1.We saw from the life of Paul that true ministry commitment continues even in the face of danger.What other Biblical examples can you think of that illustrate continual commitment even in the face of danger?Come prepared to read a brief passage of Scripture that encapsulates the example you have in mind.
2.What kinds of dangers might we face for the sake of the gospel and how should we go about preparing to face these dangers?
3.Why is dying to self such an integral part of facing danger?Why is dying to self so difficult for us and why does it need to be a constant process?
4.Practically speaking what does “finishing the course” (vs. 24) Christ had laid out for each of us look like?Do you think we should keep finishing the course at the forefront of our minds?Why?
5.Paul said he was innocent of the blood of all men (vs. 26).How does Ezekiel 33:1-7 relate to what Paul said and how do both of these passages relate to us?
Note: Begining January 28 LifeGroup questions will only be posted on the church website at www.austinbluffschurch.net Until then, questions will be posted on both Sermonaudio.com and the church website.