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News Item10/12/2020 9:14 PM
MusicGal  Find all comments by MusicGal
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ladybug wrote:
They keep flip flopping on how it spreads,etc.

In following the research in various medical journals even at the start I have found that it did not flip flop but was progressively developing knowledge of the virus. What I was reading seemed quite ahead of what was being publicly announced. It seems like the information being given isn't flip flopping so to speak but behind by many weeks from where scientists are studying.

News Item10/12/2020 8:16 PM
MusicGal  Find all comments by MusicGal
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Mike wrote:
How can this be? If it weren't considered airborne all along, there wouldn't have been any call for masks or so-called social distancing. How could it get from one face to another, but through the air? If people didn't think it airborne, they wouldn't be wearing masks or distancing from others. How is this news "now showing"? Sounds creative, but not informative.
Covid was thought to be isolated to droplet transmission. If someone sneezes coughs etc it is suspended in the air a short time and so social distancing of 2 meters was advised. The masks were thought to help protect those droplets from transmitting. Airborne transmission is when the virus becomes aerosolized. This now means that the virus can stay suspended in the air much longer and further distancing is needed versus the previous thought 2 meters. Not creative but informative.

News Item10/12/2020 4:00 PM
MusicGal  Find all comments by MusicGal
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Concerns for possible infection from Covid patients has been something on the table as  these front line workers are very much needed. An article dated May 8th gave some statistics on health care workers and the rate of infection from patients with other outbreaks such as from SARS and MERS. It included some at the time statistics as to health care workers infected with Covid19.

Furthermore research is now showing that Covid19 is airborne. I had seen the research as the article indicated early on in the pandemic and we are only now seeing this information made public. 

News Item10/11/2020 8:48 PM
MusicGal  Find all comments by MusicGal
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We shouldn't be surprised at this. Facebook and other social media sites are not Christian so why should we expect them to tolerate Christian beliefs? Those sites are not owned by Christians and they have a right to delete anything they find offensive.

News Item10/9/2020 5:22 PM
MusicGal  Find all comments by MusicGal
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Watcher wrote:
Exactly, just because it's right in someone's eyes, doesn't make it right. We see this all the time in court where criminals are charged with a crime because they thought, at the time, it was the right thing to do.
True Watcher. Someone I know wrote this: "TRUTH IS SUBJECTIVE. Individual. Not really, but I observe this as a trending belief in our culture. That belief is self-serving, don’t be mistaken. Truth by definition is the quality or state of being true. Truth is stubborn, fixed and uncompromising. Instead, in so many instances close to me and on national television, I see people treating truth as subordinate to personal preference. It can certainly be personally expedient to assume that whatever you think or whatever you say is true. But that’s dishonest. It’s dangerous to trust & it’s ruinous of relationships. Why? Because that interpretation of truth is untrue."

News Item10/8/2020 6:02 PM
MusicGal  Find all comments by MusicGal
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John UK wrote:
It is a great joy to see the evidence of God's grace in one's heart and life. It is the greatest proof that one has Jesus within - "Christ in you, the hope of glory".

As you say, the fruit, the work, the evidence of grace, is not of oneself, but the mighty working of the Spirit. Take away the Spirit, and the fruit will disappear.

Yes John. Everything points to the work of the Lord Jesus. He is our Hope of Glory as you say. Not of ourselves but of Him. May He continue to work in our lives and conform us daily.

News Item10/8/2020 1:46 PM
MusicGal  Find all comments by MusicGal
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I don't see an email address here.

News Item10/8/2020 1:06 PM
MusicGal  Find all comments by MusicGal
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Agree. And its what I said - "Nothing of ourselves but His work". We still examine ourselves according to 2 Corinthians 13:5 as directed by Scripture. We are not looking for our good works in examining ourselves but looking to His Work. I do not believe either that we are saved by anything we have done but rather solely by the work of Christ.

News Item10/8/2020 12:33 PM
MusicGal  Find all comments by MusicGal
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I'm just wondering about your statement that looking inwards for evidence proves your gospel is accursed. 2 Corinthians 13:5 says "Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith. This is looking inward and seeing the fruit of the Holy Spirit within you. Nothing of ourselves but His work. Luke 6 says we are known by our fruit yes and our fruit gives evidence of our salvation. We don't create our own fruit but it is a product of salvation. 

