Yep, indeed Christian values and morales will clash with capitalist ideals in many cases. The Bible doesn't say you're supposed to profit all you can at the expense and oppression of others.
Mike, a joy to see you. God bless you and yours! How are you doing? Surely Spring is arriving in the Adirondacks and Finger Lakes. Sounds very nice. Any recommendations for a good place of repose in the Finger Lakes region?
Lurker, That's perfectly acceptable to me. I've seen that passage before and that's an acceptable understanding which fits nicely in the context of many of the other verses I mentioned. Thank you.
Wayne, I can say a definite AMEN! to your insistence on faith alone in one's salvation. I look at faith as the foundation from which works come: Faith alone for salvation, faith alone for our positional as well as practical holiness and righteouness. We don't work to get faith, but work because of faith. I'm very agreed with you on the Sola Fide aspect of your quarrels there I'd also add that part about confesing's written to those already believing, which shows, to me that confession of sins is not what saves, but faith in the proclamation of the forgiveness of sins. Just thought I should clarify in case you thought I was implying a work of confession was required for initial salvation(Good example is Acts 10:43 to show salvation coming at the hearing of the word without works).
If I can think of some edifying words, I'll do so. Tomorrow I intend to learn yet more about the Lord's Resurrection. He was raised for our justification. Time for me to go. Good night.
Your family will be in my prayers, that a visition of God's saving grace will be given to your unsaved loved ones. The Lord's word does not return void. See you later... Sorry I don't have any personal website. I did for a while, but it was shut down due to some interesting circumstances, but I'm getting ideas for a new one some day.
I hear you there, and for the same reasons. Biggest obstacle is the other's faith. Not just that, but practicing that faith. Then there are morals. My brother says I'm too particular.
Wuuuppps! I just realized it was LittleLady asking that question, Leebird. My sincere apologies. I suppose that's what happens when we get to "comfortable" with words and names...we just kinda skim over them. both of you!
So how far is Kitchener from Moosonee, Littlelady?
"Devotion to Christ is what binds couples together"
CBC, I'm not sure this will help, but there were some movements going on before the Reformation per se: Wycliffe, John Hus, Peter Waldo, etc....but I think you hinted at that. Just a thought. I think it's safe to say we've inherited some traditions from Christians before us. If all such traditions are acceptable or "biblical" is an area of discussion and disagreement of course.
Pondering the Regulative Principle, it occured to me that I actually employ this when it comes to the issue of how one gets saved. I'm quite adamant one's salvation testimony has got to have clear examples among the Apostles or I cannot in good conscience say they are saved(as has happened particulary in my conversations with John Yurich and his idea of receiving Christ as Savior....always leaving out Lord).
I don't subscribe to all the tenets of Calvinism(but certainly closer to it than to Arminianism and the Charismatics of today), and I have read a good testimony at one site. I think it's called Darkness to Light Ministries. The web author has his testimony the last I knew:
Of course, the candidate would have to be devout in her faith: regular gathering(at least every Sunday, if possible) for worship with a congregation; mid-week services/Bible study(if the congregation has this and work schedule permits); frequent home devotion time(preferably each day, although I usually omit this on Sunday and other days with public gathering for worship and hearing the Word). I know that sounds like quite a list, but that's me. Being gathered around an open Bible is important to me because "Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God."