy His company for a little while. What a blessing when the Lord sends us one of his preachers who can bring us into the presence of the Lord and show us the Lord Jesus Christ in the scriptures. The best thing a preacher can do for us is to preach the gospel so that we can see the Lord Jesus Christ with eyes of faith.
We need to see Jesus as:
The Son of God . We need to see the Lord Jesus in all His glory, the glory that He had with the Father before the world was. We need to see Him as sovereign King who can do with us as He pleases so we will fall at His feet and beg for mercy. The Son of Man . We need to see Jesus not as a mere man, not even as an extraordinary man. We need to see Jesus as the God-Man, as God in human flesh who produced a perfect righteousness that He freely imputes to His people. The Lamb of God . We need to see Jesus as these Gentiles would soon see Him - lifted up on the cross. We need to see the Lord Jesus as the Lamb of God sacrificed for the sin of His elect. We need to see our Redeemer shedding His precious blood to atone for our sin. We need to see Him lifted up so that sinners like us can look and live. The Risen Savior . Our Savior died under the wrath of God for the sin of His elect that was laid on Him, but He didn't stay dead. He arose as the Victorious Savior whose blood put those sins away. We need to see Him risen again for our justification. The Ascended Savior . We need to see Jesus as the successful Savior who ascended back to glory and is seated at His Father's right hand, making intercession for His people. My heart's desire is to see the Lord Jesus Christ. How I long for the day when, in a new body, I can see my Lord face to face. Until then, I would say to every preacher of the gospel, "Sir, we would see Jesus".
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