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News Item10/11/08 10:41 AM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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GG- you still cannot give proof from the bible for your purgatory. As for praying for or having contact with the physically dead, the bible forbids it {Deut. 18:11}. Is. 8:19 references the spiritually dead.
The salvation God has granted me I can back with scripture, He broke my pride {Ps. 51:17}, drew me to Christ {John 6:44} brought me to godly sorrow leading to repentance {2 Cor. 7:10} and gave me a new heart and a new spirit {Ez. 11:19, John 3:3}, all by His grace {Eph. 2:8,9}. Your purgatory was NOT taught by Christ, however, He does teach on hell in Luke 16. I would think Christ would have taught on something with such significance if, in fact, it existed, and not in uninspired historical books, but in God-breathed scripture.
How important is the Bible? "ALL scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work" 2 Tim. 3:16...So you see GG, God has given us all we need in one book, the Holy Bible, sola scriptura.

News Item10/10/08 7:27 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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GG- Unless you can prove with scripture the authenticity of purgatory, what you say is nothing more than an opinion. I have yet to find purgatory taught by Christ, the prophets, or the disciples anywhere in scripture. The bible is clear on what happens to those who die, born again believers go to be with the Lord {Phil. 1:23} lost souls are in outer darkness {Job 10:21,22} in Hades. The lost await judgment, the saved are in the presence of Christ. The RCC's version isn't taught anywhere in scripture.

News Item10/10/08 3:45 PM
Enough already | usa  Find all comments by Enough already
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GG, try again, this time using exact verses from scripture that use the term 'purgatory'. NOT from the apocryphal books, which are nothing more than historical. Christ, nor none of His disciples ever quoted from them, so they carry no weight. They are not inspired by God, no prophet spoke at the time of their writings. They do give a clear picture of what took place during the period between the old and new testament, but nothing more should be read into them.
Revelation teaches on Hades, in 20:13, the sea gave up the dead that were in it, and death and Hades gave up the dead that were in them'. There is a 'holding tank' for lost sinners, it is referred to as Hades. But, no one gets 'bought out' of this on...'each person was judged according to what he had done'. The souls in Hades are there awaiting judgment, not a 'buy-out' program.

News Item10/10/08 3:33 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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GG- your comment, 'Scripture is not the encyclopedia britanica and if it were it would be obsolete, for no writing can hold the sum total of all knowledge' could NOT be more wrong!!! The bible is all man needs to follow Christ, live a holy life, and grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus. You have no idea who the Jesus of the scriptures is, for you are void of the Spirit. Yet, you defend a man-made tradition to the death! You, Lance, and John Y. continually respond to postings pertaining to your worldly church, but you have yet to defend Jesus Christ solely based on God's infallible word. "If you love me, you will obey my commandments". Enough said. May God bolt through your RCC deceived heart and save you before it's too late.

News Item10/10/08 5:45 AM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Lance- where is the title of 'pope' found in scripture? If Christ ordained Peter as this fictitious pope, then why did Christ also say, 'get behind thee Satan' to Peter? Peter was saved by God, a servant of Christ, he is not any more 'special' than the other disciples, or Mary, or anyone who has been saved by God. Why would Christ hang on a cross for hours, til His life left Him, then turn around and say, 'okay Pete, I'm outta here, you take over'!! This garbage from the RCC is all so they can exalt their god, this holy father you all refer to as pope, who is in reality an antichrist.

News Item10/9/08 9:16 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Lance, Christ NEVER gave authority to Peter, or any man on earth over the bride HE PAID FOR WITH HIS BLOOD!! Peter NEVER calls himself pope, that term is found NOWHERE in scripture. Peter refers to himself as an elder {1 Peter 5:1}, which means pastor, or preacher. The rock Christ builds His church on is symbolic Lance, Jesus refers to the solid foundation on which His church stands, He being the chief cornerstone. That is why the gates of Hades cannot prevail against it. Do you think any mortal man can withstand the forces of evil? Peter could never fight off the wiles of Satan and his demonic forces apart from the true Rock, Christ, nor can any pope. Only the true rock of the church, Jesus Christ, can empower his bride to overcome the evil one. Christ is the rock Lance, both spiritually and symbolically, not Peter. Again, the RCC twists the scriptures so their pope will receive man's glory, instead of giving it all to the One who deserves it all. Christ says, 'upon this rock'; notice He doesn't say 'upon you Peter', this is where the heresy lies with the RCC.

