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News Item12/25/18 1:24 AM
Chase | Queen Creek, AZ  Find all comments by Chase
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Dr. Tim,
Isaiah 9:1-7 is the Christmas message my pastor preached on. What a wonderful prophetic text of our Lord Jesus Christ. Merry Christmas to all and let us all consider His incarnation and the life He lived on our behalf to bring peace between God and man.

News Item10/27/18 7:14 PM
Chase | Queen Creek, AZ  Find all comments by Chase
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Youth in Asia,
What does that mean?

News Item10/4/18 11:49 AM
Chase | Queen Creek, AZ  Find all comments by Chase
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Your last paragraph does not bode well for social activism and those who want impose biblical standards on a secular government and nation. However, I agree with you. Just a hard pill to swallow for most today it seems.

News Item10/4/18 11:48 AM
Chase | Queen Creek, AZ  Find all comments by Chase
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No law has been reversed, moreover I totally agree that this is extremely inconsistent thinking.... what does a false marriage certificate that completely abandons the definition and truth of marriage have anything to do with issuing a visa?! Lol.
Regardless, the decision was the right one, just for wrong reasons.

News Item9/24/18 9:27 AM
Chase | Queen Creek, AZ  Find all comments by Chase
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Good ā€˜ole Andy Stanley.

News Item9/21/18 1:02 PM
Chase | Queen Creek, AZ  Find all comments by Chase
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I always find these sort of stories a bit inconsistent... itā€™s definitely not that I have an issue with pro-life clubs or them going on a school campus. I am aggressively pro-life and could never be convinced by any ā€œargumentā€ that is pro-choice because of the Biblical revelations clarity on the subject of life.
However, I am not sure we are consistent in our thinking of a group like this on a school campus. To think about this we must see this pro life group from a secular perspective. Whether a secular individual agrees or disagrees with the prolife group is not the issue. Would this be equally as accepted if an atheist group wanted to do this? What about a satanist group? An LGBT group?
Essentially what I am saying is this, when we DEMAND our right to be on a school campus thatā€™s fine, I think we should just keep ready for groups like the ones I mentioned above to do the same thing in the name of equality.
Obviously I disagree with every single one of those groups I listed above, again agreeing or not with their principles, what I am trying to bring out is that our own demands and arguments could very well be used against us.
Chew the meat and spit out the bones of my logic, just thinking through these sort of ā€œrightsā€ ...

News Item9/21/18 12:54 PM
Chase | Queen Creek, AZ  Find all comments by Chase
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Is that the Gospel? šŸ˜‰ sounds like you are emphasizing an aspect without stating the totality. Hmmmmmmmmmmm šŸ˜‹

News Item9/18/18 5:21 PM
Chase | Queen Creek, AZ  Find all comments by Chase
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Umm Elmer....
That sort of violence is unbecoming of a Christian. It is not your responsibility to God to kill anyone as a citizen vigilante...

News Item9/15/18 5:59 PM
Chase | Queen Creek, AZ  Find all comments by Chase
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What else would one expect from Jezebelā€™s daughter? šŸ§šŸ¤Ø
Astonishing how people suppress truth, even at the basic level of a human life... so sad for these poor babies who are smashed and killed by the one (mother) who should nurture, love, and protect them.
Our God is gracious and sovereign and I pray that His will be done in this wretched, sinful world. The Lord Jesus Christ is STILL on the throne upholding the world; Colossians 1:16-17.

News Item9/11/18 3:39 PM
Chase | Queen Creek, AZ  Find all comments by Chase
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Oh and your not the only individual who believers in an infallible, inspired, inerrant Bible. I place the Bible as my epistemological point of every aspect of life and godliness.

News Item9/11/18 3:37 PM
Chase | Queen Creek, AZ  Find all comments by Chase
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John UK;
So did God inspire the original autographs or the Textus Receptus? Or both? I would emphatically hold to the view that God but His Holy Spirit inspired the writers of the New Testament and therefore the original autographs are inspired. By means of textual critical work with bodies of Greek texts like the Textus Receptus we know that our English translations are accurate and truly the Word or God.
You have quite a view of the authorized version, KJV. I am not one to denote itā€™s significance down throughout history by any means or suggest that it is useless today. However we do now possess more literal translations with more manuscripts, like ESV and NASB. Not a hill to die on though, people get very heated on that subject.
Itā€™s hard to tell if your inquiry about MacArthurs notes on Matthew 19:16-22 is genuine, but one of the Bibleā€™s I own is a MacArthur study Bible. What specific verse or section of a verse would you like to know? The notes arenā€™t exactly a quick jotting down of a couple words. That is, if that was a genuine request.

