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Sermon Knowing the All-Knowing God | Wayne Conrad
"What a wonderful reminder that knowing about God is not actually knowing..."
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Sermon12/1/19 9:33 PM
Mike Jeshurun | India  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mike Jeshurun
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The Tragedy of Harold Camping
Michael J. Phillips
“ Must hear sermon ”
Listened to this sermon again after almost eight years and O what an anointed sermon this is. Listened to this sermon to take points for am article I am preparing about the need to make use of godly teachers whom the Church has been blessed with. There a growing trend in the Church right now of people who say that the Bible is the only book they need and that they have no need for God's appointed teachers of the past. What these men are saying in effect is that they know better than Jesus who in the first place blessed the Church with teachers and pastors. Brother Michael Phillips clearly shows in this sermon how THIS was one of the main causes for Campings deviation into errors - the failure to make use of the knowledge which the good Lord has already blessed the Church with through His appointed teachers, and stay in line with the cardinal doctrines of the Christian Faith. May the Lord deliver His people from this false humility of assuming that the Bible alone is enough and we have no need for God's appointed teachers and their teaching.

Sermon1/27/13 2:57 AM
Mike Jeshurun | India  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mike Jeshurun
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How God Restores Wasted Years
Rev. Stephen Hamilton
“ Great Sermon! ”
A very powerful and encouraging sermon for backsliders like me! Oh only our God can restore the years which the locusts have eaten. This is another one of those things which is beyond man, like raising the dead! Wasted years are like 'water under the bridge', but our Lord can bring that water back. For with God ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE! This is a great sermon which gave me hope. God bless you dear Pastor!

Sermon1/26/13 4:22 AM
Mike Jeshurun | India  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mike Jeshurun
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Saved to the Uttermost
Dr. James White
“ A Must Hear! ”
Oh I just enjoyed Dr. James White's conviction in his preaching! A faithful Reformed Theologian who doesn't mince words! Not only that but He does something which many 'preachers' in our day refrain from doing . . . He calls a 'spade a spade' . . . I just loved to hear him call the Roman Catholic Mass for what it is . . . BLASPHEMY! I believe no sermon or lecture is complete on the "Finished work of Christ" without mentioning the Roman Mass. And please let me mention that my beloved wife is undergoing a surgery next week and my Roman Catholic dad told me he was going to 'offer a Mass' on her behalf . . . And I had let it pass as I have already confronted his religion many years ago. But after hearing you preach and call the Mass a blasphemy once again convicted me to tell my dad not to offer that Mass! God bless you Brother James! May the good Lord raise more preachers like you! Your kind of strong preaching will not 'win friends and influence people'! But which true preacher would want that! What we want to hear is a "Well done thou good and faithful (not successful) servant . . . Enter thou into the joy of thy Lord! Love, Mike!

Sermon1/26/13 2:03 AM
Mike Jeshurun | India  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mike Jeshurun
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This Is A Faithful Saying
Tom Harding
“ A must hear! ”
I came here searching for Henry Mahan sermons and this is the first time I am hearing Brother Tom Harding. At one point in this sermon he says "The Lord can save EVEN YOU"! Oh how I needed to hear that! It was a word in season! I had gone away from The Lord and was writing bitter things against myself, even wondering whether I had sinned myself beyond grace! Oh how this word encouraged me! Thank you Brother Tom, you will never know in this life how much your word meant to me! May The Lord bless you abundantly and continue to greatly use you! I plan to hear more of your sermons! Love, Mike! P.S. I also liked that you made it clear that "Christ did not come to make His people 'savable' but to actually save them! The Lord did not cry on the cross saying that He STARTED something . . . but IT IS FINISHED"! A truly sound Monergistic sermon!

Sermon1/17/13 7:30 AM
Mike Jeshurun | India  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mike Jeshurun
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Born Free
Henry Mahan
“ Great Sermon! ”
A great sermon as usual by Brother Mahan! Oh I love to hear him preach. He gives God ALL the glory and puts man in the dust where he belongs! A great sermon distinguishing grace and works and how the twain can never be mixed! After you're done with this please make the time to also listen to his sermon titled - "Looking in the wrong direction" - another wonderful and anointed sermon along the same lines.

Sermon2/8/12 11:47 PM
Mike Jeshurun | India  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mike Jeshurun
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God's Golden Chain of Salvation
Laurence Justice
“ Great Sermon! ”
A wonderful sermon correctly setting forth what each of the five points of this golden chain mean. I have heard many sermons on this portion of scripture, but can never tire of hearing this glorious truth preached in the power of the Spirit. May the Lord bless and use Brother Laurence and His ministry in the days to come to edify His saints.

