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News Item3/13/16 2:41 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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@ US
While I don't have any personal animosity towards Trump supporters- being called Unloving Illuminati Rothschild Liars who are bound for Hell, doesn't exactly help one cultivate a kindly view of the DT crowd! Not an excuse for incivility and returning tit for tat- but understandably irritating nonetheless! I think, at the end of the day, most of us here simply wish to do what we feel is best for both our conscience and our country and it is always best to keep this thought in view while disagreeing. After all, there won't be a TC crowd or a DT crowd "In the Sweet, Bye and Bye"! Blessings on your day!

News Item3/12/16 5:55 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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"last night leftists came to violently disrupt a peaceful gathering for a rally"
What happened last night was horrible. From what I've heard a lot of the Protestors were shouting "Bernie", meanwhile Sanders himself was laying the Riot at Trump's feet. Unfortunatly, Trump's rehtoric lately doesn't help. It would have been a lot easier to make a plea of victimization if you didn't have a Candidate talking about Punching People and Paying Legal fees, a Campaign Manager assaulting a Reporter, and Campaign Press agents soliciting interviews with Racist Radio Hosts. It's a sad state of affairs all the way around.

News Item3/12/16 5:24 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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"Please, someone enlighten me!!!"
As far as I understand Tony is THBCC. He changes his moniker from time to time but pretty much always says a variation of the same thing and is very recognizable. Last year he was "I told you so" from "Long ago". Whether he is Sneaky is questionable. There is the possibility that someone is trying to discredit THBCC and make it look like he is Sneaky. Just like someone was on here posting as SC and Jim Lincoln. THBCC is so predictable that it wouldn't be hard. "Lyen" is how Trump spells lyin' when he Tweets about Cruz, so whoever posted that probably got it from there. Either way, I think both Tony and Sneaky have issues and need prayer!

News Item3/11/16 4:22 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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@ Lurker
I don't know if you will see this or not, but I hope that you will. I'm sorry I misunderstood your comment to Biblesays- and I'm very sorry if I caused you undo hassle. Others have been speculating lately that JayJay is Geff and since you mentioned Geff at the beginning of the statement I assumed you were lumping them all together. As for rebuking people for honesty; I do not feel the "proof" people have cited is very reliable- especially seeing as I myself have regularly struggled with the spelling of that and other words. (Spell Check is a wonderful thing!). I do not wish to risk false accusations and I think that the content of the post is more important anyway. However, if the moderators said they were all the same, or if someone were to question your intelligence or right to post I would certainly decry that just as much! I personally think that both the "Old Guard" and the "Newbies" have different things to offer. It is an excellent opportunity for Iron to Sharpen Iron! We just need to make sure that the "Newbies" entreat the "Old Guard" correctly and that the "Old Guard" does not despise the youth of the "Newbies"! I hope that you have a wonderful week!

News Item3/10/16 8:45 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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You're welcome, and thank you for your gracious reply! I understood you were talking long term and the things I mentioned about Lurker happened over the last three months. It may, indeed, be others pushing him. However, the circumstances of some of them make me wonder if it isn't the message more than the messenger. Either way, I personally much prefer it when both sides simply defend their own positions, ask good questions, and answer people civilly. I don't mind if we disagree in the end, I just like to understand what Scripture says, the other side's position, and how they came to those conclusions! Have a Blessed Evening!

News Item3/10/16 1:25 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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I agree with your last post whole heartedly!

News Item3/10/16 1:24 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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"I've never known Lurker to add anyone to an ignore list, so what does that say about those he has?". About 85%-90% of what BibleSays has posted has been just Scripture and was not mean or snarky in any way. Geff has at times said things in ways I would not- but how many times does he have to apologize and how many times does he have to be accused of adopting totally different styles with totally different IP addresses? JayJay has only posted short statements from time to time, nothing that could be called un-civil. Lurker on the other hand, has called people on here "fanatics", told them to "sing louder" like the Christians who ignored the Holocaust, ignored valid questions about his stances, and has assumed that other people can not reach his level of Scripture comprehension. And while he has apologized for some of that to me, I've yet to see him apologize for the things he has said about others. I'm not saying he's terrible- just that I think there is a double standard here. I honestly think that like most mortals, he is suseptible to pride, and occasionally it shows. I for one, did take the time to just watch these threads for over a year before I posted, and I have tried to be kind and courteous while disagreeing with people. I agree with your last

News Item3/10/16 12:19 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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P.S. Now you think BibleSays is Geff too? You are coming off as both paranoid and prideful. Irritated or not, there are such things as courtesy and respect.

