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News Item11/14/2020 7:33 PM
Frank  Contact via emailFind all comments by Frank
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Colin wrote:
I will be honest with everyone here. I have been struggling like crazy. I take my eyes off Christ and it drives me to a cigarette or another fleshly lust. If anyone is unprepared for persecution it’s me. In the end I will stand before the Lamb. Whether He declares me lawless or justified is up to Him. My fruit lately has not been particularly good. Just thought I would be honest on a Christian forum. Hope everyone has a blessed Lords day tomorrow.
Well Colin, it sounds to me like you are an introspective person who realized just how short we all fall. Holiness is something all Christians will seek, but I also realize just how short I fall. But, if we are in Christ Jesus, the below applies.

Romans 8:38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,

39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

He will declare you and all of your brothers and sisters, JUSTIFIED.

News Item11/12/2020 11:53 AM
Frank  Contact via emailFind all comments by Frank
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John Lee wrote:
ISIS is getting nowhere fast. And even if they should make inroads in enforcing Islam on others, the Lord Jesus Christ, in his second advent, will destroy the lot of them together, and hurl them into the lake of fire.
Amen Pilgrim and thank you brother QC for you spiritual prayer.

I actually watched a video of a Muslim beheading a Russian soldier. Anyway, just noting what I saw is painful to me. I would suggest that no one do what I did regardless of any curiousity. It isn’t of course the most painful way to die, but it is the most graphic and they know it.

I would also not use the word extremists, but would simply say practicing Muslims. Someone who studies and believes in the Koran either do these things or support those who do.

News Item11/12/2020 11:41 AM
Frank  Contact via emailFind all comments by Frank
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Dr. Tim wrote:
Frank, I am going to go a step further on your “if evolution is true” statement. If evolution is true, there is no basis or even any reason for any form of morality. It’s a dog-eat-dog world, and the toughest and wiliest dogs will, and should, always win. There’s not a thing wrong with every man doing what is right in his own eyes, simply because there is no concrete standard for determining what is right and what is wrong. The only “good” is survival of the fittest. And why must they survive? Who knows? For that matter, who knows the why of anything if there is no God? Just live your 75 years however you see fit, and as you are going through the door of death holler, “Who’s next?”
I agree with everything you wrote and thanks for your additional thoughts. I have always said that if satan can convince mankind that evolution is true, then he can literally convince them of anything; and I mean anything. That whole concept is indeed that silly and illogical.

Catholic dogma says: you can teach evolution if you want, but don't leave God out of it. I say this because I believe that theistic evolution is also a "total" work of satan.

News Item11/12/2020 11:33 AM
Frank  Contact via emailFind all comments by Frank
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Satan’s goal is not to be tolerated, but accepted by mankind. So a homosexual not only wants society at large to accept them, but also the churches of our Lord to accept them. They have already won the societal battle, but they will never win the battle with true Christians.

It is virtually impossible for a Christian to live a morally peaceful uncompromising life in this god forsaken world. But, my brothers and sisters, that should be our goal.

Isaiah 14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:

14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.

News Item11/12/2020 10:42 AM
Frank  Contact via emailFind all comments by Frank
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John Lee wrote:
Of course, if he doesn't believe in God, then we are just animals anyway, of little importance.
But God made man in his image, and he is of great importance.
Very true brother!

And all of us realize that this form of euthanasia doesn’t apply to the policy makers. Their ring leader, Biden, is 78. In a socialist society, the rich and famous are given passes; it is only the people that have put them in power that will suffer along with the rest of us.

In their opinion, since old sick people are useless eaters and simply are consuming resources, they don’t matter and are simply harmful to society.

If evolution is true, then their goals are also true. But we know that evolution is satan's tool for doing these things.

The Lord will provide for His children.

News Item11/10/2020 7:05 PM
Frank  Contact via emailFind all comments by Frank
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John Lee wrote:
Amen brother! That is the very text I was thinking of. Britain may not be communist yet, but it certainly seems to be headed that way. And believers in communist countries often mention the need for great carefulness in speech and writing, in the books they have written.
Yes brother, I remember in communist Romania that the local authorities had to approve sermons; it was illegal to witness outside a church setting; and it was illegal to sell or print Christian books.

What we are seeing is the beginning of the end brother.

News Item11/10/2020 4:21 PM
Frank  Contact via emailFind all comments by Frank
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John Lee wrote:
John, in a communist country, you cannot even trust the members of your own family, who are party to anything that is discussed over dinner.
Perfectly said Pilgrim! The below will become a reality one of these days. We are to not love anyone more than the Lord; our spouses, parents or siblings, etc.

Matthew 10:21 And the brother shall deliver up the brother to death, and the father the child: and the children shall rise up against their parents, and cause them to be put to death.”

News Item11/10/2020 4:15 PM
Frank  Contact via emailFind all comments by Frank
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The Quiet Christian wrote:
Our Brother Watcher's theories notwithstanding (and they have some merit), I agree with our Brother Frank. Yes, the Lord establishes kings and knocks them down at His pleasure in accordance with His will, which we are further instructed is for our good. But He did not tell Samuel to annoint a President but instead is working thru our broken & tainted political system. It is up to us to work, and He through that work, brings the result. These lawsuits and investigations are a part of that process and work. When the Lord reveals whom will be the next President, it will be thru this process.
Well said brother and we totally agree. It will be interesting to see how this stuff works out. We do our duty and God determines the final results.

Praise His holy name.

News Item11/10/2020 1:28 PM
Frank  Contact via emailFind all comments by Frank
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John, James and Watcher,

Thanks for all of your comments. And my comment is not meant to be disagreeable.

