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News Item1/4/18 11:55 AM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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Mr. Darrius Hill is just one more example of an American "theology" professor who teaches his students just about everything except what he is suppossed to teach them, the Bible. I would be interested in hearing his explanation why less than 10% of African Americans supported Hillary Clinton. Black theology? White theology? God have mercy upon us before it's too late.

News Item1/4/18 6:11 AM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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Any country which prides its self in being a christian nation has no reason whatsoever to be a member of the UN. Its agenda not only violates ones constitution, but worse, it runs contrary to the Word of God.

News Item12/30/17 4:19 AM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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The very fact that hardly anyone even mentions that groups like the CFR and NSS are violations of the Constitution of the United States and how that anyone who is a member of these groups should not be allowed to run for office is just one more example of how far we have lost our moral and ethical bearings. But, to get back to the article, what is all the uproar about? Has President Trump maintained his campaign promises to call all American troops home, close all overseas military bases, reevaluate our membership in NATO,in the UN, put an end to the never ending conflicts in places like Afganistan and Iraq? Has he maintained his campaign promises to stop sending billions to so called "allies" but, who in truth are terrorist states? If anything, he's looking to start up conflicts with North Korea and Iran. So what is all the hubbub about? At the end of the day the NWO and Globalist agenda continues to move forward.

News Item12/20/17 2:48 PM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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I was born and raised in the States and am proud of my country's history. But the sad truth is we have lost our way. Too many "christians" today think that the solutions to America's problems are to be found in some conservative or liberal movement. They are all wrong. The solutions to America's problems are to be found in repenting and turning back to God. They are to be found in Jesus Christ and Him crucified. To many "christians" today are convinced that America has received a divine mandate from God to police the world. Where is the Biblical support for this divine mandate? Too many "christians" today are convinced that God is obbligated to bless America. But are we as Americans blessing God?

News Item12/8/17 2:54 PM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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"Capitalism should not be condemned since we haven't had capitalism. A system of capitalism presumes sound money, not fiat money manipulated by a central bank. Capitalism cherishes voluntary contracts and interests rates that are determined by savings not credit creation by a central bank." Ron Paul.

News Item11/15/17 1:54 PM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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Dr. Tim wrote:
What an outrageous lie! What blatant slander! How DARE anyone say that 77 percent of Democrats with or without a four-year degree "think"? By the way, a four-year degree today is the equivalent of a fourth-grade education 150 years ago. A gerbil could get a degree, as long as he-she-it toed the politically correct line.
Dr. Tim, your right about the fourth grade comparison. But what's really insane is that to get this "fourth grade education" they take on massive student loan debt which many end up defaulting on. God forgive us.

News Item11/8/17 2:07 PM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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These are the very ones who should never be able to own a gun. How many American adults are addicted to opiates? How many American adults are addicted to anti-depressants?

News Item11/8/17 1:28 PM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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Would an individual who TRUELY knows Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior walk into a public place and go on a shooting spree? Once again the problem is not with the guns the problem lies with the people who own them and use them.

News Item11/1/17 2:09 PM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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"And when they shall say unto you, seek unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizards that peep, and that mutter: should not a people seek unto their God? for the living unto the dead? To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them." (ISAIAH 8:19-20).

News Item11/1/17 2:02 PM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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I can understand why many christians like myself are disturbed, upset and concerned about this. But lets never forget that we should be more concerned and worried about the fact that for some time now, many "churches" have removed Jesus Christ and the Word of God from their buildings, which is a whole lot worse than removing a George Washington memorial.

News Item10/28/17 1:06 PM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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"And also all that generation were gathered unto their fathers: and there arose another generation after them, which knew not the Lord, nor yet the works which he had done for Israel." (JUDGES 2:10).

