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News Item12/3/19 2:58 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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It's ironic how they can stand up for abortion rights, but will deny a person the right to defend themselves in their own humble abodes with a firearm. So they will support the killing of defenseless babies, because they are inconvenient, but will not allow someone to kill someone who enters their home to kill. Ask the director of the Baltimore YMCA about how his white staffer could have used a gun to defend himself when a couple black youths came to his door and shot him dead.

News Item12/3/19 1:39 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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I think an error was made in the headline of this news item. It should read: 'British Pastor Receives Death Threat..'
The key word is 'British' because it means all ideas that we Americans have of justice, fairness, rule of law, courts, etc. have to be discarded since we have no idea what the British Constitution is like, who makes the decisions, how laws are enacted, who sits on the House of Lords and how often do they run for election, etc.

News Item12/3/19 11:13 AM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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This sounds true. A friend told me he saw a NY Post article years ago that says retirees average TV watching was 51 hours a week. That's more than 7 hours per day!
He also said he mentioned it to a coworker but the coworker said he nearly makes that average now. What many forget is sports on the weekend, along with movies, special programs, etc.
I think the 51 hrs/wk average has gone up over the years with the explosion of fancy TVs with better screens, resolutions, etc. Sure, many have cut their cable service, but end up 'binge watching' with internet based systems. And what about all the time spent looking at smartphones? Doesn't that count as 'screen time' that even doctors tell us we need to turn off an hour or so before bedtime.

News Item11/30/19 11:20 AM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Thanks, 'Adriel' for that additional info.
I was thinking of what House Speaker Pelosi's Thanksgiving Proclamation looks like: "Today, on a day when we think back to the history of the US, we must take note of the significant contributions that the trans gender people made. Just like our great President Obama said, 'You didn't build that" we have much to be grateful for.

News Item11/30/19 10:59 AM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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That's good to know, 'Dr Tim' and makes me think maybe SA needs to start a Church History section for the enlightenment of all. That is one thing I have never seen any Sunday school classes on, have you?

I've always thought the Baptists were the largest Protestant denomination in the US because they promoted growth over doctrine. They were more likely to promote their 'Big Sunday School Program' than their adherence to Bible verses like those of 1 Timothy 5, how they have a very complete program for caring for widows.

News Item11/30/19 10:51 AM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Let's see...two percent over 5 that a big decrease? I don't think so. It seems 'within the margin of error' used in other statistical figures.
More interesting stat would be the racial composition of abortions--has that changed since 2015? I ask this because the main intent of the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, was to reduce the population of what she called 'undesirables' (blacks, Hispanics, Chinese, etc). How has her intent been accomplished? Just asking, that's all.

News Item11/29/19 2:55 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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I just looked up 'JFK's Thanksgiving Proclamation' and found it easily online.
I guess you could do the same thing for every President, and then compare them.
I think the last President would be the most noxious, probably mention how important a role the Muslims played on the Mayflower.

News Item11/29/19 2:50 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Thanks, 'wp' for the Inside Politics view on SBC. I have no way to find any of this out, since my local new station insists on covering things that burn, bleed, or squeal. A house fire across the country is labeled as important and featured in their 'off the cables' section, as if it was a house of someone famous, or was owned by a company that thousands of its viewers had stock in.
'WP' your understanding of SBC makes me want to suggest you write an extended article on this to be published at WND or the New American. I would add to that the thing they started doing years ago--removing the name Baptist from their church names. That should have been a sign of things to come.

News Item11/29/19 2:40 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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In all the first celebrations of Thanksgiving, religion played a central part. Today, that is not so big a deal. Instead, the secular media calls it "Turkey Day" and emphasizes the stores opening on the big day. A friend told me he saw a huge line of people outside of one store that opened at 2pm yesterday. Other stores opened at 5pm. Another one opened late 8am, and he told me that he went early to get in line, and there was no one there. The manager came out to invite him in, and he protested, saying it wasn't 8am (as if this were a game being played), but the manager insisted. There were more worker-bees in the store than customers, which is usually the case.
I didn't see any churches having services yesterday, did you?

News Item11/27/19 5:16 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Hmmmm...this makes you wonder how much money others are making. I know one thing..the son of former vP Joe Biden made a lot of money overseas without knowing much about it, thanks to his father's job in the Obama Administration.

News Item11/27/19 5:12 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Good summary there, WP.
Add to that all the talk about how legalizing marijuana would get rid of the drug problem? Then they came out with a TV series that glamorized the life of guys with drug labs!

News Item11/27/19 5:07 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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It would be good to find what the founders of this college said about Thanksgiving, and then hold it up for these students to read. But no matter...what the founders said doesn't matter today. Americans of all sorts, not just these college students, 'skulls full of mush,' think that history began just before they were born. Music made in the 1960s is called 'dinosaur rock.'
I heard Rush mention this interview on his show this afternoon.

