The writer to the Hebrews quotes verbatim the words in Psalm 40, one of the messianic Psalms. The words spoken are the very words Christ speaks.
The writer to the Hebrews picks up these amazing words. The typical of Old Testament was laid out in sacrifice and the priesthood. David did not spurn the Old Testament sacrifices but was able to look beyond these sacrifices with the eye of faith and see Christ...something Israel often failed... to do! Yet all the sacrifices of the Old Testament could never sooth the conscience. They understood the sacrifices could never atone for sin or satisfy or sooth the conscience. Only when they took hold of Christ by faith could it be soothed. In the "volume of the book it is written..." At eh head of the scroll! The title is written! The Lord required sacrifices but it was NOT what He desired. If the priest made sacrifice without looking at Christ he accomplished NOTHING. All the blood in the Old Testament could not wipe away one sin and there is nothing we can do to either!
"A body Thou hast prepared for Me.." When He comes into this cosmos He came as a willing sacrifice to make reconciliation for the sins of His people.....OUR SINS!!! He submits to the will of the Father (our redemption.) Having the will of the Father in His heart. The animals did all they could to get out of being slaughtered....while Christ WILLINGLY walked the way of the Calvary for you and me!
What you and I could not do God sent Christ in our flesh, in our stead to make full satisfaction. We are sanctified and made Holy! Last week we held the cup of salvation high and we see this morning it is all of Him and none of self! FULL payment for our sin!!!