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News Item11/12/19 3:14 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Find all comments by Douglas Fir
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I hope you remember that anytime you call her a name, like "America's Mother In Law" you are turning off any chance of reaching any of her voters, who might even be the woman sleeping next to you (if you are married, that is). Be very careful how you deal with any female candidate because this one issue--male or female might be the deciding factor in the minds of many women, including many who are married to conservative men. It might even be a passive/aggressive way, a "Pay Back" plan for them to vote for her or any other woman that has D after her name.

News Item11/12/19 3:10 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Find all comments by Douglas Fir
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Nothing in the US Constitution says farmers are some sort of protected class. If you own a pencil, you need to read Lawrence Reed's famous essay, "I, Pencil" to see how complicated it is to produce, requiring the work and inputs from people around the world.
If you drink coffee or tea, ask yourself where that coffee or tea came from? American farmers? Only if you are paying $40 a pound for Hawaaian Kona coffee. Tea, nope, not a US product.
Another farmer in a remote part of the world had to produce that coffee or tea. What pesticides or fertilizers were used? Can you trust any of those agencies who 'certify' that something is organic or 'fair-trade'?

News Item11/11/19 2:32 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Find all comments by Douglas Fir
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I would not be able to post anything here or read anything here or listen to any sermons here, if it weren't for 'screen time' I spend here.
But I think more studies need to be done on adults who spend a lot of time in front of computer screens, besides the ones we know about on back problems and vision problems.
At the same time, more and more things are becoming 'screen time' like ordering food at a restaurant or watching TV programs or movies.
And, when we talk about 'screen time' we must include smartphones that people are using even when driving and walking down the street.
Some have suggested going on a 'Digital Fast' from all screens.
Friends have told me that if they had internet access at home and cable or satellite TV, they would have no reason to leave their homes!

News Item11/11/19 2:11 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Find all comments by Douglas Fir
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Why wasn't this interview posted on Yahoo's front page, or aired on CNN or MSNBC?

News Item11/11/19 2:06 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Find all comments by Douglas Fir
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Immigration reform--what does that mean? Didn't President Reagan enact some kind of reform? What did that lead to? Wasn't the "TPS" (Temporary Protection Status)for Central Americans just get renewed last week? How long has that 'temporary' been? It was in October 1998 when Hurricane Mitchell hit Central America and led to this. If you had children born in 1998, they could have married, had children, and made you a grandparent by now...all on a temporary basis!
Immigration reform to me equals shutting down the border, shutting down all immigration, including the H1B visas given to Chinese, Indian, Muslims to take over jobs that Americans are doing (ask former employees of Disney Corp. who were fired and replaced by these H1B people).
Surveys done in Africa show that 70 percent of many countries there would emigrate to the USA if they could, and they are coming...ask any friends or relatives you have in Maine about African immigrants there 'camping out' and sucking up their rich govt benefits, so much so that now the govt has to cut back the benefits that 'natives' used to get.
No, immigration is the worst mess the US has going on today, the very worst. Best thing is to stop it, just like they did in the 1950s.

News Item11/9/19 2:34 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Find all comments by Douglas Fir
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Liberal women will vote for her instead of Biden or Sanders. They will even see your labels of her like "Pocahontas" as a badge of honor. Anyone who gets such a negative response from their enemies has got to have something going for them, right?

News Item11/9/19 1:48 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Find all comments by Douglas Fir
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Why would NY Times have this story--they don't have any readers out there in 'fly over country' nor do their editors have any respect for them. But it could be another way to blame President Trump for something, and they will always carry that.
A previous comment reminded me of 'farmer's markets' which you won't find so often in urban areas.
The article does remind me of the old saying that farmers get wholesale for their production, but have to pay retail for all their inputs--fertilizer, equipment, etc.

News Item11/8/19 4:38 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Find all comments by Douglas Fir
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Thanks, 'Adriel' for the wise words from John Knox. Today those words would be considered 'hate speech' and might even incite a riot. I would think that your own church would not want to publish them in their Sunday bulletin or monthly newsletter to members, much less add them to their website. Young people would also find them very upsetting, since they have been indoctrinated by liberal teachers.
It would be just as upsetting for them to read 1 Timothy 5 and reflect on how that chapter talks about widows who pursue pleasure being dead while still alive.

News Item11/8/19 11:32 AM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Find all comments by Douglas Fir
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I assume that every woman I speak with will vote for a female candidate in 2020, instead of President Trump. The media is drumming into their heads that 'only a woman will do' or 'it takes a woman to straighten this out' or similar slogans.

All Warren's 'inconsistencies' will be downplayed, and anyone who calls her "Pocahontas" will automatically be turned off.
I urge you men to do the same as I do, to discuss the 2020 elections in these terms, so you will find out what the women around you really think. Only if they strongly say they will vote for President Trump, will I believe them. But then, didn't the Apostle Peter say he would not deny Christ? Anything could happen between now and Nov. 2020, and the media has all that time to continue pounding on this issue.

I even think it is time to consider helping the other Dem candidates so that a guy will be selected for their nomination at their convention next year.

News Item11/7/19 4:08 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Find all comments by Douglas Fir
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I just did a quick search "Sermons by Topic" here at SA and did not find sports as a listing. I checked 'football' and did not see it either. Exercise is listed as a topic.
I guess this means that sports is a 'sacred cow' that preachers will not touch.
I hope it also means they are concentrating on what James calls, 'true religion' which is caring for widows, and I would call your attention to 1 Timothy 5 where the Bible gives us clear guidelines for them.

