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Survey6/8/08 9:32 AM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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Hi JD Thanks for the link.
I am always willing to listen to all points of view.
Life has taught me to believe nothing but one thing, Joshua (Jesus) Christ the Word of God.
If a "man of God" falls, I normally don't hear it. I have no respect for any man.
Look at Calvin's teachings, but the execution of his opponent is henious.
Look at what Luther taught but he may not have been all he appears with the Rosicrucian rose and cross.
Even if Rivera turns out to be not ALL he says he was, what then? Many things he spoke have proven true.
I hope he found salvation through Christ for I know God woke many people up who were asleep.
When we stand before our Lord many who we expect in His Kingdom will not be and many who thought would not be will be.
Man judges the outside, God looks inside. Nothing is as it appears, except the path one walks. I know the path I must walk. It is lonely and narrow. I will be obedient to it within the grace God provides to walk it regardless of any man .... or woman, including Rivera for good or ill. (This is of course purely upon faith in Christs work and repentance before God.)
I only judge what he taught, since my own life has experienced more than a few times evidence is within the power of the authorities to deny or produce.

Survey6/8/08 8:36 AM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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Gos light is correct on this point. Merely have a glance at the first 2 pages of Pope John Paul II's Crossing the Thresh hold of hope where he is quick in accepting of the title Vicarius Feli Dei with no objections whatsoever.

Survey6/8/08 7:56 AM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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I do know of what you speak and of Richard Bennett.
I say he is maligned not necessarily due to an accurate testimony, that unfortunately is questionable, even totally outrageous and unbelievable.
I have quite a number of recordings of Alberto's sermons and they run contrary to the whole rapture nonsense in the comics obvious put there by Chick.
My first line of analysis is that
1. I am not concerned about the man.
2. I am concerned about his data.

His data strongly suggests he knew some very significant stuff. My issue is HOW?
Maybe he was a Jesuit plant. Maybe Richard Bennett is? Maybe he read an incredible number of books. Some that are only found in Jesuit librarys by the way.
The issue for me is as long as their data is verifiable and logical and consistent with biblical progression, they serve a purpose.

I have a book of 50 priests and their testimonies called Far from Rome Near to God edited by Richard Bennett. Interestingly a number of priests testify to having had their records, files and their identity messed with to prove they were never priests, never taught at universities and prevent them from getting employment etc.

I find quantum theory helps quite a lot in dealing with these issues.
What about Archbishop Bouffards testimony re: Rivera?

Survey6/7/08 9:52 PM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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It's nice to hear people saying what hardly anyone says today anywhere, be it in church or outside of it.
The Pope is Antichrist, and yet as the many reformers said Muhammad too was antichrist of the East.

I think this makes sense in one of the correct definitions of antichrist. Muhammad denies the father and the son.

Also there is an invisible link which I have been exploring between the Vatican and Islam. There is a good set of videos by a Dr Walter Veith called Total Onslaught which I came across when researching a book I am writing on Islam. You can view them on Google Video or You tube. The one on Islam is great, as are most of the others.
He is Seventh Day Adventist and I do not agree with some of the things he says but there is 95% good information.
Back in the early 1990's I began to take heed to a Dr Alberto Rivera. A very maligned man who I have found spoke much truth, since over the years everything he has said that I have heard and read I have found to be true. He said that the Vatican created Islam and from all that I have discovered it does appear that way. The link though does not come through christianity, it comes from the old pagan religions of Babylon and Egypt.

Survey6/7/08 9:27 PM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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I was at home asleep when my Dad called me at about 10:30pm and told me to turn on the news.
The first thing I though was "This sort of thing has been coming for some time."
When I saw the second plane crash into the building I thought "This looks like a Hollywood stunt." I thought this because of a document I read and still posses written by the Joint Chiefs back in 1962 which called for exactly this sort of thing to acquire international sympathy. This document specifically discusses the acceptable loss of American lives for the "plan" to gain international sympathy.
At that time it was Cuba.
Some of those images have etched themselves into my mind of innocent people completely unaware dying needlessly jumping and falling from the buildings.
True images yet planned images.

