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News Item9/27/15 9:08 AM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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I also want to remind those commenting that Mrs. Davis was surrounded by Christians throughout her ordeal and many prayed with and for her. I got my information from a brother in the Lord who had been part of the vigil surrounding Mrs. Davis in Kentucky... No one was more heartbroken than him when she was released from jail and made her statement that she just didn't want her name on the marriage licenses and that she didn't care if homosexuals married. Also, I'm concerned that the family groups are using Mrs. Davis to further their agenda. When she was first arrested I spent that first night in prayer for her instead of sleeping, so please don't think I haven't been rooting for her. I'm still praying for her to have wise counselors.

News Item9/26/15 4:58 PM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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Regarding unbelievers reading our comments - They might come away thinking not all Christians are gullible and actually take a closer look at the differences in our beliefs.

News Item9/26/15 1:46 PM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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For NB - I supported Kim Davis in the beginning because I thought she was taking a Biblical stand as a lesser magistrate against judicial tyranny. But, it appears she was taking a stand as an individual who did not care if sodomites marry, but only that her name is not on the license. This is a poor Christian witness and it does not make her a hero. Of course, I hope and pray for her well-being, but I think a weak theology will produce poor fruit. May the good Lord be pleased to help her grow in knowledge and understanding. Amen.

News Item9/26/15 12:20 PM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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I try to check on the news posted at SA daily and I often find Jim's links helpful. So, please continue to post them. Also, I supported Kim Davis in the beginning because I thought she was taking a stand as an elected official against unlawful marriage in Kentucky and against Federal intrusion. But, when I read that she was returning to work ($80,000 per year salary!) and her reasons - she just didn't want her name on the licenses, I've withdrawn my support. It seems to me that if she just doesn't want her name on the licenses, she really should resign her position. I also think her poor theology is contributing to her stand (or lack of) on this issue.

News Item9/6/15 2:50 PM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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In response to Silofolous - Yes, I believe Kim Davis is a Christian and like many of us, she's probably still growing in knowledge and faith. I read a statement of faith for the Apostolic Christian Church and it read like they believe in the trinity. The only thing I found fault with in the statement is they do believe in a spiritual baptism, such as speaking in tongues (?). I'm open to correction if anyone has more information. Anyway, I think it is best to support Kim Davis and realize she's taking a stand for religious liberty that we can all benefit from.

News Item9/2/15 8:54 AM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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According to the reports I've heard, this woman is a recent convert to Christianity, so let's uphold her in prayer and marvel at how the good Lord can use just one woman in a small county in Kentucky to capture the nation's attention and bring glory to Himself.

News Item8/31/15 8:58 AM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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After reading the article it sounds like they took her statement made in good sense and blew it out of proportion. Frankly, I'm glad to hear that she's survived her rock 'n roll years and appears to have some morals. She isn't saying blame the victim - please read her words carefully. Thanks!

News Item7/17/15 2:12 PM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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In all truthfulness, this is probably the best thing that could happen to this family, now the younger children can grow up in a somewhat normal household (hopefully) without the world watching; I'm glad for the Duggars and Christianity in general. For those whining that a depraved program will take their place - simply turn-off the TV and pick up your Bible to read or better yet, have family devotions.

News Item6/2/15 5:05 PM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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I think that at this point people are talking past each other and the topic has become muddied, so I'll be moving on... But I think y'all would do well to listen to Pennnelope more.

News Item6/2/15 10:45 AM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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Dear Mourner, There are reports that the Duggars' weren't completely forthcoming and that the sex abuse may have been downplayed due to the father being a State Rep. at one point. My place: It seems to me that since I've become a Christian (20+ yrs ago), the good Lord has placed me in a position of reporting Christian news and views, so I guess I better get back to it! Also, if anyone wants to quote Scripture my way, please be sure it's in context and you actually know me. Thanks!