News Item11/7/19 4:00 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Find all comments by Douglas Fir
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If the US govt were as involved in car manufacturing as they are in farms, we would still have Studebakers, DeSotos, Packards, Plymouths, and American Ramblers on the road today.
Why is farming considered some sort of 'sacred cow' that cannot face the ups and downs that all businesses have to deal with?
If you say, "Oh, but we must protect our Strategic Resources" then ask about rare earth minerals used in smartphones, computers, etc. They come from China.

Coffee? What if tomorrow, all the coffee in the US were limited to the production from Hawaii? It would be priced like fine wine, and our entire economy might lose ten percent of productivity.

A friend told me that he once worked in an office where the new boss had read some health articles about how bad caffeine was for you, so he decided to only order 'Brim" the decaf coffee. Work really slowed down, and he had to change his position.

Sugar? If the US got rid of its sugar farmers, protected by tarriffs, then it could go on the world market and pay much less. Other countries do a better job growing and producing sugar.

News Item11/7/19 3:49 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Find all comments by Douglas Fir
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Funny, but I thought the trend had started under President Coolidge!
Seriously, though, I think President Trump does not need to spend much time on this issue. Most blacks in the US live in states that are mostly Dems, so getting more of them to vote R will not change that state's overall election. And, since they make up less than 20 percent of the population, any greater percent will be a lesser number. Let's do a little math: 20 percent = one fifth, so that is about 60 million. If voters represent half of that, then you have 30 million. Ten percent would be 3 million. The majority white population, about 200 million, has 100 million voters. Ten percent of them is 10 million, and they are scattered in states that are borderline Dem/Rep. The famous 'independents' are cited as voters who President Trump should be talking to.

News Item11/7/19 1:44 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Find all comments by Douglas Fir
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Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, and Catholics can say that the Bible is relevant to their lives. Thus, you see this story, from a Christian website, is missing the point.
Better it would be to ask how churches deal with 1 Timothy 5 with respect to how widows are being treated. James even says that this is the rule of real religion, not being able to engage in endless arguments with others. Just ask yourself, when you attend church on Sunday, do you find widows who are traveling around the world for pleasure (not missionaries), eating out, spending fantastic sums on trying to look young, or do you find widows helping the church, doing lots of good works ("washing the feet of the saints")? Is your family supporting the widows in your own family? If not, then the Bible says you are worse than a nonbeliever!

News Item11/6/19 11:53 AM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Find all comments by Douglas Fir
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Speaking of fools, it reminds me of the Bible verse, "A fool says in his heart there is no God" and also Paul's words about " the foolishness of preaching..."
Think about Paul, probably the smartest person in the New Testament, still not being able to convince people like King Agrippa and the philosophers in Athens.
I think many Christians today they can fight these battles over evolution and win, when the Bible shows us that some people will not be convinced. "A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still"

News Item11/5/19 5:06 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Find all comments by Douglas Fir
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Latest news is that Seattle Public Schools will start teaching that math is oppressive! This is the kind of news children and youths have been waiting years to get. Calculus is one subject that I don't see any use for, but it was required to graduate from many colleges.
The Seattle idea is more about Marxist thought about the oppression of lower classes, etc.
It all makes me think of that old saying, "A man without a plan (or math knowledge) will always be serving the man with a plan (or with math knowledge)

News Item11/5/19 4:04 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Find all comments by Douglas Fir
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The USA seems to be in the control of judges, kinda like the Old Testament days when 'everyone decided what was right in their own eyes.'
As to the previous comments about women, it is obvious that churches have gone along with the culture, so much so that even talking about applying the Biblical Guidelines for Older Christian Woman in 1 Timothy 5 to your own congregation would seem heretical today. So sad. It's sad to see older Christian women delighting in worldly things like travel, fashion, restaurants (again, Paul says, they are dead even if they look alive) when the Bible tells us that they should be dedicating their lives first to their families, and then to good works involving the church ("washing the feet of the saints").
Even the secular world has a saying for this, "The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world" If Christian women only knew how important it is for them to raise their families, we wouldn't have so many problems in our societies.

News Item11/5/19 3:57 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Find all comments by Douglas Fir
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I wouldn't mind seeing children watching the live webcasts here at SA.

News Item11/5/19 3:49 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Find all comments by Douglas Fir
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1. consider the source--I have never heard of this website, have you? Have you seen this story in other websites?
2. whenever they say 'Christian' they are including Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, and Catholics. Many posting here at SA would not consider them to be Christians. Thus, the numbers would be much lower, when I think of all the Catholic Democrats that I know of, like the Irish, I can't think of them being anything but Dems.

News Item11/5/19 3:02 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Find all comments by Douglas Fir
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Here are a couple other points I hope they will discuss: women on the street walking alone are considered by Muslims to be 'working women' so it is OK for any Muslim to attack them. This has been happening in European countries that have 'welcomed' Muslims into their midst.
In Muslim courts, a woman's testimony is worth half of a man's, so you need 3 women to overcome the witness of 1 man. He can say he didn't do something, and unless 3 women said he did, the court will accept his sole testimony.
And what about the tax on all non-Muslims in Muslim-controlled countries? I believe it is called 'dhimmi' which is part of the submission that the word Islam means. When you hear that word, picture a slave bowing down to a master holding a sword over his head--this is peace in Islam.

News Item11/4/19 3:20 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Find all comments by Douglas Fir
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NY is a mostly liberal state; no chance of President Trump winning there in 2020. The churches there are mostly liberal, despite the Great Awakening that turned that state upside down and resulted in the beginnings of such cults as Mormonism and the Millerites (today, Jehovah's Witnesses).
Today that same area of the state is known as the "Burnt Over District" and has very little interest in Christ or the Bible.
The state might even be majority Catholic by now.
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