News Item10/8/2020 11:02 AM
MusicGal  Find all comments by MusicGal
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Ladybug wrote:
One thing I know for sure, I am a great sinner, and Christ is my great Savior. Praise God for imputed righteousness. He is my redeemer, my Rock, my Advocate. I am eternally grateful to the triune God for so great a salvation. May He reveal His glorious Gospel to you..
.." And this is His name by which He will be called: The LORD Our Righteousness" Jer. 23
Amen and Praise God for this. Without this I was lost.

News Item10/7/2020 11:36 PM
MusicGal | Canada  Find all comments by MusicGal
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Seriously? This is a good example of slander and gossip that a woman is supposed to avoid. Saying people are married and you don't even know them!? Seriously! My haven't we strayed from the topic at hand. Enjoy your cake - oops - there is no cake after all...

News Item10/7/2020 10:51 PM
MusicGal | Canada  Find all comments by MusicGal
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Puzzle pieces? You mean masks and Biblical womanhood?

Editing as I just got it. You think I know Watcher because I agree with mask wearing. Canada is a big place. I'm on other forums and on Facebook and lots of people from Canada agree with me. I'm not friends with all of them and ditto for that here.

News Item10/7/2020 10:45 PM
MusicGal | Canada  Find all comments by MusicGal
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Not me. I will leave that for another man here to provide if he wants. Somehow you sound irked I mentioned some aspects of Biblical behavior for women...

News Item10/7/2020 9:56 PM
MusicGal | Canada  Find all comments by MusicGal
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Yes Watcher. We will all be held accountable for our actions. We should be aiming to be as Christilike as possible towards each other. As for what is becoming in a woman we look to the Bible for our guidelines. Older women are instructed to be reverent in behavior that would include self control and sober mindedness. I would say sarcasm and biting remarks are not evidence of being reverent in behavior. We are not to be slanderers. When we are instructed to be modest it is more than just appearance. It is also in how we communicate. It includes being humble and not being bossy, controlling, domineering or offensive towards others. May the Holy Spirit work in our lives.  

News Item10/7/2020 7:25 PM
MusicGal | Canada  Find all comments by MusicGal
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The eyes are indeed another point of entry for infection according to medical literature.

I personally cannot read something on social media and not cross check and research in order to verify its truth. I find it amazing how people will take portions of an article out of context in order to prove how something is a "discrepancy". This has happened continually over transmission methods, mask wearing, and more.

News Item10/7/2020 6:43 PM
MusicGal | Canada  Find all comments by MusicGal
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I actually felt compelled to comment as I saw Watcher was also advocating masks wearing for N95 and N99 masks. I did not see that he disagreed that surgical masks did not provide protection other than as they were directed for intended use in a general hospital setting. I disagree however that N95 and N99 masks will not protect the user themselves from infection of airborne disease. I am a medical researcher for legal cases and am very familiar with digging into medical articles. My findings are to the contrary regarding masks. They do protect the healthy user if they are the correct PPE for the intended use and they must fit well. They also protect others if you wear N95 and up from you passing on illness. Again they must be good fitting. Watcher you are correct in your quote of how much these filter after reading the links to your articles. I appreciate good research and sources for information.

News Item10/7/2020 4:01 PM
MusicGal | Canada  Find all comments by MusicGal
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Rather than you all quoting mask information you're seen circulating on Facebook take some time to research actual medical articles on the subject of masks. There has been mountains of research done since Covid19 came on the scene. Cloth masks, surgical masks, bandanas, an old t-shirt whatever don't provide much if any protection at all. N95 and N99 masks do. Nothing is totally perfect but its a much better option. Yes. Rely on God to protect you as He sees fit. Sometimes though He provides you with the items you need to protect yourself though. Have you ever seen a doctor? Have you ever purchased vitamins? There are many things we do day to day to improve our health and they are all ultimately provided by God. Wearing a mask does not equate you do not trust in God. How ridiculous. You wear a seat belt - why? Why not just trust God you won't get in an accident?

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