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News Item3/6/16 8:46 AM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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@ Just Wondering
Shakespeare said that "a rose by any other name would smell as sweet". The "R" or the "D" behind someone's name does not make them good or evil. Let's be honest here: if it is Trump vs. Clinton you will have to choose between two Democrats. Let's say I vote for Trump- if the polls hold up and he loses anyway, I will have to live with myself the next day knowing I trashed my conscience just to lose. Let's say he wins- I will have to spend the next 8 yrs cringing at every despotic anti-freedom action the man I voted for does. And in the end we lose our principles and moral standing for a "win" that destroys us.

News Item3/5/16 5:04 PM
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But that doesn't mean you don't seek the best Doctor, City, Employer, or Pastor you can from your perspective and the standards of right and wrong that God has made knowable through His Word. If your only job offer is to work at an Abortion clinic- that's not an indication of God's will. I would rather lose after doing what I felt was right- than let evil waltz by unchallanged. As I've said before- Duty is ours, Results are God's. Blessings on your day!

News Item3/5/16 5:03 PM
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@ Lurker
The fact that God's will is for one of them to be President does not mean it is God's will or Right for me to support them. Let me illustrate this in history: It was obviously God's will for Hitler to occupy the Netherlands. And based off that fact, some Dutch Pastors began helping the Nazis. They said that Nazi rule was obviously God's will and thus it was wrong for people to resist. Those Pastors condemned the people who were saving little children from the Butchers they felt compelled to back!!! Hitler being God's choice did not make Hitler good. And those Pastors ignored the clear commands of Scripture: "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!"~ Isa 5:20. God's will for the nation is not the same as His will for individuals. We have a responsibility to use God's gifts to the best of our ability for God's Glory. We keep our consciences clean by doing our best to follow His revealed Word and trusting that no matter the outcome nothing is outside of His Providence. When you call a doctor, when you plan to move, when you apply for a job, when you try a church, you don't know God's will. But that doesn't mean you don't seek the best Doctor, City, Employe

News Item3/5/16 5:02 PM
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@ Geff
Thank you! Great point!

News Item3/5/16 3:15 PM
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Just stumbled across this incredibly disturbing story. I would like to give Trump the benefit of the doubt here- but he's either running the most sloppy campaign in history or there is actually some race-baiting there. I would NOT normally link to Huff Po, but their story had the most outside links and documentation I could find.
Not trying to ignore anyone, and I will respond, just thought that this was important.

News Item3/5/16 1:50 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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My thoughts:
There is a logical inconsistency in that. Taken to it's conclusion, the idea that it is fighting God's will to vote for someone in the Primary who does not become the Nominee means that voting for someone in the General who does not become the President is also fighting God's will. All we can do is try to make the best use of the abilities and responsibilities God has given us. If I try to help a sick animal and it dies was I fighting God's will- or "regarding the life of [my] beast"? (Pro. 12:10) I can't know God's will- but I can know what is right and what is wrong. Just my two cents.

News Item3/5/16 12:56 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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...We said we supported Small Business- so we voted for the Perfect Specimen of Corrupt Crony Capitalism (or Soft Socialism). The very kind of "businessman" that conspires with Government to regulate the little guy out of existence. I could go on. People think that Trump can't be bought. They fail to realize that the strings between Corrupt Government and Corrupt Business are attached at BOTH ends. This is about far more than a foul mouth and a loose life. Supporting Trump doesn't just kick Social Conservatives under the bus. It guts the standing of All Conservatives. It tells the world that American Conservatives think they are best represented by a Vain, Nationalistic, Bully who supports everything and stands for nothing but his own glory. I, for one, refuse to take any part in that.

News Item3/5/16 12:56 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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I think I've stated my opinion on Biblical standards for voting often enough that everyone knows where I stand. But all that aside, I was raised under the impression that Conservatives in general stood for something. That we wanted to "conserve" something- the capitalism, freedoms and small government ideals that the country started with. But if we put up a man like Trump as the best representation of our ideas, how can we say that? The GOP establishment hasn't stood for anything for a long time- I get that. But we can't blame the establishment for Trump. We will have to acknowledge that "We the People" said we wanted Government out of Healthcare- and endorsed a man running on Single Payer. We said we wanted Government out of the Marketplace- but we caved to the promise that more Government involvement would make America Great Again. ...

News Item3/5/16 10:53 AM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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@ Penny
"and then there's glenn becks comment regarding using a knife..."

That is totally false. I was listening live when this went down. Glenn was making a point about how he would have answered a question the moderators asked the candidates and accidently used the phrase "sitting in their shoes". His co-host Stu who was in Dallas (Glenn's at CPAC in Washington) interupted him and started teasing him about that statement, taking up all the time before a commerical break and not allowing Glenn to finish. Glenn cut in and said if he were down there in Dallas he would be stabbing Stu at that point. It was a joke directed at a co-host and reputable news sites have already retracted the story. Facts matter and Slandering someone shouldn't be taken lightly.

News Item3/4/16 3:45 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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John Yurich wrote:
"the entire Catholic Church is not unchristian but is only partially unchristian."

Or one could say: The entire pot of water is not cold but is only partially cold.
"So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth." Rev. 3:16

News Item3/4/16 3:43 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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There are Secret Societies such as the Masons.
There are not, however, Secret Societies that control the destines of Nations.
That is 100% in the Lord's hands and He has made His opinion on the matter quite clear:
"Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us. He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision. Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure."~ Psalms 2:1-5
Also relevant:
"Let your speech be alway with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man."~ Col. 4:6

News Item3/3/16 1:42 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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At midnight this thread will drop off the app I'm using and my web browser always thinks I was the last to post, so I won't be able to respond if this discussion continues tomorrow. Just so no one thinks I'm ignoring them! This has been quite interesting and I hope everyone has a Blessed week! I plan on using my spare time the next couple weeks to make calls for the Cruz campaign, so I likely won't be on here as much.

