NEW YORK (AP) — Two years into his reign, Pope Benedict XVI is finally poised to make a major mark on American Catholicism with a string of key bishop appointments and important decisions about the future of U.S. seminaries and bishops' involvement in politics.Benedict's election on April 19, 2005, shook liberals and comforted conservatives who expected a doctrinal hard-liner. So far, they have found an easier hand — and someone who has not made the United States much of a priority.
Key appointments are expected in New York, Baltimore and Detroit, where cardinals have reached retirement age, 75. And retirements or appointments are likely in at least seven other archdioceses: Seattle; Minneapolis-St. Paul; Pittsburgh; New Orleans; Louisville, Kentucky; Omaha, Nebraska; and Mobile, Alabama.
Then there is the potential ripple effect — if some bishops move to larger cities, then they too must be ...