News Item10/27/17 3:35 PM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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John Yurich USA wrote:
Oh for the love of man. The Democratic Party is the party of Satan because the Democratic Party platform supports abortion, homosexuality, homosexual marriage and every other perversion under the sun. Whereas the Republican Party is the party of Jesus because the Republican Party platform is in line with the teachings of Jesus for being against abortion, homosexuality, homosexual marriage and against every other perversion under the sun.
John Yurich, thanks for responding!! I was sure that you would not be able to resist. Dear John, I truely believe that you are an intelligent young man, but, if I had a dollar for everytime that you wasted your God given intelligence by posting the same old Democrats under demonic influence... Repubs. on a mission from God.. I could quite my job and retire early. Dear John, one does not have to be a graduate of MIT to do some basic research and see that many politicians from both parties will have to give an account of many evil and wicked deeds on the day of judgement. And only God knows how many innocent lives have been harmed and lost due to their wicked and sinful practices.

News Item10/27/17 1:45 PM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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The Republican establisment was also involved in this. Just one more example that both parties have a great deal in common. But, yes, I know that most Americans will remain in a state of denial and still think that one party really is better than the other.

News Item10/11/17 2:10 PM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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As is usually the case, the main stream media refuses to ask some very basic questions. Well, some of mine are the following. How does someone "sneak" over 40 weapons in a Las Vegas hotel? Is it possible for one individual to wound and kill over 500 people in five minutes? Why won't the MSM mention the testimonies of people who say the saw and heard shots coming from other floors as well? Why don't they confirm or deny whether Mr. Paddock had left a suicide note? Why did it take the authorities over an hour to enter Mr. Paddock's room? What about the woman who went around telling the Las Vegas crowd that they were going to die that evening? Why is ISIS so eager to take responsability for the mass shooting? In light of the terrorist attacks which have now become the norm, why were all the concert exits blocked? What about Mr. Paddocks use of antidepressents? Why did Mr. Paddock wire money to Panama? What about his girlfriend?

News Item10/10/17 1:59 PM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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How many of us know that Vice President Pence's brief stay at the game after flying in from Las Vegas cost the American taxpayer $250,000 dollars?

News Item10/5/17 1:28 PM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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While there is some truth in this article, it could have gone much further. For instance, why didn't they mention that just recently in Syria, yes Syria, the newly elected pariament speaker is Christian. Why didn't they mention that one of the most hostile nations against Christianity on the face of the planet is Saudi Arabia. Yes, that country who we keep sending billions to and of whom the warmongers, neocons and bigwigs down at the IMC love to get cozy with. Yes I know, mentioning some of these things would have exposed America's Foreign Policy for what it really is, straight from hell. Hate to say this, but you need to add the good'ol USofA to the list of countries hostile to Christians.

News Item9/27/17 2:05 PM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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Of course they are going to agree with him. They have been receiving big fat pay checks from the military. In return for supporting "blind patriotism". Dear people, you don't need an MBA or PHD to do your own research on this.

News Item9/26/17 2:58 PM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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As is generally the case, issues like this current one make people either go to the far right or far left. If only one would be willing to do some basic elementary research, it would help keep them in the center. Has anyone ever asked how or why the NFL came up with a rule regarding the anthem and how the players should behave themselves while it is being played? Do any of us know that this rule is a fairly recent one? How many of us know that for most of the NFL's history, the players remained in the locker room during the playing of the anthem? Well, why the change? MONEY!!! Yes lots of money. From who? you might be asking. From our loving caring friends who work for and run the industrial military complex.

News Item9/15/17 6:50 AM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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"The cornerstone of democracy rests on the foundation of an educated electorate." Thomas Jefferson. "A nation of well informed men who have been taught to know and prize the rights which God has given them cannot be enslaved. It is in the region of ignorance that tyranny begins." Benjamin Franklin. The sad truth is that most people know more about the latest realityshow, the latest rapper, last night's ballgame, the latest hot gossip etc. etc., than our own constitution. And our politicians? Well, there loving every minute of it. To bad we are to preoccupied with our video games to realise what is happening.

News Item9/12/17 7:07 AM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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It brings tears to my eyes when I consider the agonizing, heart searching and gut wrenching decisions that California politicians are forced to make day in and day out. No doubt, that before passing these bills, many hours are spent in prayer, in the Word, and in fastings.
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