Survey6/7/08 8:43 PM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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Thanks ErnieG
That sounds very useful. For a second I thought you were going to say it had a glossary but to have footnotes on the very pages you are reading is incredibly useful for people unfamiliar with the KJV.
I will check it out.

Survey6/7/08 8:32 PM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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This survey asks a broad question.
What is contemporary music? For me 10 years ago I would have been thrilled to have heavy metal worship. That was contemporary for me.
But for the sake of simplicity, I would classify it as the traditional boppy church music which is so very popular from churches like Hillsong and the like.

I used to play drums in the church I was involved in, and it became clear to me what influence and control we had over the congregation. It even went so far that one occasion the Pastor started giving me the whip it up signal when the song was clearly winding down. I intentionally ended the song as I would not be responsible for false fire not on your sweet ditty.
So there is the control factor of contemporary music.
Equally problematic is the terrible theology, repetition and selfish orientation of the lyrics. In short I find it hard to see a church using contemporary music to not be preaching a fairy floss gospel and man made psychology and attracting party people.

Survey6/7/08 6:39 AM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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Reading some prior comments re the translators of the KJV doing such a fine job there is no need for anything else.

This sort of thinking is backing the entire preserved word of God into a corner.

Even if we project the KJV argument 100 years into the future, what is becoming an education in english for my kids now will be like learning a foreign language at the current pace of the change of language.

We must start considering what we as believers are going to produce in our children. Blind believers in the KJV, or are we going to see the desperate need for honest men/women of God who know Hebrew/Greek to excel as the KJV translators did for the 22nd Century.

This is the problem as it stands today, who is trustworthy and knowledgable and gifted enough today to produce a reliable translation akin to the KJV?
Can we ensure plants are not in the midst of translation teams corrupting the scriptures?
Can we ensure we don't end up with another "Modern Translation"?

The church is infiltrated with the very workers of Satan. These workers do fill the most respected positions and hold the honour of most believer as MEN OF GOD.
We have a serious dilemma on our hands and we need to be dealing with it now.

Survey6/7/08 5:55 AM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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Yes it annoys me that many who try to make out that the AV is wrong on this point do not realize that this is the only translation which gets it right.
Then I guess it would since the other translations are nothing but homogenized pagan/Christian traditions.

Survey6/7/08 3:40 AM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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I completely agree with your point Preacher in that Jesus was speaking of Jerusalem in 70AD.
Fulfillment of Prophecy is the great evidence that has built a massive edifice the further we are from the time of the Crucifiction of Christ.
It is like the further in time we get the more relevant the sacrifice of the cross becomes.
It's like 70AD was the gunshot of the starters pistol.

Your point as to why Paul would warn the church about an Antichrist 2000 years in the future is good. Unless it was something present working in their midst, something they could resist and fight against then it would be completely irrelevant for Paul to discuss this with the early church. Especially mentioned outside of scripture when he was present with the Thessalonians.
The Pope can be no other than the man of sin, the son of perdition. It is another great fulfillment that should add great faith to the body of Christ. I guess the problem is very few believe this or even examine the scriptures on this issue as it is politically incorrect.

Survey6/7/08 3:05 AM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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Glad that it was found meaningful. This period of my life I found my apt ability for saying things that was not much appreciated by both the church I attended and the Bible Collage I attended. Putting my foot in the mouth of truth was my forte 14 years ago.
It made me a lonely person though as I became a political liability for "friends" who were climbing the ladder of Church Government.
It became a lot easier to hang me out to dry.
Besides I prefer wafting in the Ruach these days anyhow. :-)

Survey6/7/08 12:23 AM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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LOL Lisa, okay nice sarcasm.
This year was the first year my family and I did not celebrate Easter based upon the strong leading of Gods Spirit and his Word.
It's about time I woke up. I've known of it for 10 years and yet "slept" on it.
My children were a bit miffed, and my wife was tempted a few times to buy an Easter egg, but Praise the Lord our principles stuck and we are looking to next year where we might celebrate the passover where I can explain to my children the symbolic meaning of the whole shebang during the meal.
Living a life for God eventually demands something of you.
It calls you to be a peculiar people, and I am becoming very peculiar even to "Christians".
God even intervened a few times to prevent my wife buying some eggs. She was astounded how blatant yet gentle God was in STOPPING her and helping her remain obedient to our decision.

