Always a personal approach in the Psalms. Personal experiences that are found to be indefinite so that they are personal to us as well! These words in this Psalm echo in my mind when I wake up. How wonderful that I can wake up and count my blessings. What can I give in return for all of them?
For all the blessings and profit I have in my life what can I do? David's words here speak as the child of God is restless. The Lord overwhelmed him h...owever by His grace and held him up. When restless the Lord gives serenity! David talks of the things that happen to him but we note they are not that different from us. The realities of life is always around us also. There is sickness, distress, and, but also the depth of the valley. And what do we render for all our blessings? We too can enumerate them as David did. All the blessings of God begin in Christ! It is all from God and His grace to us! Nothing can be against me or condemn me or separate me from the love of Christ!
And how am I, who am an unworthy sinner, going to return unto the Lord? We try to "wiggle" out of the fact that we ARE INDEBTED to God. And when we come to the mercy of God we finally see there is no "I" involved, How am I going to pay for the cross???...and that is just for my justification! (not taking into consideration what I owe for my blessings of sanctification.) We cling to so many things in this life like doctors when it is ALL of God from whom ALL blessings come and it is He who is control. All things from His Fatherly hand and what can you or I really return????
I will take the cup of salvation! Like a toast!....a cup FULL where we will toast and acknowledge our salvation to give God ALL honor and glory!!! Not like the world where man who is created in God's image dethrones God and elevates themselves...but we take the cup and hold it HIGH and acknowledge Him!...and the vows we make before and unto Him- in marriage, in baptism, etc, we will keep all to HIS GLORY!!!