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News Item12/17/19 5:12 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Hallmark is on the way out, as far as I am concerned. Dollar Tree has lots of cheaper cards. I haven't watched one of their TV programs in a long time; can't remember the last one.
Problem with all the well-researched Scriptural references to the problem is that few people at Hallmark are using Scripture to guide their lives.
In a way, the world is becoming more and more like the Roman world that Peter, Paul and Mary lived in, full of abortion, babies abandoned in the streets, men not wanting to get married (the Roman Senate had to pass laws to give special $$ to married folk), and even...slavery!

News Item12/17/19 3:00 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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I guess you have to set this story alongside the one about private abortion clinics closing.

News Item12/16/19 4:57 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Next step on their agenda is to lower the 'age of consent' so they can have 'relations' with young boys.

News Item12/14/19 4:25 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Have they really been saved? Who keeps track of the statistics, since they are not officially recognized like births or deaths are.
You could say Planned Parenthood or its friends in the Democrat Party or Liberal Mainstream Media is behind this 'war on independent abortion clinics' because it means more abortions in their 'clinics.'

News Item12/14/19 4:21 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Those who live in the US are used to seeing church buildings at major intersections of their cities, without thinking how that happens and what supports it.
One is the real estate tax system, that allows those 'registered' churches to not pay real estate taxes like the store or apt bldg across the street has to pay.
Also, zoning code allows for these places to happen where they are.
Just try holding a Bible study in your home where 20 or more people will attend. First you have to think of parking--is there adequate parking? Are they allowed to park on your lawn-probably not, zoning code restriction. Some will cite bathroom restrictions, how can 2 baths handle 20 people?
Then you have legal restrictions based on liability concerns--how will you keep out any sexual predators from your group?
And then there is the IRS (which we saw used during the Obama Regime to restrict conservative groups-those who say, Oh, there is no difference between Reps and Dems need to remember how bad things were during that regime).
There was a ministry here at SA that offered a weekly show, 'Heart of the Matter' that was mostly political discussion. It ended when someone added a comment about that church's 501(c)3 status (IRS code), how can it sponsor a political program?

News Item12/13/19 3:45 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Well, this is one way to encourage people to memorize the Bible! I think the Chinese govt has 100 percent control over the internet, so they can keep out any downloads of Bible online.

News Item12/13/19 3:43 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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I have a hard time listening to Hannity since for every 5 minutes, he inserts 8 minutes of commercials, and even takes up time on his own show to sell sheets, mattresses, etc.

News Item12/13/19 3:42 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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I"ve heard that in Idaho, they want to build a wall to keep out Californians! They don't like them moving to Idaho with more $$ than them, so it inflates real estate prices. (Of course, people who want to sell their Idaho house are cheering them on!)

News Item12/13/19 3:39 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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A lot of factors involved here, so it's not easy to say, "Oh, Boris did X and Y, so President Donald Trump can do X and Y in the USA and get a landslide win."

One thing, Boris is pro-abortion. Why didn't the liberals (Labour Party) make that an issue? Well, they were pro-abortion, too!

Like I've said many times here, Britain is so different from the US that there are few 'lessons' to be learned.

Someone here added a comment about where did we get our ideas to make the Declaration of Independence and Constitution?

Well, if you read them, the former was written to protest Britain's control (the King), and then the latter was written much later, and could not be based on the British Constitution because it is not written down!

Can you name any US Supreme Court decisions where they cited something in British law?

News Item12/13/19 3:33 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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This is wonderful news--Cuba is leading the way in rejecting fossil fuels, and no lithium-ion batteries in use, either (which have significant social impacts for those rare earth elements that are used in them).
Rep. Alexandra Occasional Cortex would love this news; I hope she will schedule a trip there when it gets really cold in her home district, say in January 2020.

News Item12/12/19 2:10 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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a sad story to be sure, but it reminds me of these verses:

Ecclesiates 4

9 Two are better than one,
because they have a good return for their labor:
10 If either of them falls down,
one can help the other up.

News Item12/12/19 1:54 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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I wonder if they are keeping track of the many names of Jesus like Wonderful Counselor, Prince of Peace, Son of Man, Alpha and Omega

News Item12/12/19 1:42 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Bedside Baptist is his church, I think.
Notice that doctrine did not have a big role in his leaving.
I think it is Hank Hanegraf at the Bible Answer Man ministry who came up with some good articles about Catholics. I know the ones he describes as 'Cultural Catholics' who can't discuss with you any major doctrines besides the Virgin Birth. They just accept whatever is dished out at their local parish, and they never pay too much attention to the priest's homily (sermon) which only occupies about ten to fifteen minutes. They are into the ritual aspect.

News Item12/12/19 1:38 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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I think a better sign would be, 'It's Better to be Asian' because they are the ones scoring highest on intelligence tests. White folk come in second, then Hispanics, then blacks.

News Item12/12/19 1:36 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Confucius said that everything is within walking distance...if you have enough time!

News Item12/10/19 4:29 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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It is good to see an admission like this being made, since few people know about Planned Parenthood's founder Margaret Sanger and her belief in eugenics. The goal of her group is to reduce the number of races she determined to be inferior to whites.
Unfortunately, the source of this story is the World Nut Daily, so many people will brush this away from serious consideration.
I hope they will pick up on it, in this day of instant communication, just like the story about a Democrat Party candidate for President was revealed by the National Enquirer to be paying $500 for a haircut (or something like that).

News Item12/7/19 4:13 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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I wonder if they will start protesting Japan now that they have resumed hunting down whales.

News Item12/5/19 3:10 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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She is a perfect example of how their hatred of President Trump has altered their brains. I know people who cannot stay in the room if Fox News channel is on the TV. It is sad that they are so brainwashed by the mainstream media.
Another case was House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's reply to a reporter who just asked if she hated Trump, and she brought up her Catholic upbringing. Too bad he didn't have time to ask her about how Catholics can support a party that keeps abortion legal. But I know many Catholics who cannot stand the sight of President Trump, will never vote for anyone with an R after their name.

News Item12/5/19 3:05 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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They obviously have not fulfilled their mission since more blacks are killing each other. A recent study showed that for states with high black population, gun violence rates were very high, as if to say, here, stats show you that blacks and guns don't make a good mix.
Here's a recent headline that exemplifies this:
Training to be a Violence Interrupter in Majority Black Washington D.C., Clarence Venable (Black Male) Shot to Death by Black Male as He Left Training Class

News Item12/3/19 5:17 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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And it makes you wonder about those big turnouts at these restaurants when something else they were doing was trumpeted as being good and godly. People still like to say, oh look how they are closed on SUndays, as if that were the only thing that mattered. Really, is Sunday Observance important to you? Do you go to any stores at all on Sundays? Do you drive your car or just walk? Orthodox Jews have a certain distance they are allowed to walk and no further. In fact, in the Miami Beach area, they tie little ribbons or strings to trees or light posts or traffic signs to show this distance. I remember reading of a court case that some persistent atheist brought against them, saying using the public street signs was not allowed for religious purposes.
Of course, if you think Sunday observance is so important, you would also want to stop eating pork, so no more Southern hams or barbeque for you, brother. And shellfish too!
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