Survey6/7/08 12:12 AM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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(This survey is no longer available)
Absolutely, especially since they contain so much paganistic fables planted into the story and scene. Even if someone designed a completely biblical scene for anything but educational instructional purposes in relation to say a sermon on the matter (I don't think there is a need to "see" it anyhow unlike say a Jewish Temple layout for example.)It would still be unacceptable, in a religious and church setting.

Besides what is a true church to do, display biblical nativity scenes around July / August? Since December is no where near Christs birth.
The early church never celebrated Christmas so neither should we.

Survey6/7/08 12:05 AM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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This question reminds me of the time I was at a Bible Collage (a terrible apostate one that goes unnamed thus I left after 1 term.) The one decent lecturer who focused everything upon Christ asked the question as to what we thought required the greatest effort in the field of evangelism.
People said "Ahh the 20/40 window" (round the equator and 20 degrees either side). Others said other things.
I sat there my heart pumping knowing that I had to say it.
Responding I said "Didn't Jesus say that narrow is the way to life and few that be who find it. And Wide is the way that lead to death and many travel on it." (My Paraphrase) There was agreement.
"So" I said "Isn't Christendom the worlds largest religion?"
It went unchallenged. The lecture looked concerned.
I continued "Thus would not Christianity constitute the greatest field of evangelism since it is the widest road we can find in the world."
You could have heard a pin drop.
The guy next to me said "Are you trying to start a fight."
The Lecturer (bless him) freaked and called and end to class for a coffee and tea break.

Many will come saying Lord Lord and be sent away very very vexed.

Survey6/6/08 11:49 PM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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John Yurich says "The Anti-Christ will not come onto the scene until the Great Tribulation Period."

The bible says that God will send a strong delusion that even the very elect in Christ would be decieved if that were possible.

We've been in tribulation for almost 2000 years.
You cannot tell me that all that the maytrs suffered goes unmentioned by God but us insipid enemic 21st Century Christians get a mention because of our terrible suffering for him.
Maybe the chinese, but certainly not us materialistic Sunday only worshiping hypocrites.

Do you see what I am saying.
Jesus said "there will be great tribulation".
People have in their own myopic vision assumed that this refers to a one time grand blood bath (and I do think there will be much worse to come eg: Un's Biodiversity Report, the plans for massive planetary population reduction) but it has been conveniently ignored that Great also relates to the grand sweep of time. It is not only great in intensity but in scope.

Survey6/6/08 10:54 PM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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In Matthew Jesus tells us that "MANY will come in MY NAME saying I AM CHRIST and deceive many."

This is a very telling statement as it runs contrary to usual grammatical rules of speech.

If Jesus says "Many will come saying .." should He not also be following up with "WE are Christ."
But no he uses "I am Christ"
Also the inverse of this is that One will come in my name saying I am Christ."
These would be the correct grammatical usages.
The very purpose though of saying what He is saying is to clearly show us that the Many are connected to each other as much as their statements are connected.
That a complete line and dynasty of Antichrists will all come one after each other claiming the same blasphemy.

This of course is no other than the Popes of Rome. And will culminate in the final Pope as well.

Thus as Jago previously said quoting 1 John there are many antichrists. They were already in the church influencing and redirecting the direction of the church towards what would eventually become the Roman Catholic Church.