News Item6/2/15 9:14 AM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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My focus isn't on Josh Duggar - I accept that he has repented and become a new creation in Christ. My concern is the attitude of fellow Christians who want this hushed up much like the Catholic Church scandals we've all heard about... I think this needs to be discussed and Christian parents warned to be on the look out for warning signs of sex abuse in their families. Also, children need to be encouraged to tell on friends, siblings, parents, etc. who try to abuse them. They should not be shamed into thinking it's their fault this happened or that telling is gossip or tale-bearing.

News Item6/1/15 3:04 PM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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I agree with pennnleope. I'm holding off a bit longer before writing/blogging my thoughts on this as I've just read the Duggars' are planning an interview with FOX News (?). Anyway, we have got to stop hiding things like this because we are Christians and if we don't speak up for the defenseless, then we are not good for more than use as saltless road pavement. May God forgive those who have been trying to keep this sordid mess hushed up.

News Item6/1/15 11:32 AM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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Jules, this is a topic I can't discuss in a cold, sterile manner... I keep thinking of innocent-minded children being exposed to sex abuse by a sibling - someone they love and trust who committed the ultimate betrayal. It's probably best I don't discuss this with you as I'm very close to losing my temper.

News Item5/29/15 4:39 PM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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Just a minute sir (or madam), My position has been consistently one of the parents knew about their children's sex abuse before they became reality TV stars and should not have put them in the national spotlight in the first place. And when quoting me, please keep remarks in proper context. Thanks.

News Item5/29/15 10:35 AM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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This will probably be my last comment as I have limited time and will probably write something in greater detail for my blog when able to, but let's not forget that our God is one of judgment as well as grace and mercy. It's no accident this sin was made public, and I cannot help but hope the Duggars will use it for His Glory by admitting it to be the sin it is and using their celebrity to help encourage child abuse victims to tell on their perpetrators. Josh could probably help provide insight into what would drive a teen to such wickedness - even one who is sheltered from the world as he was.

News Item5/29/15 9:56 AM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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Timing - Perhaps the timing of exposure is suspect, but at least the victims are now adults (or almost) and better able to handle the scrutiny.
I think the young aspiring country singer is trying to profit from the Duggar's celebrity. It's silly to equate child sex abuse with a child being born out of wedlock before their parent's conversion.

News Item5/29/15 8:41 AM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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Dear anti-tale-bearer in Still Waters and Jules,
I don't think anyone is questioning God's mercy and ability to save miserable sinners. For many of us this is a hot button topic because we or someone we love was sexually abused as children by those whom we loved and suffered severe consequences from it. We don't want to see this topic continue to be buried because people are afraid to speak out due to being considered as tale-bearers or gossips. As far as the motives of this fire chief in the article - do we know them? This ordeal reminds me of Amnon and Tamar (2 Sam. 13) and even perhaps the story of the Hebrew mid-wives who lied to Pharoah in Exodus. Hope this clarifies my thoughts on the matter. Thanks.

News Item5/28/15 4:36 PM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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I think "A sister" has a good point. Frankly, Christians should be held to higher standard than the world and when we grossly sin it is a big deal! We are hypocritical if we close ranks on a fellow believer who has broken the law or been part of a cover-up by his parents, but we jump unmercifully on unbelievers who sin and break the law.

News Item5/28/15 4:02 PM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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I really need to do a blog post on this whole sordid matter... Anyway, here's a link to an article at CP which really nails it for me regarding Josh Duggar's apology which I found to be frightfully lacking in substance:

Please copy and paste.

News Item5/28/15 9:24 AM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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I'm one who respects the privacy of others, as well as guards my own. My old wounds weren't better being sealed. Knowing that sharing my experience might help someone else by encouraging them to go to their parents or another adult for help is worth making myself vulnerable on this message board. Plus, encouraging and praying for others who have had far worse abuse is a wonderful blessing. Exposing this evil isn't gossip or persecution of the Duggars'; instead it's serving a much needed higher purpose to expose and help end the abuse for others.
Additional thought: If the abuse happened 12 years ago, then I suspect the victims are now adults for the most part and hopefully are better equipped to handle the scrutiny. As has been said, they should have never been put in the spotlight by their parents.
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