News Item3/10/16 12:18 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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@ Lurker
With all due respect, I have never ignored your questions or held the answers hostage. I was not promoting anything with that statement- just asserting that it was indeed, a theological discussion. In the second paragraph, I brought up for the third time an issue that I would like clarification on. You posted "So how do we know the books/scroll is a figure of the Decalogue? Rom 2:12." Rom. 2:12 states: "For as many as have sinned without law shall also perish without law: and as many as have sinned in the law shall be judged by the law;". Your use of this verse seems to imply that you think the word "law" means only the Ten Commandments. Is that indeed your position, and do you think that every NT reference to the word "law" means the Ten Commandments? I will be more than happy to define what I mean by "law" as I have already done in the past and I will also gladly answer how I think it applies. However, I did ask first (multiple times in fact) and I do not agree with the idea of withholding the answer to a question on condition of someone answering a completely unrelated one. Doing so hinders profitable discussion. Hope you have a Blessed day!
P.S. Now you think BibleSays is Geff too? You are coming off as both paranoid and prideful. Irritated or not, there

News Item3/9/16 1:04 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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"This is not a theology discussion for the sake of discussing theology but rather a feeble defense of Theonomy by Cruz supporters."
Whether or not the Law applies to everyone IS a theological question. And it has implications far beyond this election.
You have implied by your past posts that God judges mankind only by the Decalogue. I tried to question you on that and you never responded. If that is indeed your position than it contradicts what Jesus said about the law and it makes such thing as rape and cross-dressing non-sins with no ultimate consequences. In the times we find ourselves in, the Church has to grapple with many foundational issues. What is and what is not sin is just one issue affected by the discussion here, and it is a very basic and important one.
P.S. This is an open forum- thus anyone who cares to express their opinion should feel free to do so. And if someone sees a flaw with another's argument isn't it a good thing to point it out?

News Item3/8/16 1:51 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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@Just Wondering
You would indeed have known and those who paid attention knew. On November 21, 1922 the NYT chose to shrug off Hitler's racism as "not so genuine or violent" as it sounded. That was 3 years before Mein Kampf and 10 years before he first ran for President. People who took him at his word knew exactly what they were getting. It's very much the same story with Stalin.
While I do think it is vital to vote for a man of integrity and the Founders considered it treachery to your country to consider an un-principled man for office, that's not what I was referring to. I was referring to the compromising of the standards "Conservatives" claim to stand for: Free Markets, Getting Government out of Healthcare, Small Business, and Rejection of Racism.
Trump supports high tariffs (which led to the Great Depression), Replacing Obamacare with Trumpcare, Crony Capitalism (which kills small businesses and should be called Soft Socialism), and has too many "accidental" ties to bigots. He may have to run on the party platform- but once in office he can do as he pleases. That's why now is the time to figure out his true colors.

News Item3/8/16 12:35 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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"Preaching the gospel is what Jesus commanded His people......not social engineering with a Christian bent."
Just a note here, preaching the Gospel IS social engineering! It has the social effect of teaching people that Government is not God and that is the very reason both the Ancient Romans and Modern Communists try to stamp it out!
P.S. Looking at Geff's post in it's entirety he was clearly laying out HIS position. I don't recall you taking issue when James Thomas tried to help me sort out your posts while you were gone.