News Item10/9/08 6:34 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Lance, who do you follow, the pope, or Jesus Christ? Who is your allegience to? Where is your heart? If your heart belonged to Christ, you would never defend a religion based on lies. You think you're saved because a church tells you to do this, and this, and this, and presto...instant salvation! Salvation is a gift; have you ever received a gift Lance? Did you have to do anything to get that unexpected, undeserved gift? God Almighty is the only one who could give the gift of eternal life, not based on a work, a promise, a choice, a decision...but based on His grace! When and if you ever understand the grace of God, then you will begin to understand His plan of salvation. You claim to know Jesus, but does He know you???

News Item10/9/08 4:11 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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GG- what verse in scripture verifies this place of purgatory? Could you elaborate, using God's word to back your claim?

News Item10/8/08 5:56 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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John Y- has it ever occurred to you that the RCC teachings produce godless people? The very pope you defend is responsible for the godlessness this world is engrossed in. 'They have a form of godliness but deny the power'. Those who follow this deception are void of the Holy Spirit, they think they possess eternal life based on a continual sacrifice of a wafer and a sprinkling of water, when in reality, Christ cried out from the cross, "IT IS FINISHED", meaning nothing else needs to be done, no repeating over and over through the mockery of a wafer the sacrifice Christ made once for all. As for the Lord's supper, 'Do this in remembrance of me', this is why we partake of it, not so we may be saved, but so we may remember the price paid.

News Item10/8/08 5:54 AM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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GG- you take delight in the possibility that Americans may have been taken for a ride by their Government???!!! Your heart delights in the ruin of others?! "For out of the heart proceed EVIL THOUGHTS..."
"These are the things which defile a man" Matthew 15: 19,20
It seems, by your statement, you are defiled.

News Item10/8/08 5:43 AM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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GG-May God open your understanding to His truth, found only in His word. I nor anyone who is truly born again do not feel like I am 'competing' with Catholicism. There are different 'brands' of religion, but only one true bride. This bride is scattered globally, and we worship God in Spirit and in truth according to His word alone; we attend various denominations, yet Christ is the one who unites us. But we understand false doctrine, and the RCC is filled with it. You are blinded by a church tradition and the deception of Satan, and will be until God changes your spiritual condition. There is no point in continuing on with those who cling to their traditions, may God intervene, open your spiritual eyes and ears, and save you.

News Item10/7/08 5:09 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Lance, another example from Luke proving God doesn't just open the understanding of men who are or will be church leaders can be found in 24:32,"and they said to one another, 'did not our heart burn within us while He talked with us on the road, and while He opened the scriptures to us?" These men were not any of the disciples, one went by the name of Cleopas. Notice in verse 16 how they were kept from recognizing Him. God reveals His truth to lost sinners, NOT by rituals or works, but by the power of His Holy Spirit and His word alone.
I am still waiting for scripture proof from you stating God's wisdom is reserved for church leaders only.

News Item10/7/08 4:08 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Lance- 'they' were the leaders of His church'---wrong again! God opens up the understanding of each lost human being He saves. For example, "and a certain woman named Lydia a seller of purple of the city of Thyatira, which worshiped God, heard us, whose heart {Greek-kardia-thoughts or feelings, mind} the Lord opened, and she attended unto the things that were spoken of by Paul" Acts 16:14. God saved Lydia by opening her mind to receive the gospel truth preached by Paul. So, since women cannot be elders in a church, your comment is null and void.
You say, 'and so it has remained down to this day', where in scripture does God say He preserves His wisdom for male church leaders only? That would mean no women could ever be saved!!!Lance, I pray God will open your understanding to His truth, not man-made church tradition that does not hold up when compared to scripture.

