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News Item1/21/07 12:03 PM
Abigail's progeny  Find all comments by Abigail's progeny
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Actually, Cindy, Paul recommends the single life, and especially for women.

1 Corinthians 7.

News Item1/17/07 5:19 PM
Abigail's progeny  Find all comments by Abigail's progeny
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Mo, well, the Bible says there were women in the upper room and that everyone was speaking in tongues, praising God. So you can think the Bible was written for men only if that's what rocks your boat. I feel sorry for you.

News Item1/17/07 3:55 PM
Abigail's progeny  Find all comments by Abigail's progeny
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Mo, wrong about no women speaking in tongues.

Acts 1 says the 120 in the upper room included women and that ALL spoke in tongues.

Usually, the word "men" is a generic term that includes men and women both, unless specifically referring to men only. The King James Bible was written long before the feminists imposed their politically correct terms of him/her, she/he, his/hers, etcetera.

Only in the past 25 years or so have people gotten away from words like "mankind" used to mean humankind in general.

The King James Bible was written for men and women both, not just men. If you are correct in what you say about literally referring to the word "men" as meaning men only, it would mean there are only about three or four pages of the entire Bible that apply to women.

Which I know many of the misogynists who post here already think that God only wrote the Bible for men.

Survey12/29/06 7:05 PM
Abigail's progeny | we're everywhere  Find all comments by Abigail's progeny
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Smith can dish it out but he can't take it. Right, you satanic old scalliwag, you?

But stop crying and fretting. Between you and MBL, the two of you, your blood pressure is going to put you both in the hospital.

So if you can't handle posting on a bulletin board with women, go start your own for the fellas, and you can just have a jolly old back-slapping time talking about how good you are at keeping them women in their place, and how you are "priests" in your home, and all of the rest of the stupid unChristian ideas you have.

I'm sure you guys do a lot of discussing off-line as it is, so why don't you just start up some public forum for men only and go at it? Sermon Audio is not going to kick the women off from here, so you're just going to have to either get over it, or just don't post here if it bothers you so much.

Or go talk to your mother. Maybe she can give you some advice.

Survey12/29/06 5:50 PM
Abigail's progeny | we're everywhere  Find all comments by Abigail's progeny
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"keep up the free publicity!"

Yeah. OJ got a lot of free publicity also.

Survey12/29/06 3:46 PM
Abigail's progeny | we're everywhere  Find all comments by Abigail's progeny
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MBL, God mocker?

You demonstrate no fruit of the spirit, no self-control, your venom and hatred freely expressed for women is not Christian in any way.

In fact, I think FEMA built their concentration camps with people like you in mind, but all of us will suffer, which is why you are such a good soldier for Satan.

You exceed the worst stereotype any Christ hater could conceive to mock and deride a Christian.

You completely cause the way of God to be evil spoken of, a tare among the wheat if ever there was one, a wolf in wolf's clothing, and you don't fool any true believers at all. Woman-haters may gravitate to your side, of which the world is full, and I doubt your "church" has anything but homos and wife beaters in it, if that. More likely there's NOBODY.

Remember obnoxious Nabal and what happened to him for acting not even half as wickedly as you. The Lord rebuke you!

News Item12/27/06 1:22 PM
Abigail's progeny  Find all comments by Abigail's progeny
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Great post, Cindy, on the pope!

If we had a few more posters like you on SA, we might be able to straighten out some of these Papist, Judaizing, No-Bible, Bible-hating (ie Dispensationalists), cowardly (ie pretribber rapturists), Fatalistic, Antinomian, misogynist, obnoxious back-slappers who hog up the forums, push everybody off the page, and think they own the place!

News Item12/25/06 1:36 PM
Abigail's progeny  Find all comments by Abigail's progeny
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"The more feminized the non-RC churches and denominations become (and they are!), the easier it is for them."

What do you mean by this cruel remark?
You make it seem like the women have taken over the church and corrupted it. This is just evil speaking.

It so happens that men who are feminine, homosexual, that these men HATE women.

The problem in the church is lack of love, especially for the women. If the women were all to leave, there'd be very little church left.

So quit with the hateful talk against Christian women. We're not to blame for what's wrong with the church. The church is owned and run by men, so how can it be "feminized" -- except that femmy men are more and more appearing in the pulpits, men who by the way HATE women (except maybe for their mothers).

Christian women don't agree with so-called women's lib. What's liberating about working in a crummy job and letting somebody else raise your kids, or to have the "right" to fight and die in Iraq, to leave the kids motherless?

Gloria Steinem was Illuminati, CIA. It's all part of the Devil's plan to destroy America. People who join in this sex baiting are just playing into the hands of Satan.

Survey12/22/06 11:19 AM
Abigail's progeny  Find all comments by Abigail's progeny
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D, one more thing about the way JD posts.