News Item9/11/18 1:05 PM
Chase | Queen Creek, AZ  Find all comments by Chase
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John UK,
Just curious, are you a KJVonlyist?

News Item9/11/18 1:05 PM
Chase | Queen Creek, AZ  Find all comments by Chase
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David Grimes;
I appreciate your graciousness. I most definitely not concluding that obedience is required for salvation, I am saying that obedience in a necessary OUTCOME of that salvation (justification). Sanctification necessitates that, or else what is sanctification if not the progressive conforming to Christ until Christ returns and we are glorified? Hopefully that makes my position clear, perhaps John UK had something to do with that confusion. Just as he and others seem confused about MacArthurs gospel presentation.

News Item9/10/18 6:04 PM
Chase | Queen Creek, AZ  Find all comments by Chase
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David Grimes;
You did not respond to the verses I gave from 1 John, you asked and I provided them.

John UK;
This is completely fruitless. I am laughing because you keep saying the same thing over and over again seemingly without actually reading what I am saying. I will try this one more time. You are taking one statement, from one video, to represent a mans whole presentation of the Gospel. MacArthur has faithfully served as pastor of Grace Community Church for 50 years next year and has preached through the entire New Testament along with commentaries on each book. He has written countless books, most of which pertain to the Gospel or threats to the Gospel. All I am saying is take his works in toto and judge his theology and Gospel presentation in that manner. That is much more balanced and fair. Do you not agree with that?

News Item9/10/18 1:02 PM
Chase | Queen Creek, AZ  Find all comments by Chase
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John UK,
I just noticed you said this, PLEASE quote me where I said that good works justify us LOL. Moreover please quote me a statement form MacArthur that says this. Idk what your beef with him and ā€œdispensationalistā€ is but it is tainting your view and perception of his words and mine.
Wow are presuppositions strong lol

News Item9/10/18 12:58 PM
Chase | Queen Creek, AZ  Find all comments by Chase
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All Iā€™m saying is faith without works is dead, do you also disagree with James? James 2:20-26

News Item9/10/18 12:56 PM
Chase | Queen Creek, AZ  Find all comments by Chase
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David Grimes;
1 John 1:6-7, 2:2-6, 3:6-10
Obedience flows naturally from the true believer. I am not saying that is the Gospel lol.... I just said thatā€™s a necessary truth of the Gospel. Your arguing with John, not me by leveling faulty charges that I am saying is less perfection is required. For the same writer that writes these verses says this, 1 John 1:8-9.

John UK,
I have listened to many many MacArthur sermons where he very clearly expounds that we are saved by grace alone, by faith alone, in Christ alone. I mean he is an ardent supporter of the 5 solas.. this is so perplexing to me why these things are being stated by you as fact when it is clear to me that you do not know this mans theology. Even accusing me of preaching a false Gospel LOL. You donā€™t know me or my theology for sure so get off your high horse, come down off your man made throne and be humble and recognize that perhaps everyone but yourself isnā€™t a heretic. You can not like MacArtbur and his theology without branding him as a heretic who preaches a false Gospel.
Oh and I noticed you responded to an extremely small portion of my response to you. Another example of cherry picking statements just like you did to MacArthur to twist what I said and put words in my mouth. Unappreciated my friend and that

News Item9/9/18 10:57 PM
Chase | Queen Creek, AZ  Find all comments by Chase
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By the way, in that video I believe MacArthur is stressing the Lordship of Christ. Is it not true that true salvation comes with obedience? Or have you never had the time to read 1 John with all your critiquing of JM? šŸ§

News Item9/9/18 8:09 PM
Chase | Queen Creek, AZ  Find all comments by Chase
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John UK,
You are consistently misrepresenting MacArthurs theology, especially concerning the Gospel. What a ridiculous you have that he promotes a Gospel of works.... I mean honestly the man is preaching through Galatians for the second time!!!! Listen to this sermon series and I think it will be clear to you. Fundamentally you do not take 1 statement, with no context, and make that represent his view of the Gospel.
This is childish, misrepresentation. Clearly you have a bone to pick with MacArthur, and thatā€™s fine, just donā€™t level heretic charges at the man and say he preaches a false Gospel. Especially when that man has written books defending the Gospel over and over. Ie The Gospel According to Jesus, God, Paul.
Have you ever listened to him preach a book of the Bible? Any book. Have yo ever read one of his books on he Gospel in its entirety? If not you are speaking from ignorance and should repent.

News Item9/4/18 4:42 PM
Chase | Queen Creek, AZ  Find all comments by Chase
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Calm down Jim. Hyper-criticism isnā€™t a gift of the Spirit
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