News Item10/7/08 5:47 AM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Anna, I am not saying we should roll over and play dead if attacked, but there are some who believe we must 'take back' this world for Jesus. This is not biblical. We have every right to protect ourselves as a nation, but to go beyond that is dangerous. The bible is clear on its teaching concerning the continual downward spiral of all things as we draw near to Christ's second coming. That spiral seems to be swirling all around the globe...this was what I meant. If we are racing toward the end of the age, then no one can stop what God Almighty has ordained.

News Item10/7/08 5:38 AM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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No Lance, it does NOT begin with private interpretation, it begins with God opening the mind of a sinful creature to His wisdom, His knowledge. The Holy Spirit teaches us all things from God's word. Reading scripture is a sacred holy event. One should ask for forgiveness of sin before he starts, then ask for God's wisdom to be granted. The bible is very clear on this teaching, you cannot know the things of God unless He has empowered you to do so, this is a personal one on one class, the Teacher, and the born again student. That's what you miss when you follow what a group says is truth. God wants each one to sit down with Him and His word, and allow God to open the understanding of a infinite mind. "Then HE opened their understanding, that they might understand the scriptures" Luke 24:45
Proverbs speaks clearly about seeking wisdom, God's wisdom, as one seeks precious treasure.

News Item10/6/08 4:00 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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It is the pope's and priests fault for preaching and adhering to heresy. "But if they had stood in my council they would have proclaimed my words to my people and would have turned them from their evil ways and from their evil deeds". When truth is preached, conviction from the Holy Spirit causes the broken sinner to cry out for mercy and forgiveness. They repent of their sins, deny self, pick up their cross, and follow Christ alone, no added works, no magical eucharist, no mystical mass, just the finished work of our Lord and Savior as He took upon Himself the wrath of God for the sins of the world. The new creation, or new man, in Christ now walks humbly with his God, being transformed in his thinking and renewed in his heart...he is born again, by God, not by sacred tradition, for salvation is God's gift, only He can give it. He doesn't require repeated rituals; He draws near to those who are broken over their sins. No wafer or splash of water can break the prideful, sinful, arrogant heart of a lost sinner, only the power of God can do this. The pope is just as godless as those he points a finger at.

News Item10/5/08 9:38 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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JHawk, where does scripture command us to 'take back' a fallen world? It would appear you are the one living in a dream world. "Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, and saying 'where is the promise of this coming?'for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation. But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up" 2 Peter 3:3 & 10.
Sounds to me like this world as we know it is going to cease to exist. It is hard to argue against God's spoken word.

Survey10/5/08 4:14 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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How would it be possible for man to choose Christ, when, by our very nature, we rebel? We are sinners from conception, we reject Christ because of the sinful nature we are born with. Sin has power over us, so how can we overcome something more powerful than ourselves and make a choice for a God we run from? To take credit for any part of salvation is to be boastful, prideful, and robbing God of all glory due solely to Him. To say all one needs to do is 'choose Jesus' is to make it sound so simple, when in reality, parting with the sin we love is not within our power. I agree with Charles Spurgeon, "as long as 'ye will not come' stands on record in Holy Scripture, we shall not be brought to believe in any doctrine of the freedom of the human will".

News Item10/5/08 3:09 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Patriot, agreed. We are in a spiritual battle, so our weapons of warfare are the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God, prayer, the power of the Holy Spirit, and following behind our King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Jesus Christ who is coming to judge all the world of its wicked, vile sin; He will rule and reign with a rod iron. Pray for peace in Jerusalem, and for the speedy, sudden return of Christ.

Survey10/5/08 2:55 PM
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C. H. Spurgeon, "Christ Himself declares it, 'Ye will not come unto me that ye may have life', and as long as that 'ye will not come' stands on record in Holy Scripture, we shall not be brought to believe in any doctrine of the freedom of the human will. Now, the reason why man cannot come to Christ is not because he cannot come, so far as his body or his mere power of mind is concerned, but because his nature is so corrupt that he has neither the will nor the power to come to Christ unless drawn by the Spirit." from 'Human Inability' sermon
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