News Item3/3/16 1:41 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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@ James Thomas
"By what means does God judge? The law."
I agree- Where I disagree with Lurker is whether God only uses the 10 Commandments to judge men. Whether actions not listed in the 10 commandments, but condemned in other parts of the law are sin and judged as such by the Lord. For instance, the Lord calls cross-dressers an "abomination" in Deut. 22:5, but according to the Bible's definition of "sin" as the violation of the law and Lurker's definition of the law as only the Decalogue, than cross-dressing would not be sin and would not be judged!
"Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil." Eccl. 12:13-14
Thank you for defining OOS! Makes more sense now!

News Item3/3/16 1:40 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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@ Bible Says
A Hearty Amen to That!!!

@ B. McCausland

@ JohnUK

News Item3/2/16 4:50 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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"His father spoke about his son being crowned King... I listened to the tape"
So is there another source than that horribly butchered 10 min. clip? That's all I've been able to find and with that kind of edit job I could make Obama sound like a Strict Conservative! I've heard him both on here and in person and I've never heard him even imply such a thing.
"...and I don't believe a word he says."
While that is certainly your decision, please apply the same standard to Trump. Trump has lied about his support for both Syria and Libya and has 76% percent of his statements rated as false according to Politifact. He's also publicly indicated that what he's running on is negotiable. Why should anyone trust him?
"he is the ONLY one in race that can defeat hitlerbeast"
Not true. The RCP average has Clinton beating Trump +3.0, Cruz beating Clinton +1.5 and Rubio beating Clinton +5.0.
While you and I may disagree on some things, I appreciate that you do not use the SCREAMING methods of others to make your arguments!

News Item3/2/16 4:49 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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@ Penny
"Cruz's wife was on CFR committee working on North American Union, (open borders, amnesty are useful tools for this)"
That's not quite true. The commitee she worked on was talking about private sector co-operation in North America, as she clearly stated in her added comments to the report. Not open borders. She joined the CFR for a short time to slow down their agenda. And it is more than worth noting that the exact same year as that report-2004- Cruz himself was fighting The Mexican Gov., The G.W. Bush Admin. and The World Court for our National Sovereignty in the Supreme Court Medellin case. That case, which Cruz both argued and won, provides us with important precedent for keeping other NWO-type stuff at bay. ...

News Item3/2/16 1:03 PM
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3. "Moses was baptized in the cloud and sea on the order of JB's baptism for the remission of sin."
First off, I can't find any scripture that explicitly says such a thing. Secondly, baptism is a sign of Justification- not a means of it that can make us temporarily sinless. Thirdly, Rev. 5:3 says: "And no man in heaven, nor in earth, neither under the earth, was able to open the book, neither to look thereon.". Surely Moses is either "in heaven" or "under the earth" yet there was still found "no man" who could "look thereon".
4. "I'm fairly settled the Decalogue is the measure of God's righteousness by which all under the law will be judged"
My thoughts are as follows- Jesus came to save us from our sins and those who die in their sins without Christ's imputed righteousness are justly condemned to hell. How does scripture tell us to define sin? 1 John 3:4- "...for sin is the transgression of the law.". As I said earlier, I don't feel comfortable reading less than all of God's commands into the word "law". (Matt 5:17-19) And as Jesus taught in the NT, that means the spirit, not just the letter, of His law.
At any rate, it has been interesting discussing these things, even if we don't agree! Blessings!

News Item3/2/16 1:03 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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@ Lurker
1. "So how do we know the books/scroll is a figure of the Decalogue? Rom 2:12."
If I understand you correctly you think the scroll equals the books equals the law equals the Decalogue? I honestly can't find any thing that leads me to assume that "law" means only the Decalogue. In Luke 10:26-28 Jesus asks a lawyer what is written in the "law" (using the exact same Greek word-"Nomo" as Paul used in Rom. 2) The lawyer responds by quoteing Deut 6:5 (not the Decalogue) and Jesus says "Thou hast answered right". When tempted by Satan, Jesus cited Deut 8:3, Deut 6:16, and Deut 6:13- not the Decalogue. While it is true that the Decalogue is both part of, and a summary of, the law it is not the entirety of it. And of the summaries of the law, Jesus cited Deut. 6:5 and Lev. 19:18 and said "On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets." Matt. 22:40 He did not point to the Decalogue and say the same. Have I missed a verse somewhere?
2. "OOS but if the scroll is not the Decalogue... what?"
Not sure what "OOS" stands for- But if your asking what I think is in the scroll, than this is my answer. I take the scripture regarding it at face value and think what is in the scroll is neither known nor guessable. The Lord did not choose to reveal it to us. ...

News Item3/2/16 1:02 PM
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@B. McCausland
Thank you! Your thoughts were quite interesting!

News Item3/2/16 1:01 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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@ John UK
"Well it would be, but for the Holy Ghost, the great joy-giver, and but for Jesus the great peace-giver, and but for the Father, whose will is accomplished throughout the earth."
That is certainly the correct attitude! The good thing about such trying times is that it forces one to truly know what they believe- not just go with the traditional flow! Sounds very similar to Pre-Reformation Scotland. May the Lord raise Christians with the heart of Knox. Christians of prayer who storm the gates of Heaven for their country men's souls, and Christians of action who are not ashamed to preach the Gospel!
Hopefully y'all can leave the EU- with the way it currently seems to work, the EU looks more like a suicide pact than anything else!
By the way, you mentioned earlier that you wanted to learn more about church history. If you're interested, you may wish to look into "Sketches from Church History" by S.M. Houghton. It is both very manageable and very comprehensive!
May you have a Blessed week!
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