Survey6/6/08 8:14 PM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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I cannot understand for one second how Christians can say not all ten commandments are applicable today. That is tantamount to choose your own religion.
1. The Sabbath was kept on a Saturday up to around 200AD when there came a sudden shift to Sunday.
This is clear from the Apostles keeping the Sabbath on the same day in the scriptures with the Jews.
2. The change came because a. The Jewish Leaders made a curse found in the Talmud saying any none Jew keeping the Sabbath (on Saturday) should be killed. b. The church was undermined by the mystery cults and changed it to the days associated with Sun worship.
3. Having said that consider scripture stating "one man keeps one day unto the Lord and another man keeps all days unto the Lord." On this matter do not forget the law of love. I think setting aside a day for God is very important. What day that is though is a moot point.
Technically Saturday is still the Sabbath, but is worship on Sunday worshipping the Sun? NO! Just as worshipping on Thursday would not be worshipping Thor, or worshipping on Saturday would not be worshipping Saturn. All days are dedicated to pagan gods by pagans. For me all days are unto the Lord. I though am also trying to encourage my family to keep Saturday aside as a day of Godly investment and reflect

Survey6/6/08 7:49 PM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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Thanks Wayne it's good to hear other people being led by Gods Spirit. It can be quite a lonely exsistence when you have to start accepting truth and acting on it.
Some further points I would make on this "as above so below" Message Translation.
Modern scientific theory actually endorses the Message.
According to scientists working on the Philadephia Experiment this is how the influence into alternate dimensions works. To change the 4th (time) you must influence the 5th.
The more you explore beyond the confines of the mental cage set before us by church, education, the media and society in general we are seriously hurtling to a universal theory of everything. Witchcraft, science, the Bible, etc will be brought to a synthesis and into a oneness.
I've watched this transpire since I was 15 when came to Christ 20 years ago.
I have also been examining the changes over the last 150 - 200 years and believe me the planned destruction of reformed churches and the word of God has been so well orchestrated and executed it can only be tantamount to an overaching spirit operating through willing and duped agents who have been active in the subversion of every facet of society. This includes language.
FYI - Go and find out who publishes the NIV.

Survey6/6/08 1:50 AM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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Pls understand that Pastor D is correct in his comment that the NIV is a "filthy work of man". I also agree with Preacher in saying I'd rather see an open NIV on someones table being read than a AV closed with a layer of dust unread.
I started with an NIV but you only need to study it and major holes and discrepancies appear that will either destroy faith or bring you to answers.
I have personally examined thw entire NIV in conjunction with the Jehovah's Witnesses NWT back in 1992 and was horrified to find hardly a difference.

Staight up you cannot trust corporate christianity to provide an uncorrupted Bible. Psalms says "When the wicked prosper the righeous run and hide."
The wicked are gaining. Satan owns much of the church and the very words of scripture is darkened.
Take the Message Translation in the Lords prayer saying instead of "on earth as it is in heaven." "as above, so below."
This is straight up witchcraft. If you wanted to illustrate it you can impose an upright triangle over an upside down triangle.
The word of God has to be corrupted, why? becuase there is an uncorrupted word, of which new christians are unaware of.

Survey6/6/08 1:26 AM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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Hi Preacher

You make a good point.
1. The reformation did not go far enough. It is our responsibility to see that and keep pushing the envelope as God shows us.
An example is for myself, the church I attend makes me considerably uncomfortable with the symbols used. The cross firstly is not christian. Combined with an X is equally pagan. To also have a circle around the cross is again pagan. I hate it.
There is plenty to which we all do not conform to scripture.
This certainly folds into what you say next.
2.Men taught by men to be men of God are merely hirelings (even little Pontiffs). If God is not pointing daily to life saying hey check that out see how that emphasises a verse etc and expounding scripture in your own life something is wrong.
The difference between men of Pontiffs (bridge builders to God) and men of God is men of Pontiffs stay either stagnant or revert to fleshy teaching.
A man of God though is a pioneer building upon the truth establishing greater understanding and deeper knowledge of God through His word, but never contrary to it. He will also say things that upsets people and stirs up righteousness and godliness in people.
Where is that happening today?

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