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6/27/09 2:52 PM |
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"And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters: With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication" (Revelation 17:1-2).Listen to the free MP3 on sermonaudio, by Jonathan Edwards, entitled, "Jonathan Edwards On Revelation, The Overthrow Of Antichrist and the Eschatology Of Victory" at http://www.sermonaudio.com/go/2094 or http://tinysa.com/2094. Also see all the free resources at "Antichrist (666) Revealed In Classic Puritan, Reformation and Covenanter Thought" at http://www.swrb.com/newslett/freebook/eschatol.htm or "666 - The Number of the Beast of Revelation, a.k.a. Antichrist -- The Historic Protestant Interpretation (Reformed Teaching)" at http://tinysa.com/2095. |
4/23/09 2:43 PM |
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wye wrote: 'During ten years, hundreds, and perhaps thousands, were annually reported to be converted on all hands; but now it is admitted, that real converts are comparatively few. It is declared, even by [Finney] himself, that "the great body of them are a disgrace to religion" [cited in Warfield, 2:23]. Contrast the failures of the so-called revivals under men like Finney (and other Pelagians and Arminians) with the lasting fruit of the greatest revival since the days of the apostles: the Covenanted Reformation! Many of those converted and revived, during the second Reformation in particular, later faithfully suffered much persecution and even martyrdom. For some of the stirring stories of faithfulness to the Lord Jesus Christ and what these brave Calvinist Christians believed during this time, please see the free books, articles and MP3s at http://www.swrb.com/newslett/freebook/covref.htm -- including Religious Principles of the Scottish Martyrs at http://www.swrb.com/newslett/actualnls/RelPrinScotMar.htm, Sketches of the Covenanters at http://www.gutenberg.org/etext/13570 (free book) or http://www.sermonaudio.com/go/851 (seven free MP3s) and The Covenanted Reformation Defended at http://www.swrb.com/newslett/actualnls/CovRefGB.htm. |
1/24/09 11:41 PM |
swrb.com | | Edmonton, Alberta | | ![](https://media.sermonaudio.com/images/web/images/gray2.gif) | ![Protected Name](https://media.sermonaudio.com/images/web/images/small_lock3.gif) | ![](https://media.sermonaudio.com/images/web/images/gray2.gif) | ![Find all comments by swrb.com](https://media.sermonaudio.com/images/web/images/magnifier.gif) |
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Peter, Romanism, Satan & The Two Mystery Babylons More fine preaching on the book of Revelation, by Bill Mencarow, exposing Satan deceptions, which are widespread in most modern churches and all nations who continue to wonder after the beast (Revelation 13:3) in these days of great apostasy (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4). "And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues" (Revelation 18:4). All Christians will benefit greatly by listening to this whole series on Revelation, which is free in MP3 format at http://www.sermonaudio.com/go/769 on sermonaudio -- for "Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand" (Revelation 1:3). |
12/7/08 9:15 AM |
swrb.com | | Edmonton, Alberta | | ![](https://media.sermonaudio.com/images/web/images/gray2.gif) | ![Protected Name](https://media.sermonaudio.com/images/web/images/small_lock3.gif) | ![](https://media.sermonaudio.com/images/web/images/gray2.gif) | ![Find all comments by swrb.com](https://media.sermonaudio.com/images/web/images/magnifier.gif) |
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Spurgeon: Do Arminians Pray Like Calvinists? Great selection! Thanks for adding this to sermonaudio. We have placed the full sermon from which this quote is excerpted, "Free Will A Slave" by Charles Spurgeon, on sermonaudio as a free MP3, at http://www.sermonaudio.com/sermoninfo.asp?SID=7170545810 . Here is an another important quote from Spurgeon, taken from this same sermon: "... and I will go as far as Martin Luther, in that strong assertion of his, where he says, 'If any man doth ascribe of salvation, even the very least, to the free will of man, he knoweth nothing of grace, and he hath not learnt Jesus Christ aright.' It may seem a harsh sentiment; but he who in his soul believes that man does of his own free will turn to God, cannot have been taught of God, for that is one of the first principles taught us when God begins with us, that we have neither will nor power, but that He gives both; that He is 'Alpha and Omega' in the salvation of men." (Spurgeon is here referring to Martin Luther's book The Bondage of the Will which is also free in MP3 format on sermonaudio beginning at http://www.sermonaudio.com/sermoninfo.asp?SID=10306112820 ). |
11/2/08 9:18 AM |
swrb.com | | Edmonton, Alberta | | ![](https://media.sermonaudio.com/images/web/images/gray2.gif) | ![Protected Name](https://media.sermonaudio.com/images/web/images/small_lock3.gif) | ![](https://media.sermonaudio.com/images/web/images/gray2.gif) | ![Go to homepage](https://media.sermonaudio.com/images/web/images/small_house6.gif) | ![](https://media.sermonaudio.com/images/web/images/gray2.gif) | ![Find all comments by swrb.com](https://media.sermonaudio.com/images/web/images/magnifier.gif) |
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Stratiotes wrote: Abortion is 1st degree murder, "contraception" (i.e. use of the Pill or IUD, etc) is more like 2nd degree, considering that so many are ignorant of its true effects. Go and study and learn! Do not accept uncritically the words of any one, here or anywhere - check it out for yourself. To learn more about birth control listen to the free MP3 book on sermonaudio at http://www.sermonaudio.com/go/641 or see all the free resources at http://www.swrb.com/Puritan/bible-birth-control.htm |
7/6/08 4:01 PM |
swrb.com | | Edmonton, Alberta | | ![](https://media.sermonaudio.com/images/web/images/gray2.gif) | ![Protected Name](https://media.sermonaudio.com/images/web/images/small_lock3.gif) | ![](https://media.sermonaudio.com/images/web/images/gray2.gif) | ![Find all comments by swrb.com](https://media.sermonaudio.com/images/web/images/magnifier.gif) |
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A Major Demonic Deception And Delusion In Our Day This sermon contains excellent insights into the Devil's methodology for the deception of modern (Humanistic) man, societies and even "churches." Also included is the biblical remedy to these specific demonic lies. To further lay the axe at the root (Matthew 3:10) of Postmodern and Humanistic folly and heresy, as it manifests itself in individuals, families, churches and the state (civil government, morality and law), see the free MP3 "The First Commandment: Exposing the Idolatry of Arminianism, Roman Catholicism, Cults, Judaism, Islam, Humanism, Materialism, etc.," at http://www.sermonaudio.com/sermoninfo.asp?SID=9260511205 . |
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