Cross & Crown Church is a gospel-centered community committed to making disciples who love Jesus Christ and who love others in Jesus' name.
We share the following eight Core Commitments:
-Pursuing the glory of God
-Maintaining the centrality of Scripture
-Exercising Prayerful Dependence
-Reproducing Reproducers
-Following Godly Servant Leadership
-Cultivating Biblical Relationships
-Remembering Faithfulness Equals Success
-Ensuring Excellence in all Things
SermonAudio works well for us. It is quick and efficient for uploading sermons. Every week in the fall and spring when we have our LIFE groups, we link our website to SermonAudio so people can re-listen to the sermon as they work on questions which our pastor posts in a PDF format. Our people enjoy the simplicity of being able to do this as they prepare to discuss what God taught them through the weekly message and share how they will apply it in their lives.