Not only will JD deny he ever said such and such, but he will refuse to clarify what he meant to say or did say.

He will just keep calling you a liar.

Utter craziness and lunacy. Don't subject yourself to it is my advice.

Survey12/22/06 11:14 AM
Abigail's progeny  Find all comments by Abigail's progeny
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JD, it doesn't matter what thread you are posting on. Nobody wants to talk to you or read your postings -- except perhaps Mark Lawless and I doubt he has time to read your blather either.

But he may call you Brother. I know he would never call me Sister.

You two deserve each other.

Survey12/22/06 11:03 AM
Abigail's progeny | Everywhere  Find all comments by Abigail's progeny
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D, I recommend you NOT get into a discussion with JD. He will try to snowjob you with a literal flurry of parsed words, lots of words. When you sort through them and see where he's coming from, reply back to him, he will deny he ever said any such thing. When he's getting backed into a corner, he starts posting a slew of irrelevant Bible verses and ends with "God's Word is wonderful! Now you see!"

You'll get absolutely nowhere with him, as others can attest. You'll be going back through all his old posts trying to find his quotes, and even then you'll have to repost them at least 10 times before he stops calling you a liar.

He just slings his crazy heresies around all over the board. Most people don't read his posts, so he gets away with it, and nobody wants to try to discuss anything with him because he'll call them Satanic, liars, slanderers, and all kinds of other names, not nice.

He is not a nice person.

I've been posting on SA for several years, and if you have any questions about JD just ask me because I've been through it all with him. He kind of fools people at first because he puts in remarks like "God's Word is wonderful!" and "God is always exact and specific in His Word."

Yeah, God is, but JD isn't. So don't be fooled by his shapeshifting.

Survey12/22/06 10:45 AM
Abigail's progeny | Everywhere  Find all comments by Abigail's progeny
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Cindy, I like your point about the woman who washed the feet of Jesus, dried them with her hair, annointed his feet with expensive oil.

The New Age Antinomians posting here don't mention Jesus much at all, think salvation is based on how much punishment the Father supposedly dished out on Jesus, rather than the perfect sacrifice Jesus offered of Himself.

Relationship is not important. It's dry doctrine that proves you're saved forever somehow.

It's all about me, me, me, mine, mine, and elect, and chosen, and saved forever, and free gift, and all these words they use like hermaneutics, exegesis, sovereignty, regeneration, justification, dry doctrine, mostly all false doctrine at that.

The Holy Spirit is only referred to as being the magic ingredient to salvation. That's it.

Survey12/22/06 10:27 AM
Abigail's progeny | Everywhere  Find all comments by Abigail's progeny
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"The fact is we are dealing with doctrinal issues here among those who claim to be Christians and love God and his word. There are about 1000 people on line here at any given time and who knows how many read the comments. All who do are influenced by our words and our attitudes."

That's right, and JD is the biggest heretic on this bulletin board, and also the biggest shapeshifting chamelion as he dodges away from his wicked heresies when people call him on them.

JD's heresies:

1. Antinomianism

2. He's a Scofieldite, Left Behinder

3. Hyper Dispensationalism which leads to hundreds of "sub heresies" as JD reinterprets and segments scripture, changing the rules and putting the scriptures off-limits to Christians as he labels 99 percent of the Bible "for the Jews" and redefines the rest of scripture according to his version of "context."

4. Baptismal regeneration

5. Heresies on the Trinity, the divinity of Christ regarding who Jesus was and is and always has been

6. He's a misogynist who twists verses of scripture to say women shouldn't be able to post on Sermon Audio, as you can tell his quote above.

He's a shapeshifter, a chamelon, a wolf in sheep's clothing on this forum, and hardly anybody takes him seriously.

Survey12/22/06 9:45 AM
Abigail's progeny  Find all comments by Abigail's progeny
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"I am not for the mistreatment of women!"

No, JD, you're not for it. You just do it.

Because you hate women. And everybody knows you do no matter how much you shapeshift.

Survey12/22/06 8:25 AM
Abigail's progeny | we're everywhere  Find all comments by Abigail's progeny
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Cindy, I think many Christian "men" are mostly slapping each other on the back and leaving all the work to the women. They are gullible lemmings who believe anything that's fed to them by their "bro's" and they are NOT in submission to God.

They are like Nabal, Abigail's husband in the Bible -- ignorant, selfish, and obnoxious. Abigail defied her husband, sided with David, and brought David baskets of food.

Did God punish Abigail for not being a dutiful and silent wife to her stupid husband? No. God killed her husband, and David took both Abigail and her mother to be his wives.

The Bible says, obey God rather than men. If the men are following the devil and are turning into homos and back slappers and women-haters who care nothing about truth or justice or anything that's good --

they have lost their authority!

Science 101: Nature abhors a vacuum.

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