I am greatly concerned about the upcoming election. I am greatly concerned about the edicts which are being decreed in the White House.
I have been reading the book on prayer from the movie War Room. One chapter is dedicated to praying for those in authority. Of course, this is an action in which we all should participate. Yet, sometimes we may wonder if the prayers of one would really make a difference.
When Israel sinned against God while Moses was on the mountain, God said He would destroy Israel and raise up another nation from the seed of Moses. Exodus 32:9,10 What did Moses do? Moses interceded on behalf of Israel. God did not destroy Israel. The prayers of one did make a difference in this case.
Now, let's talk about your prayers. Do you really believe the Scripture? Do you believe Proverbs 21:1? Do you believe the king's hearts are in the hand of the Lord? Do you believe God can turn those hearts? If you do, then this election season, you need to pray that God will change the hearts of the candidates. You need to pray that God will turn the heart of the one who inhabits the White House. Today is no time to stand along party lines. Neither party is Christian. They both have faults. We need to intercede with God, asking Him to change hearts and change situations. The prayers of Moses had affected, so too will yours. PRAY PRAY PRAY
It may be the only thing that will make difference.