I agree that God will ultimately determine who are next president is going to be. I am told to be in subjection to His choice, but I don’t have to like it, assist Him or agree with it. Just think of the Christians in NK or China. The same God determines those leaders as well. But none of us or the Christians there agree with His choice. To me it would be the same as volitionally helping the antichrist come to power. It will happen, but we will all fight against him.

But, the crime of voter fraud is something that we must ponder and fight against. It seems naĂŻve to me to not see what took place. We should fight against all injustice and not simply stand by and say; Thy will be done. It is a crime and no one is supposedly above the law. Yeah right.

If somehow Trump wins this election there would be such carnage in this country that Trump would be forced to declare martial law and IMO, that wouldn’t even resolve it. It would finish destroying this country.

News Item11/10/2020 12:04 PM
Frank  Contact via emailFind all comments by Frank
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Well, this American will never trust elections again!

We are becoming like so many 3rd world counties; lawlessness, rioting and now election fraud. And of course a Harris/Biden presidency will assure of us of socialism.

I wonder who Harris' pick will be for her VP?

Come quickly Lord Jesus, come quickly.

News Item11/10/2020 11:23 AM
Frank  Contact via emailFind all comments by Frank
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All human life is in the image of God. Now mankind murders innocent babies in the womb and the sick and helpless.

Murder is murder and all will be held accountable before our holy and just God.

News Item11/10/2020 10:49 AM
Frank  Contact via emailFind all comments by Frank
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I remember once years ago watching this fellow on TV whose purpose was to show there was no God and only weak people thought differently. He looked into the camera and said something like: there is no God and if there is a God, then I want Him to strike me dead. He then got a defiant look and smiled.

IMO, that is the same thing these lawmakers are doing in this article and others like it. They are thumbing their noses at God and basically saying they are their own Gods. I cannot remotely fathom just how ridiculous they look before my omnipotent God.

Psalms 2:1 Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?
2 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying,
3 Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.
4 He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the LORD shall have them in derision.

1 Timothy 3:13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.

News Item11/9/2020 3:59 PM
Frank  Contact via emailFind all comments by Frank
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Frank Carte wrote:
I voted Trump and am not sorry for it or scared one bit about the “so called” repercussions from the left and their minions. I will pray for them but if they come after me or my family that will be the last thing those who come after me do!
Your comment was absolutely perfect and it echos my thoughts exactly.

News Item11/8/2020 12:17 PM
Frank  Contact via emailFind all comments by Frank
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All faiths have what I call a cultural following. By that I mean that someone is simply born into a faith and they never made a decision to acknowledge that faith and they don’t understand what it teaches. A peaceful Muslim generally fits that description. They are born into an Islamic family and they just acknowledge that. Just look at all the cultural Christians in this country. They claim the name of Christ but have never been born again from above.

Anyway, my guess is the vast majority of those who study the Quran support terrorism. That would mean 100s of millions throughout the world.

I know their apologists spin their scriptures to show otherwise, but just look at the world around us.

If they die in Jihad, then they are guaranteed heaven and their 72 virgins.

News Item11/8/2020 11:18 AM
Frank  Contact via emailFind all comments by Frank
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Well America is one of the last western nations to have a female leading. All of us realize that was the democratic goal from the beginning. Last night I heard a Fox news commentator say: and now we can hear what the Biden/Harris’ agenda will be. A Vice President isn’t supposed to have an agenda at all. They know Biden is simply a puppet.

I am one that is intrigued by subtle changes and this one caught my attention. Most major changes require small seemingly unimportant changes that people simply don’t notice.

Galatians 5:9 A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.

Once Pandora's Box has been opened, it cannot be shut!

News Item11/7/2020 12:13 PM
Frank  Contact via emailFind all comments by Frank
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
excerpt from, "Joe Biden defeats Donald Trump to win the White House NBC news projects"
PTL❗👍 this will fade into the background, finally
How can someone say “praise the Lord” for someone who believes that women have a right to murder their children in the womb at any time?

Your matriarchal culture is obvious.

News Item11/6/2020 6:38 PM
Frank  Contact via emailFind all comments by Frank
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True story that I have told before.

When one of my daughters was in 9th grade we got a notification they were going to have a sex education class. Since I believe that is solely a parental responsibility, I went down and argued with the principle and assistant principle giving as much scripture as I could. They both disagreed with me, but said they would allow my daughter to not attend and she could do some other type of study. I had told them that I would keep her out of school that day if they didn’t allow this. They explained they were going to show the private parts for men and women and actually give a demonstration on a dummy as to how to put on condoms among other things.

That would have been in the early 80s. I can assure everyone that today I would have been denied my request and would have been reported to some authority.

Come quickly Lord Jesus, come quickly.

SA and moderator. I apologize for my rash and unkind comment below.

News Item11/6/2020 3:03 PM
Frank  Contact via emailFind all comments by Frank
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Why are you allowing me to post on other threads, but not this one?

You are allowing this post, but not the one I wanted to post in response to the article. I even tried to add it to this comment and it wouldn't allow it. I think you must be having a bad hair day???

News Item11/6/2020 3:02 PM
Frank  Contact via emailFind all comments by Frank
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Now it would be wonderful news if they said they shut down Hillsong East Coast permanently.

News Item11/6/2020 12:43 PM
Frank  Contact via emailFind all comments by Frank
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The closer we get to the return of Christ, the more the below will become a reality. All of us have a hard time understanding how our loved ones can report us to the antichrist’s minions, but it will happen. And, it will happen throughout the world. All those not in Christ will worship the antichrist and all those in Christ will not.

Mark 13:12 Now the brother shall betray the brother to death, and the father the son; and children shall rise up against their parents, and shall cause them to be put to death.
13 And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.
14 But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not, (let him that readeth understand,) then let them that be in Judaea flee to the mountains:

Revelation 13:15 “And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.”

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