Sermon12/28/11 2:09 PM
Mike Jeshurun | India  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mike Jeshurun
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The Anabaptists
Bob Brown
“ A must hear sermon! ”
A wonderful teaching on who the Anabaptists were, preached in the right spirit, without apologizing for the Reformers. The best sermon on this subject. God bless Brother Bob Brown and his ministry!

Sermon9/4/11 11:34 PM
Mike Jeshurun | India  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mike Jeshurun
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My Savior, Not My Lord
Pastor William Poss
“ Great Sermon! ”
These days it is very difficult to find a saved preacher who is faithful to preach not only on both- Absolute Sovereignty and also the importance of the precepts. In Brother William Poss I found such a man, and am grateful to God for his sermons. If you are a fan of A.W. Pink, Charnock and the like, you will be greatly blessed by brother William Poss’ excellent sermons! May God give us more men like him!

Sermon7/28/11 2:38 AM
Mike Jeshurun | India  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mike Jeshurun
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The Tragedy of Harold Camping
Michael J. Phillips
“ A Must Hear Sermon! ”
This is the best sermon that I have heard on the Harold Camping and Family radio issue. Unlike many who have ridiculed and poked fun at Mr. Camping, Brother Michael Phillips carefully examines in much detail what led Mr. Camping to this present state. More than anything, Brother Phillips brings out the danger of those who say that they do not need the theology of gifted men of the past and reject it, because they have their Bible and their own interpretation of it! This according to Brother Phillips was one of the main causes of Camping’s fall into error. Mr. Camping was unwilling to listen; not only to sound theologians of the past, but even to those of the present who tried to correct and counsel him. A must hear sermon, preached in the right spirit!

Sermon6/26/11 11:14 AM
Mike Jeshurun | India  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mike Jeshurun
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“ Great Sermon! ”
This is indeed a sermon which comforted my oppressed heart and motivated me to continue to look to the LORD for salvation! May the good Lord bless Brother Roth and use him more and more!

News Item2/22/11 10:07 AM
Mike Jeshurun | India  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mike Jeshurun
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Brethren, this is Mike again. I downloaded two sermons this evening of which one is recognized and playable by my Samsung mobile phone while the other is not. The one that is recognized is - 'A Chastening love' by Michael Rogers sermon nu - 524101218335. The one that does not even show on my mobile is - 'The Blessing of Chastening' by Ivan Foster nu- 1220002340. Now why does my mobile recognize the one and not the other? Can some of you experts help a dumb sheep like me? Thanks!

News Item2/22/11 3:52 AM
Mike Jeshurun | India  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mike Jeshurun
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Sir, my Samsung S3353 mobile phone does not recognize the recent sermons I uploaded. Amazingly the sermons I downloaded from your site two months ago and all other mp3 sermons from other sites are recognized and playable. What could be the problem? Please help.

Sermon1/22/11 11:00 AM
Mike Jeshurun | India  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mike Jeshurun
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Do You Deserve To Go To Hell?
Dr. Michael G. Morrow
“ Great Sermon! ”
I am a Reformed man who delights in the doctrines of God's Absolute Sovereignty. But this was a message that I needed to hear. Most of the time we Calvinists take great comfort in dwelling on what Christ has done for us and forget to inquire what Christ requires of us. As A.W. Pink rightly said- "They (Calvinists) preach a lot on doctrine, often on experience, but life conduct receives the scantiest notice. It is not too much to say that they seem to be afraid of the very word “duty.” They preach soundly and beneficially on the obedience which Christ gave to God on behalf of His people, but they say next to nothing of that obedience which the Lord requires from those He has redeemed". Dr. Michael G. Morrow rightly reminds us that God does not hate the sin but love the sinner, but hates ALL workers of iniquity! He also reminds us that unless we see ourselves as sinners who deserve Hell, we won't need the Lord Jesus. A must hear sermon for both the saved and the lost alike. May the Lord bless Dr. Michael for this faithful word!

Sermon12/18/10 8:16 PM
Mike Jeshurun | India  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mike Jeshurun
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“ Must Hear Sermon! ”
Let all those who sit under Pastor Greg Price’s Ministry praise God for him. For unlike the majority of the pantywaist Reformed protestant pastors of our day, he has stood up to take a stand for the truth and call a spade a spade! The preaching of â€sound doctrine’ is not just harping on the doctrines of Sovereign Grace but exposing and decrying anything and everything that is done in the name of our Lord Jesus which is not according to the Truth! A true witness is not sticking your head in the sand and pretending that all is well (when it is not) but raising your voice and crying out against Hypocrisy and falsehood! [see Isa 58:1] It is said of our Master – “The zeal of Thine house hath eaten Me up”! If the same cannot be said of YOU, you need to examine yourself whether you truly belong to Him! When it does not concern a preacher that his Father’s house is being made a â€den of thieves’ then he is no shepherd but is himself a thief and a robber who has climbed up some other way! [Jn 10;1] Oh may the good Lord bless Pastor Greg Price and raise up more men like him!