News Item11/27/19 11:54 AM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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I hate to say this, but I know people who attended this college!
Former UN secretary (leftist) Kofi Annan studied there, as well as the late senator Mondale.

News Item11/27/19 11:51 AM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Right to say that no one watches CNN--that if it weren't for their contracts to be aired on every TV set in airports, they would have only the reporters' spouses and mothers watching.
But...I still know people who swear that everything CNN says is the Gospel Truth. Of course, they are liberals, and cannot see anything good in President Trump.

I heard of the President's rally last night in Broward County, Florida (just north of Miami-Dade County, and south of Mar-a-Lago's Palm Beach County)and of course the local news--not CNN, please note---spent more minutes with the protesters than with the thousands supporting the President.

Their crowd shots were limited to show less 'crowd impact' than anything else.

Note even local news producers and editors are liberals, looking to get a Big Job in NYC or LA (and if they are really good looking women, get married so some billionaire).
You will probably notice the same bias in your local TV news and in your local newspaper

News Item11/26/19 3:13 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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I think it is useless to think society in US will change soon to become more like what the Bible instructs us.
Speaking of society, I just heard from a secular financial source, speaking of financial planning, that 70 percent of all married women will become widows.
Thus, the importance of what James calls in his letter, "real religion" is taking care of widows, and Paul dedicates the fifth chapter of his first letter to Timothy on how they should be treated.
Neither of these 2 writers of the New Testament had much to say about changing their Roman society to do things like stop abortion, slavery, etc.

News Item11/25/19 4:55 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Just check out your local Mc-Ds to see the people hanging out there, esp for the breakfast. Does Chick-Fil-A have a dollar menu or breakfast?
A friend tells me that Taco Bell's dollar menu quesadilla is a really good deal, and seasoned citizens get a free soda.
And you were talking about fries? Who eats fries? They are not good for you!

News Item11/25/19 4:47 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Chile has expulsed a group of 50 Cubans who they think were involved in organizing the protests. Can you smell communism on the march?

News Item11/25/19 2:21 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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An interesting story, though to get more clicks, they took away the key words..New York. Correct headline: NY State Bill to Require...
So now we go to court, find a judge who can overturn it.
We are living back in the biblical days of Judges!
And think, New York State, esp. the northern and western area, is the Home of the Great Awakening in US Christianity. What did we get out of that? Charles Finney's emotional approach, Joseph Smith starting Mormonism, and the Millerites, who persist today as the Jehovah's Witnesses! Thanks a lot, Great Awakening!
And can you check the SA church locator to see how few churches are located in that 'burnt-over' district?
It's like the legacy of the Puritans, a very dead and lifeless area as far as Christianity is concerned.

News Item11/25/19 2:16 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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The beauty of the capitalist system is competition, so anytime you add in politics and religion to a company's behavior, it is screwing up the system. All this talk about ESG companies is ridiculous.
Look at "Tom's Shoes" where you pay extra for your shoes so that they can give a pair to some needy villager in Africa (must not be that Nigerian prince who keeps sending me emails). The 'unintended consequence' of that 'charity' has been to put many poor African village shoemakers out of work. Why? Because how can they compete with a big US company giving away free shoes?
What is also interesting in capitalism is the unintended consequences of a fast-food restaurant like Mc'D that has free wi-fi and a dollar menu. It attracts a large 'community' of people who cannot afford the $100/month or so for wi-fi, and need a cheap meal. Chick-Fil-A makes more money at each location because they don't have this dollar menu.

News Item11/23/19 5:05 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Bias is everywhere we look, and it has always been there. When JFK was President, he committed regular acts of adultery in the pool at the White House, as soon as The Wife was out, and no one ever reported on it. LBJ had a famously foul mouth and had a very bad history from his days as a US Senator (can anyone say, church-state conflict? that's one of his legacies, the fact that churches will not take political stands, unless it is a black church where they have a big 'get out the vote' Sunday where EArly Voting is allowed (which includes free rides to the polls, and perhaps even a nice barbeque meal after, along with some 'spending money'). It's now wonder blacks vote 99 percent of the time for Dems. LBJ brought in the power of the IRS to revoke a church's 'nonprofit status' if they spoke out on political issues. There used to be a news discussion show "Heart of the Matter" here at SA, hosted by a church in Wisconsin, until someone asked that question about nonprofit status and hosting a political commentary series. Thanks, LBJ, for that!

Let's talk about the son of Biden, who started chasing his brother's wife as soon as he was dead (talk about comforting the widow!!), and how he made money in foreign dealings when he had 0 experience in them. Does CNN talk about that? CBS?

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