News Item3/8/16 12:35 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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"Political activism is a Christian's duty to God?"
Not always, but at times, yes. First, every "duty" a Christian takes up should be done to the Glory of God. (1Cor. 10:31) Second, I believe the blessings and the abilities God gives us carry responsibilities. (Matt. 25:14-30) Of course, not everyone has the same abilities and opportunities, and therefore, everyone's duties are different. If I see a fire starting and I have the ability to put it out- that is my duty. But if a 3 story building is totally engulfed in flames my duty is to call in the people with the ability to put it out- not run around with a garden hose! Right now I have the time, the free phone minutes, and the "gift of gab" to make some calls for Cruz in my area. I do not, however, have the time or resources to run his campaign! If something is within God's definition of rightness, within my abilities, fights evil, and can be accomplished without detriment to my other responsibilities- than I personally tend to view that as a duty FOR MYSELF. Everyone else has to determine their duty for themselves- only they know their circumstances. ...

News Item3/8/16 12:34 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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@ Lurker
My mention of Duty was in reference to the sentence before:
"I would rather lose after doing what I felt was right- than let evil waltz by unchallenged."
I assumed you were keeping it in that context when you said you were talking about political activism not a single vote and so I agreed, noting that a single vote is in principle a form of political activism. It's also worth noting that I was describing MY position and sense of responsibility- no one else's. ...

News Item3/7/16 4:37 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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@Jim Lincoln
"Cruz is no more principled than Trump."
And birds can swim like fish.
Your conclusion is quite fasinating Mr. Lincoln- I've carefully watched and have been quite pleased with Cruz's record in the Senate. But then, if I'm not mistaken, aren't you a Democrat?

News Item3/7/16 2:23 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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"Now is a time for action and principle, not one for apathy and fear, convenience, etc."
Good for you!! Agree 100%!!

News Item3/7/16 1:40 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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@Just Wondering
"But you, TMC, you don't think Hillary would be worse than Trump? It won't bother your conscience that you help put her in office?"
I personally think Stalin was worse than Hitler. That doesn't make a vote for Hitler right. I'm working right now via "political activism" to help Ted Cruz and make sure we don't have to make that choice and that we don't get Clinton. If Trump's the nominee my vote won't matter. His bucketful of negative ratings will kill any chances of him getting the office. If you don't want Hillary, now's the time to do something about it.
"Or maybe to John 8:32 who has called anyone who votes for Trump a compromiser."
If you believe what Trump stands for, than it's not compromise. But if you say you believe one thing and then support someone who opposes your belief, than there are only two words to describe that action: "compromise" and "hypocrisy". Now you may believe that the ends justify the means and that compromise in that situation is right. But that doesn't change the dictionary definition of the act. I understand your position and you are perfectly entitled to it. However, I personally think that less compromise and more steadfast adherence to principle would be a net positive for the country.

News Item3/7/16 12:56 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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... However, it is not when the skies are sunny and the forecast is clear that you worry much over the Ship Captain's credentials. Because I think we are headed for trouble I would like to see a calm, Constitutional, God-fearing hand at the helm. If that is not God's will, then I can certainly live with that. He says He works all things for our good and I believe Him! We're always supposed to be ready for His coming- but I also see many today who use that as an excuse to throw in the towel and do absolutely nothing. They just sit back and wait to be raptured- even to the point of one person I know not wanting any grandchildren and being upset when they came! To my mind, both extremes are wrong. We are to be prepared, but we are also to be salt and light.

News Item3/7/16 12:55 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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"I was talking political activism not one person's vote."
As was I. If I can have my friends sign a petition to get pro-life legislation on the ballot which if passed would save thousands of lives, should I not? If there is a candidate I believe is Biblicaly qualified should I not support him publicly and try to help him get elected? It is the same as a vote- only different in scale- not principle.
"I am concerned you are not prepared to see this nation continue to slide into the abyss even if Cruz gets elected."
I understand and appreciate your concern. Too many think that if only x, y, or z would get in office everything will be sunshine and lollipops! But that is not my perspective. In fact I expect that things will likely get worse no matter the President. In my opinion we're already in a proxy stage of WW3 and our economy can't run on lies much longer. ...

News Item3/6/16 8:50 AM
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@ J.B. Adams
Excellent post! Very encouraging!
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