Sermon11/15/10 10:26 AM
Mike Jeshurun | India  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mike Jeshurun
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(This sermon is no longer available)
“ Must Hear Sermon for all Calvinists! ”
This is indeed a strange sermon coming from a Reformed Preacher! Because generally speaking, preachers who hold to 'Sovereign Grace' hardly ever preach sermons on Self-Denial. J.C.Philpot who was himself a legend among Calvinist preachers had this to say - "Consider this point, ye ministers, who Lord’s day after Lord’s day preach nothing but doctrine, doctrine, doctrine; and ask yourselves whether the same Holy Spirit who revealed the first three chapters of the epistle to the Ephesians did not also reveal the last three? Nothing more detects hypocrites, purges out loose professors, and fans away that chaff and dust which now so thickly covers our barn floors than an experimental handling of the precept. A dry doctrinal ministry disturbs no conscience. The loosest professors may sit under it, nay, be highly delighted with it, for it gives them a hope, if not a dead confidence, that salvation being wholly of grace they shall be saved whatever be their walk of life" The above is a true saying worthy of all acceptation. I praise God for Pastor Douglas L. Watson who though being an advocate of 'Sovereign Grace' is showing us what Christ expects of His disciples! May God bless him and his ministry!

Sermon11/13/10 2:26 AM
Mike Jeshurun | India  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mike Jeshurun
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“ Must Hear Sermon! ”
Another very passionate sermon by Pastor John Pittman Hey in the 'David and Mephibosheth' series. He truly brings out what it means to be seated with Christ in glory for all eternity. For the first time I also saw in a new light that in the parable of the great feast, those who made excuses and went their way when the King invited them were not POOR ENOUGH. Pastor Pittman shows how unless you are really poor you will have no need for Christ. I find this to be so true in all my personal evangelism efforts. May the good Lord bless Pastor Pittman and continue to use him more and more.

Sermon10/31/10 11:02 PM
Mike Jeshurun | India  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mike Jeshurun
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Sought Out by the King
John Pittman Hey
“ A Must Hear Sermon ”
A very touching sermon indeed by Pastor John Pittman Hey. All theologians agree that the kindness that David showed to Mephibosheth is a picture of the kindness and mercy which the Lord shows to His elect. But Pastor John goes a step further and points out the differences as to how the love and mercy of the Master far exceeds David’s kindness to Mephibosheth. He especially shows how that it actually cost David nothing to do good to this lame man whereas it cost our Lord Jesus EVERYTHING to purchase our redemption and freedom. The substance always far excels the type and shadow in Scripture, and Pastor John brings this out very beautifully. A must hear sermon for all of God’s children.

Sermon9/16/10 10:27 PM
Mike Jeshurun | India  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mike Jeshurun
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“ Great Sermon! ”
A very passionate sermon on the power and omnipotence of God. A sermon to remind us that our God will have no other God's before Him. It is also a sermon that shows us the All-Sufficiency of God. Pastor Andy Christofides reminds us that in the real sense, God does not need US to defeat the enemy or manifest His glory. It is only our privilege that God chooses to use us. A wonderful sermon which establishes the very first Commandment of God, and reminds us that He will have no other Gods before Him. May the Lord richly bless Pastor Andy Christofides and his ministry.

Sermon9/10/10 10:44 PM
Mike Jeshurun | India  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mike Jeshurun
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Sorrow into Joy
Edwin Blackwood
“ A very touching Sermon! ”
A very passionate sermon by Pastor Edwin Blackwood on the realities of sorrow in the Christian life. He shows us the examples of Old Testament saints, the Apostles and even saints in our own day who went through unimaginable sorrow. But how through all this that the holy spirit was a 'present help in their time of trouble'. A very moving sermon, especially when I compare myself with some of the testimonies that Pastor Blackwood shares of other men of God who went through great sorrow but yet rejoiced in their God. I would recommend this sermon to all who claim to be Christians and especially those who may be deluded by a false gospel that God promises 'health, wealth, and prosperity' to His child in THIS life!

Sermon9/8/10 9:19 AM
Mike Jeshurun | India  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mike Jeshurun
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A Needy Dog
Marvin Stalnaker
“ A Must Hear Sermon! ”
A wonderful passionate sermon that truly ministered to me and gave me hope. Here is a preacher that gives God all the glory in his preaching. There are many who would give credit to the Canaanite woman's importunity or to her own 'free will' and persistence. But not Pastor Marvin Stalnaker. he reminds us that the woman's faith was a gift of God. He also reminds us that if God has given us great faith then He will also greatly test us. A must hear sermon magnifying the Absolute Sovereignty of God from the first to the last! May God raise up more faithful preachers like Pastor Marvin Stalnaker!
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